Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

So, we can call the three major biographers, contemporaries of Nikola Tesla: (1) Nikola Tesla, (2) Thomas Commerford Martin (3) John Joseph O'Neill.

The Russian-speaking writers writing about Nikola Tesla quite a lot. Name (1) B. N. Rzhonsnitsky (1909-1983), professional writer (author of Publications, editor), archivist, historian of science and Technology, (2) Matonin E. V. (born 1964), acting journalist and writer.

"A pioneer in the field of polyphase currents," named Nikola Tesla author of a number of Russian-language books on the history of technology L. D. Belkind (years of life: 1896-1869).

Of course, to name all authors, Russian-speaking, English-speaking, and writing in other languages, which have published works about Nikola Tesla is a very difficult task. So I will confine myself to enumerated names. I think that those authors whose names are not mentioned in this essay can't be touched or offended: any reader, having used "search engine" on the Internet, finds names and surnames of various authors writing about Nikola Tesla.

So, if to sum up some results on a subject: "who writes about Nikola Tesle?", it is possible to state existence of terms and phrases in biographies of the corresponding authors: "professor", "teacher", "professional writer (author of publications, editor)", "journalist", "writer", "historian of science and technology", "archivist", "engineer". The word "actor" was met. It is possible to add to the list also the term "genius" - Nikola Tesla also among authors.

Look at the words "genius (lat. genius)" and "engineer (from lat. ingenium - the ability, ingenuity)"... And think: in those words have something in common... Or it only seems?..

I will in addition to mark that obtaining data from the Internet is accompanied by risk of operation by inexact data (confirmation to that, for example, not really clear or insufficient data about Margaret Cheney). I will be grateful for specifying on inaccuracy if those are found.

3.What do they write about Nicola Tesla?

Let's move on to the second question: "What do they write about Nicola Tesla?"

Conscientious biographical publications (depending on the information sources) are based on sources such as documents, testimonies, memoirs of witnesses.

Different sources are used to describe the different life periods of Nikola Tesla. An example is Mark Seifer: "The Living Autobiography of a scientist remains the primary source of information on his childhood" (Mark Safer "The Absolute Weapon of America"; Марк Сейфер. Абсолютное оружие Америки. - М.: Эксмо, 2005. - ISBN 5699081615.).

Meaningful works related to Nikola Tesla can not do without "basic elements of a biographic design" ("biographical construction").

Chronological basic elements: 1856 - the year of the birth of Nikola Tesla. October 12, 1887 - Tesla submits an application for his main patents: an asynchronous electric motor and a power transfer.

Or. Geographic basic elements: Lika, Gospic, Graz, Prague, Budapest... New York...

After "the basic elements of biographical construction" further mention "plots" (groups of correlated events):

Variants of plots:

"Study of Tesla in Graz",

"Tesla in Prague",

"Tesla in Budapest",

"Tesla in Strasbourg",

"Tesla diseases" ...

Except "basic elements of biographic construction" and "plots" the important place is taken: "interpretation, assumptions, versions".

The variants of interpretations, assumptions, versions:

"The elder brother of Danila: an incident with a horse, a fall from the attic-a fall in the cellar;" with "participation"/ without "participation" of Nikola,

"The year in the mountains, service to the army in volunteer formations"

"The amounts received by Tesla from Westinghouse for patents",

"What sums of money could Tesla receive without dissolving the contract with Westinghouse for the deductions",

"When has died Tesla",

"Tesla died?" etc.

To (1) "Basic elements of the Biography", (2) "Storylines", (3) "Interpretations, assumptions, versions", add a fourth position: "Themes".

The diversity of topics is reflected in the biographic arts.


"The Childhood of Tesla",

"Genius of Tesla,"

"The peculiarities of the thinking Tesla",

"Tesla and gambling",

"Tesla and Edison",

"Tesla and Westinghouse",

"Tesla and Money",

"Tesla and women",

"Personal life Tesla" and others.

It is logical to add the topic "the Success of Tesla and laws of his success."

What I intend to do in the book about the laws of intellectual success, exemplified by Heinrich Schliemann, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison (in comparison).

This book is logically followed after the book I wrote, "Writer's Success textbook. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky, and their lessons".

Separate kits of themes:

"Legends on fatal scientifically technical fulfillments, improbable opening, mysterious experiments of Tesla",

"Suspicions about Tesla: vampirism, cannibalism, arrival from other planets (option: from other worlds)",

"(Confidential/mysterious) heritage of Tesla" and others.

What are the patterns of emergence of new publications about Tesla?

One of the most natural cultural tendencies is connected with mysteriousness of Tesla. The genius is inevitably mysterious. The mysteriousness gives rise to interest. The result of the interest - are the new publications. Each successive publication - more or less conscientious - trying to comprehend and absorb the contents of the previous, trying to make something new.
