Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

In 1803 was in Russia the book Джона Клерка ' Experience of sea tactics ', transferred(translated) Ю was issued. Ф. Лисянским (in Russian translation the book has received the name ' Movement of fleet, in 2 х parts. The composition г on Джона Клерка. Translation from the English fleet the captain лейтенанта Ю. Лисянского ') [Фирсов And. И.].

Whether there are bases for a conclusion about "'взаимодополнении" And. Ф. Крузенштерна and Ю. Ф. Лисянского? It is complex(difficult) to give the unequivocal answer to such question. But such question, and such term - "'взаимодополнение" - can arise at reflections about cooperation And. Ф. Крузенштерна and Ю. Ф. Лисянского.

Троецентрие of authority and energy соревновательности

As the formal and real functions (role) between And were distributed(allocated). Ф. Крузенштерном and Ю. Ф. Лисянским (how by the chief of expedition(dispatch) and subordinated accordingly)?

Probably, for the correct answer to this question we can allocate two concerning the independent forwarding period:

(1) periods of preparation of expedition(dispatch)


(2) periods direct плаваний.

At both stages the formal chief was And. Ф. Крузенштерн, and Ю. Ф. Лисянский was at him(it) in submission. There was a general(common) opinion, that by the basis for purpose(assignment) And. Ф. Крузенштерна the chief of expedition(dispatch) was preparation by him(it) of the project of the first round-the-world navigation. On formal, rules, working in that time, Ю. Ф. Лисянский had advantage to purpose(assignment) by the chief of expedition(dispatch).

' The Choice of the Chief of other ship was given to my will. I have selected the Captain Лейтенанта Лисянского, excellent(different) sea Officer serving with me together during last war in Аглинском fleet, and already former in America and Ост of India; why I also had a case to learn(find out) it(him). Travel ours долженствовало to be long, and safe termination(ending) it needed of general(common) jealousy, usual unanimity, honour and impartial acts. Opposite сему could subject us much rather unpleasant, and can be and disastrous adventures, as all Expedition(dispatch) though consist of the people of the militarians, however was not absolutely военною, but частию and коммерческою. Those reasons imposed on me a duty to select by the Chief of other ship of the man impartial, obedient, assiduous to general(common) advantage(benefit). As those I have recognized the Captain Лейтенанта Лисянского, having as about the seas, on коим we had to be floating, and about sea Astronomy in present advanced е ё a condition sufficient knowledge ' [Крузенштерн And. Ф.].

' The Heads above this expedition(dispatch) and above first of the mentioned ships was entrusted of fleet the captain лейтенанту Крузенштерну, and me is given командование by second. Long-term мо ё acquaintance to this man of excellent(different) talents, former travel ours in America and East India, and most of all desire to be useful to fatherland in the so important case, cause that I, despite of a seniority of the service, with a great hunt have agreed to make the so remote travel under his(its) heads, with that, however, that it was allowed to me to select for the ship entrusted to my management, of the officers and team at own my discretion ' [Лисянский Ю. Ф.].

The different periods of the large business have different "'весомостью".

I shall bring for an illustration of this statement of a line from the book of. Ф. Байдукова "'Чкалов":

' ... I many times touched hundreds well and of poorly familiar pilots, but even more often stopped on Чкалове.

- But why I? You see I a typical fighter ... - have not born Валерий.

- My dear(expensive) comrade! With the unbidden visitor I was filled up to you because to us most skilful is necessary, most brave and most authoritative in the country the pilot.

- Ах, Ягор! You love подковыривать of the comrades. Well what you do(make) me, "'штрафника", by the god? Blind flights, астро and radionavigation, radiotelegraphy I do not know ...

- Will achieve the sanction to flight, will raise superoverloaded ' АНТ 25 ' from a concrete strip - and, consider(count), fifty percents(interests) of the important, state business you have executed ... And flights in облачности is my business, all rest we with Сашей shall ensure(supply), do not worry ...

- Well if so, in the company to enter I do not refuse ' [Байдуков. Ф.].

During preparation of expedition(dispatch) Ю. Ф. Лисянский the financier, корабел, снабженец, expert in personnel questions acted as the expert.

In first, it(he) should choose for purchase the ships, suitable on qualities of seaworthiness for round-the-world navigation.

In second, it(he) should accept the decisions on financial questions: a parity(ratio) of the price and quality to coordinate financial conditions of the bargain.

In third, on it(him) the function of repair of the ships before long expedition(dispatch) laid.

In fourth, it(he) should buy all necessary accessories(belongings), devices.

' After long searches at last have found suitable of court: 16 gun ' Леандр ' in 450 tons and 14 gun ' Thames ' in 370 tons by displacement. Under the documents of court three years ago were constructed, but required(demanded) repair. While court repaired under supervision Разумовского, Лисянский selected and bought chronometers, секстаны, barometers and other tools ' [Фирсов And. И.].

In fifth, it(he) was engaged in selection of the officers and sailors (mainly for acquisition of crew of the ship "'Neva". The staff for "'Hope" selected And. Ф. Крузенштерн).

As far as it is possible to understand, married shortly before a beginning of expedition(dispatch) And. Ф. Крузенштерн expected addition of family and during preparation of expedition(dispatch) was engaged mainly in family businesses.

' Лисянский simultaneously selects the sailors and унтер of the officers for вояжа. Крузенштерн far, and Лисянский holds it(him) in a rate of the businesses ' [Фирсов And. И.].

For the sake of justice we shall note, that all set of these functions assigned to one man (the expert, financier, корабел, снабженец, expert in personnel questions), testifies both to highest qualification of such man, and that Ю. Ф. Лисянский became on a set of the actually assigned functions соруководителем of expedition(dispatch).

Choice and purchase of the ships, their repair, purchase of tools, delivery of the acquired ships in Kronstadt - all these tasks Ю. Ф. Лисянский has decided(solved) practically independently, almost without participation And. Ф. Крузенштерна.

Major questions has decided(solved) Ю. Ф. Лисянский prior to the beginning navigation. It(he) not only has shown itself(himself) as qualified корабела, but also as the effective organizer (chief) of expedition(dispatch)! It is possible to assume, what not each captain (commander of the ship) had such qualities.

Let's note also that to it(him) the large money was entrusted. From the references is not felt, that concerning ability Ю. Ф. Лисянского to dispose of money at whom that of имперского of a management(manual) there were what that doubts. As if Ю. Ф. Лисянский bought already fifth ship, and all purchases were successful; actually, as it is possible to understand, the appropriate experience at him(it) was not. And for whom such experience was available?

In coast of Southern America was found out подгнивание of two masts on "'Neva". The masts were replaced. The history testifies, that repair did not manage any round-the-world navigation. (Moreover, Дж. Слокам, the first single round-the-world seafarer combined repair with modernization of the yacht).
