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162 Future Human Image. Volume 7, 2017


Oleg Bazaluk is a Doctor of Philosophy, a Professor, philosopher, political analyst and writer, and the author of one of the modern scientific theories of evolution, that of "Evolving Matter". His research interests include interdisciplinary studies in the fields of neuro-biology, psychology, philosophy, and cosmology. To date, he has published 17 books and over 120 articles, including The Universe: Living and Intelligent Matter (2005); Philosophy of Education on Basis of the New Cosmological Concept (2010); Space Travels - Traveling Mentality (2012); Philosophical Problems of Cosmology (with Illiana Vladlenova); The Theory of Evolution: From a Space Vacuum to Neural Ensem-bles and Moving Forward (2016); Corruption in Ukraine: Rulers" Mentality and the Destiny of the Nation, Geophilosophy of Ukraine (2016); and The Theory of War and Peace: The Geophilosophy of Europe (2017). He founded the International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology (ISPC) and the annual international project "Space Trav-els." He is also Editor-in-Chief of the academic journals Philosophy and Cosmology and Future Human Image, and is currently a Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. Kyiv (Ukraine).

E-mail: [email protected]

Natalia Boychenko is a Doctor of Philosophy, Docent. Professor of the Department of Philos-ophy at Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, author of the concept of counterfactual ethical values of modern university education. Her research interests include the unity of ideas in the field of interdisciplinary studies - ethics, phi-losophy of education, philosophical problem of medicine. Today is the author mono-graph Modern university: value-ethical dimension (2015) and co-author of 2 collective monographs: Being of a human in society: relationship, communication, spirituality. Historical-philosophical perspective (2010), Being of a human in society: relationship, communication, spirituality. Systematic summary (2012), co-author of encyclopedic dictionary Adult Education (2014), co-author of the manual Philosophy of Education

(2009), author of more than 50 scientific articles, including Counterfactual objectives of university education (2016), Axiological and cognitive dimensions of higher educa-tion (2016), Values of the student community (philosophical conceptualization) (2016), Values of professors as university community (2016), Social equality/inequality as the values of the university communities (2016), Moral practices and methodology of their theoretical understanding by means of applied ethics (2015), Philosophy of educa-tion as axiology (2015), etc. Scientific interests include the study of ethical-philosoph-ical bases of the postgraduate education, educational management, bioethics. Kyiv (Ukraine).

E-mail: [email protected]

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Lidiia Fedorova earned a PhD degree in Pedagogical Sciences from the Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine (2014). Her thesis topic is Social and Educa-tional Work with the Custodial Family in the Secondary School. Her research interests are in the area of social work, preventive work with families and especially social work with society. She currently works in the Department of Social Work, Social Pedagogy and Preschool Education at the Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Melitopol (Ukraine).

E-mail: [email protected]

Temyr A. Khagurov is a Doctor of Sociology, Professor of Kuban State University, Krasno-dar (Russia), leading researcherof Institute of sociology of Russian Academy of Scienc-es Researcher in the field of the philosophical issues of the knowledge representation in educational space. Author of more than 150 publications in the field of study of deviant behavior philosophy and sociology of education, education policy, sociology of youth; monographs Consumingmen: experience of deviantological analysis (2006), On the way to crime (2012), The risks of growing in modern Russia (2013), On a precipice (2015), Education reform: the opinion of the professional community (2014). Krasno-dar (Russia).

E-mail: [email protected]

Serhiy Klepko is a Doctor of Philosophy, Docent, vice-rector for science of M.V. Ostro-gradski Poltava Regional In-Service Teachers Training, chair of the department of the Philosophy and economy of education. Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.

Researcher in the field of the philosophical issues of the knowledge representation in educational space. Author of more than 300 publications in the field of philosophy of education, knowledge integration, education policy, social philosophy and manage-ment, scientific work and knowledge management; monographs Integrative Education and Polymorphism of Knowledge (1998), Philosophy of Education in the European Context (2006), Conspectuses in Philosophy of Education (2007). Co-author of text-books and handbooks: Basics of Democracy (2009), Philosophy of Education (2009), Civic Education: Basics of Democracy. For the 11(12) grade (2009), Development of the Leadership Competence in School (2012), History of Political Thought (2014). Ed-itor-in-chief of Pedagogical Studies Journal "Postmethodika." Poltava (Ukraine).

E-mail: [email protected]

Sergey Krichevsky is a Doctor of Philosophy, a Professor, researcher, philosopher, historian, ecologist, former cosmonaut-tester and military pilot. His research interests include interdisciplinary studies in the fields of philosophy and history of technology, of social philosophy, of aerospace activities and technologies, of safety and development, of clean and "green" technologies, of evolution of technologies and global future, so-cio-techno-natural system, environment. He has published 10 books and over 300 ar-ticles, including: Environmental hazard of the Space activities: An analytical review (co-authored with Vlasov M.V.) (1999); Environmental history of technology (method-ology, research experience, perspective) (2007), Aerospace activities: Interdisciplinary
