Additional local tendencies:
(1) Specification of biographic details through archival search and finds.
(2) New interpretation of already known.
(3) Promotion of new versions.
(4) Expansion of a circle of subjects.
"Peculiar" tendencies: "manifestations of fears, hopes, regrets, delights". For example:
"The inventions of Tesla pose threat for the future!",
"The world will become safe/dangerous and rich/unpredictable thanks to the inventions of Tesla!",
"How many could do and how many had not (could not) make a Tesla!" (variant: "How much did Tesla!").
If to sum. Nikola Tesla - the theme is boundless. And for readers and for writers.
And why is it so? It seems that Tesla is personified science in the format of a mystery. And such a mystery can never be solved. Such a mystery they guess always.
Nikola Tesla is a Mystery of Science. Big, interesting MYSTERY!
4.What to write about Nikola Tesla?
Let's go to the third question, "What to write about Nikola Tesla?"
In fact, everyone writes about what he thinks is relevant, necessary, deserving of interest.
However, there are some cultural dominants. For example, a writer writes a hypothetical product for children: about fictional schoolchildren engaged in the construction of an unusual motor vehicle. But in his (writer) consciousness, there is, for example, the dominant: healthy lifestyle. There is no special mention of "healthy lifestyle" in the text itself, but it is based on that dominantity: the way of life of the heroes is consistent with the notion of "healthy".
Will tell my thoughts on the possible dominant (albeit latent) for publications concerning the biography of Nikola Tesla. I understand that this is the version, the reason for reflection. Maybe some discussion.
First, notice that specification of the details of the biography of Nikola Tesla does not lose its importance. Although the relevance of this clarification is not in the foreground. The main thing - is clear. He lived. He acted. He was brilliant and successful.
In the second. Disclosure of technical, scientific "secrets" of Tesla - how important it is? Of course the "opening" of the "mystery" and "mysteries" may yield results... In some cases...
But let us make a distinction between "uncovering" someone's "secrets" and the faithful study of scientific history, of the natural development of science.
Archival search? When and who opposed them?
Third. The "Nikola Tesla Manifesto" (tentatively 1904) announce "the revolution in the production, transformation and transfer of energy, in the fields of transport, lighting, chemical components, telegraph, telephone and other Industrial and artistic fields". "These successes will have to be followed by universal acceptance of high voltage and high frequencies ..."
The major emphasis on the participation of Tesla in the electrifying USA was made, for example, in the book of Margaret Cheney's "Tesla. A man from the future".
The electrification of America, and then of the world meant the advent of a new technological era.
An outstanding personality in the electrification of the United States - along with Westinghouse, Edison and other prominent figures, - Nikola Tesla.
And if you take scientific, technological, inventive aspects, then Nikola Tesla belongs in the electrification of the US (and the world) the main role, perhaps. The new world had a pioneer, there were pioneers ...
Though the science is "moved" by both geniuses, and scientific community.
One of the discoverers of the New World, provided with Electric power, was Nikola Tesla.
Is it not a miracle that young man from distant Austria-Hungary, from Croatia, from the Military (Serbian) Krajina, was one of the main actors in the global technological revolution?!
To some extent, the various biographies touch on this themes, but it seems to me that there is not a clear, universally accepted presentation of this topic. Christopher Columbus, it seems, "has achieved" such "standard" - biographical image.
What is my opinion (or contemplation) about a possible (latent) dominant?
We will focus not only on discovering "mysteries" and the statement "expectations - regrets - fears - hopes - delights" (who will forbid them? Everyone wishes, and has the right to state the opinions, concepts, the points of view, to express the feelings! And the revealed secrets are as sensational as the oak chests lifted from a bottom of the Caribbean Sea with ancient Spanish doubloons), but also on ASCERTAINING, on DETAILED - as far as possible - CONSIDERATION of a simple circumstance: Nikola Tesla - one of the main figures of electrification of the USA and of a world technological revolution.
Detailed consideration includes:
(1) characteristic of a technological revolution,
(2) definition of roles of the most significant participants of the American and world electrification and - among them - Nikola Tesla.
On the first position it is possible to call emergence of such innovations as: generator, transformer, power lines, electric motor, set of versions of electrical equipment, electric devices.
On the second position it is possible to allocate the Constellation of Geniuses of Electrification: with approximate definition of the scope of the activities and achievements of each of the outstanding persons.
I hope that to consider the own wish concerning a dominant and its realization stated in this essay I was able - in some extent - in a culturological essay "Edison. The person illuminating" (9/9/2016).
This essay also outlines the description of electrification and highlights the importance of the role of Nikola Tesla.
Today's publications - from diligently scientific to excitingly mysterious - are designed for adults: thoughtful students, intellectuals tired of work.
To bring "the subject of Tesla" to the level of children's consciousness and understanding?
Will the theme "Tesla-world electrification" so clear, understandable, and generally accepted that in all textbooks-not only scientific monographs or books are predominantly artistic-but in all history textbooks following the thesis "Columbus Discovered America", will be included the postulate: "one of the major participants of electrification in the United States and in the world, Nikola Tesla"?