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Smart-society formation as a factor of sustainable growth and its impact on the formation of a new educational paradigm suggests that the modern world is in a state of system global changes and global human transformation. Breakthrough in the ICT system determined deep meaningful changes in all areas of professional and social activities, so today there is every reason to talk about the evolutionary transformation of the information society. The national education system has become a key element of the global struggle for leadership in the pres-ent-day world. The ability of citizens to adapt to the needs and requirements of lapsing chang-ing world is determined by the speed of innovations mastering and first of all by the level of modern educational technologies mastering, e-learning technologies.

A necessary condition for the formation of smart-society is smart-education, based on for-mation of subject competence, as an integral part of its information competency: knowledge of smart-environment and order of formation of interaction with it; the ability to search and use smart-resources, smart-technologies. The interaction in smart-environment should be carried out in the context of cooperation with the media sphere and cyberspace that involves imple-mentation of multilingual modal logic [Tihomirova, 2012].

Formation and growth of smart-culture involves formation of culture-smart-interaction in the smart-environment, smart-security, computer, and information ethics. As smart-society, smart-culture is not an independent entity: it is an element of the information culture, media culture, which is based on them and develops them.

Smart-competence and smart-culture are the condition of the subject growth and self-growth, of its smart-education, which involves the growth of information worldview and mo-

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Philosophical Reflection Smart-Society as a New Model of the Information Society and its Impact on the Education of the 21st Century by Valentina Voronkova and Olga Kyvliuk

tivation to know the world, growth of its cognitive and active activity in the smart-environ-ment. The smart-society subject must grow and develop, adapt to this environment, develop psychological resistance of the subject to the smart-environment influence in order to protect its internal environment and personal information.

 References

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Philosophical Reflection Smart-Society as a New Model of the Information Society and its Impact on the Education of the 21st Century by Valentina Voronkova and Olga Kyvliuk

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