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Analysis (2012). He has developed and published a number of original concepts and projects in the fields of philosophy of technology, of aerospace activities, of Space colo-nization, the theory and practiceflight safety, the general theory of technology, greening the techniques. А leading researcher in the Department of the history of technology and technical sciences Institute of the History of Science and Technology named after S.I. Vavilov, Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow (Russia).
E-mail: [email protected]
Andrii Kyrychok is a PhD, Senior Lecturer in National technical university of Ukraine "Kyiv polytechnic institute named by Igor Sikorsky", the author of monograph Theory and practice of creating modern model of education in PR field." His research interests include interdisciplinary studies in the fields of social communications, education, phi-losophy. To date, he has published 30 articles, including: Special aspects of using a mentoring approach to train public relations specialists (2016), Analysis of research in the field of Crisis Communications (2016), Problems and disadvantages of education in the field of public relations (international and Ukrainian context) (2016), Charac-teristics of research in education in the field of public relations (2017), The analysis of specific scientific approaches to the investigation of crisis communication phenomenon
(2017), An impact of Situational crisis-communication theory on the efficiency of in-vestigations in the field of crisis communications (2017). Member of the scientific team who investigates the topic: "Tools of asymmetric response to hybrid aggression in the humanitarian field." Kyiv (Ukraine).
E-mail [email protected]
Olga Kyvliuk is a Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow, head of the Department of methodology of science international education National Pedagogical Dragoman-ov University. Editor-in-chief of the scientific publication "Educational discourse: a collection of scientific papers" (philosophical and pedagogical sciences), co-editor of the collection of scientific papers "Gileya scientific journal" (Philosophical, political, historical sciences), a member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works "Scientific Notes" (pedagogical sciences) of National Pedagogical Dragomanov Uni-versity. The author of over 80 scientific works on the philosophy of education, pedago-gy, methodology of science, management of international educational activities, etc., including monograph Information Pedagogy: Philosophy, Theory, Practice (2011) and The Information Space of Modern Education (in co-authorship) (2017). Kyiv (Ukraine).
E-mail: [email protected]
Yevhen Muliarchuk is a PhD, Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Philosophy of Culture, Ethics and Aesthetics at H.Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy National Acade-my of Sciences of Ukraine. His research fields are Ethics, Philosophy of Culture, Phil-osophic Anthropology, Ontology, contemporary interdisciplinary studies in Sociology, Politics, Religion and Education. Among the primary interests of Yevhen Muliarchuk are the problems of human finitude, ethical issues of humanity, philosophic and ed-ucational aspects of study of the phenomenon of calling. He is the author of more than 30 scientific articles in Ukrainian Philosophic journals and abroad, articles for
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Philosophic Dictionary (Kyiv, 2002). Yevhen Muliarchuk is a co-author of 4 collective monographs: Ethics and Politics: the Problems of Correlation (2001, V. Malakhov, A. Yermolenko, V. Gur and others); Ethos and Morality in the Contemporary World (2004,
V. Malakhov, A. Yermolenko, T. Abolina and others); Civilizational Dimensions of Mo-rality: Change of Paradigms (2007, V. Malakhov, V. Zhulai, M. Savelieva); Dialogue: Sub Specie Ethicae (2011, V. Malakhov, V. Darenskiy, V. Zhulai and others). The main individual monograph of Yevhen Muliarchuk is On the Verge of Existence: Philosophy of Human Finitude and Ethics (2012). He also writes for daily papers on the topics of politics and humanities (The Day newspaper). Kyiv (Ukraine).
E-mail: [email protected]
Marja Nesterova is a Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy and Methodology of Science). Her sphere of academic interests includes following: the modern cognitive researches,
Theory of complexity, Synergetics, Cognitivistics, modern management and their re-lations with educational policy; Philosophy of Education; Social Cohesion Develop-ment in Education; Cognitive technologies in Education. She is a member of board of Ukrainian Synergetics Society, member of Interregional Association of Cognitive Researches, Head of Ethical Committee of Ukrainian Association of Management Con-sultants "CMC-Ukraine", author of more than 90 scientific papers, including two per-sonal monographs Post-nonclassical Management (2011) and Cognitivistics: Origins, Challenges, Perspectives (2015). Author is currently an Associated Professor in the Department of Management, Information-Analytical Activity and European Integra-tion and a Head of Laboratory of Social Dimensions of Cognitivistics in the Research Center of Cognitivistics at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv (Ukraine).
E-mail: [email protected]
Roman Oleksenko is a Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy at the Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmel-nitsky. The thesis topic is The Philosophy of Market Relations in Modern Ukraine (so-cio-philosophical analysis). His research interests are in the area of marketing philos-ophy and market transformations in the context of globalization and the information revolution, and the analysis of the competitiveness of enterprises. He currently works in the Department of Philosophy at the Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Melitopol (Ukraine).
E-mail: [email protected]
Galyna P. Shevchenko is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Academician of International Jan Amos Komensky Slavonic Pedagogical Academy, member of the National Committee of Ukraine on the line of UNESCO, the author of new directions in modern pedagogical science such as methodology, theory and prac-tice of spiritual development of student"s youth by means of art and cooperation of arts in aesthetic development of youth. Her main research interests are problems of methodology, theory and practice of spiritual development of student youth; art and
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aesthetic education of students; influence of arts interaction on the spiritual world of a personality.