Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

- About the grandmother on the part of the mother, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Slovatinskaya, Yury Trifonov mentions: " At one time she studied in music in Wilno (Vilnius)... ", - the Reader(man) has noticed.

- How to name the inhabitants of Grand Duchy of Lithuania? - the Reader(woman) set forth doubts. - Members of the Polish-Lithuanian szlachta? Between the dynastic union of 1385 and state union (association of two states of Poland and Lithuanian Duchy in Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) in 1569 almost two centuries have passed ... The Duchy existed. Had inhabitants. How them to name? At Karamzin's "History" the word "litvin" twinkles. But, probably, this word strange sounded and in times of Karamzin. It especially is strange sounds now.

- Yury Trifonov has written about the neighbour (on garden) - writer, talented poet, literary functionary, main editor of a magazine - A. T. Tvardovsky: " Later, when I have analyzed Aleksandr Trifonovich closer, I have understood, that his character is intricate, I have descried as he simple-hearted and is suspicious simultaneously, and is a lot of in him of simpleness, pride, nobleman arrogance (honor) and peasant kindness... ", - the Reader(man) continued.

The Reader(man) and Reader(women) were overtaken by the amateur of poetry, muttered under a nose: " Legends of bygone years. Memoirs of ancient fairs".

Ahead on a course of the interlocutors the group of the tourists was placed.

In front of group of the tourists the guide attempted to shout over street hum to mention a campanile "Ivan Great".

Machine with diplomatic numbers has induced someone to the commentary on her state belonging.

The votes merged. The words were imposed. The Reader(woman) heard: "...Great... "... "...Lithuanians... ".

- "He has opened great force of unexpressed", - the Reader(man) continued.

On a traffic light green light was lit.

The Reader(man) and Reader(woman) have begun to cross a street.

August 27, 2017 - August 28, 2017.

This translation: 31.08.2017 01:30

XII. The Tale about German archaeological projects of the XIX century.

In cafe - library, founded by Gorky, some readers were grouping together to have cups of coffee. They debated the read books.

- At the large German writer (and scientist) Heinrich Alexander Stoll two books are most known: "The Gods and Giants" ("Götter und Giganten") and "Schliemann. Dream of a Troy" ("Der Traum von Troja"), - the Writer has said. - In both books the speech goes about archeological excavations. Which were realized in territory Ottoman Empire in XIX a blepharon by the famous German scientists.

- Yes, the interesting impression is made by these books, - the Builder has agreed. - First, these books are perfectly written. Thin literary job. Secondly, the literary heroes are interesting.

- What involves attention in the persons of German archeologists, described by Heinrich Stoll? - has set a question the Designer. And itself has answered:

- Purposefulness, keenness, organization, vigour, self-feedback, working capacity and diligence, feeling of the debt, erudition, wide cultural civilization an outlook.

- Heinrich Stoll described the archeologists, whose names are entered in a history of global culture, - the Builder has added. - For example, Heinrich Schliemann, Carl Humann, Theodor Wiegand.

- Look, how is healthy is written by Stoll, - the Writer has paid attention interlocutors. - "Just as baron Munchausen has pulled out itself together with horse from a bog for own queue, and Wiegand has seized itself by a collar and has lifted on the first step of a ladder. Archaeologic the gods have approved it "out of pity and mercy to the man without any merits and worthinesses ", as is said in the lutheran catechisn. ". Excellently! The books about fantastic germans?

- Book of Heinrich Stoll "Schliemann. The dream of a Troy" is more focused on the description of the person, biography, - the Designer has specified. - Book "The Gods and Giants" - most interesting art description of historical destiny of the Pergamon Altar (one of the most remarkable saved products of antique art), story about successful realization large social, archaeological project.

- Ability of Heinrich Stoll to state a material in two thematic formats - "biographic" and "projective" - reminds a subtlety of skills of the ancient foremen, - the Writer has added. - For example, the ancient foremen applied entasis (thickening, "tumescence" of lines). By modern people, the use of enthasis in the architectural practice of the ancients was discovered almost two millennia - has found confirmation in a course of the Pergamon of excavation. Stoll writes about this art ancient.

- In the historically short terms were carried successfully out and are completed scale archaeological projects: excavations, carriage, placings of artefacts in Europe, formation of expositions, - the Builder has expressed.

Politics has sighed:

- It is not necessary to simplify. Heinrich Schliemann put the large efforts, that his name was connected with Troy excavations. That him not "would push aside" from results. He connected press. He actively published his works. Organized conferences.

- Humann was supported by the entire German bureaucratic machine. From the Emperor up to recipients of a grants, - the Designer has noticed. - Certainly, in practice without the drags and hitches did not manage.

- Europe... - thinking about something, Writer melancholically has said. - One of the large German Berlin officials (if to believe art reconstruction of Stoll) explained for working on territory Ottoman Empire archeologist Karl Humann: " The Fatherland should be based on honour, instead of on violence, the ruse hardly will give that calcareous solution, which will save his walls stable and strong. You - christian, and, hence, I can quote to you two places from the Bible. "Let every one who names the name ofthe Lord depart from unrighteousness." (2 Timothy (Second message to Timotheus), ch. 2, 19), - the Bible speaks, and word " unrighteousness" to us is necessary to understand very widely, so I consider! And more one place: "Getting treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor for those who seek death." (Book of Proverbs ("Proverbs (of Solomon)", ch. 21, 6). But I shall not read you the notation, dear friend. Certainly, we want to make our museums large and beautiful. But we want to receive all honestly and anybody, as you have said, - not deceive. (...) With "hurrah - patriotism" will not work neither large politics, nor ours small - museum. " (I quote on an electron repetition of the book of Stoll, without verification". Translation from translation).
