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Future Human Image. Volume 7, 2017 135

Education and Globalistics

Arkady Ursul - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Lomonosov Moscow State University

(Moscow, Russia)

E-mail: [email protected]

Tatiana Ursul - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

National Research Technological University "MISiS"

(Moscow, Russia)

E-mail: [email protected]

It is shown that the study of global processes and globalization is already taking effect on the prospects of global transformation of education, which can not only find their planetary community and integrity, but also a tendency to fill its subject field with global content. It is noted that education should be not only upgraded, but also futurized, in certain aspects, to become a leading education, effectively paving the way to a desired global sustainable future. It is assumed that the formation and evolution of models and types of global education will be run by a new type of global research - education and globalization as an interdisciplinary field that connects global studies and the science of education. Among the common and the most important global processes in education, which will study the educational globalistics, processes such as globalization of education and the formation of global education and the patterns of their evolution.

Key Words: globalistics, global processes, global education, educational globalistics, anticipatory education, education for sustainable development, sustainable development, futurization


Phrases stating that we live in the age of globalization, are in a state of global revolution, entering the global age, etc. have become more and more common. The term "global" is appearing in daily life increasingly, marking a new look at the world around us - a world which we already view as a global world. In this situation it is important to find out: how science reflects the current global situation and orientation of our life? What processes and trends are of scientific knowledge, which should not remain indifferent to the ongoing and future global changes? Moreover, indeed, since the last century, science began to be interested in all sorts of global phenomena and mainly towards the end of the second half of the 20th new scientific disciplines and areas of research emerged and began to focus on global issues.

The emergence and development of globalistics and other forms of global scientific research was inevitable scientific response to the global challenges of 20th and beginning of 21st century. Awareness of the importance of globalization, global issues and other planetary

╘ Ursul, Arkady, 2017

╘ Ursul, Tatiana, 2017

136 Future Human Image. Volume 7, 2017

Education and Globalistics by Arkady Ursul and Tatiana Ursul

phenomena and understanding of the prospects for further deployment of total global activity has become an important area of scientific research and a new stage of development of modern science. Global studies have nominated to leadership in scientific-educational process and become one of the foundations of modern scientific world view and outlook.

In recent years the attention of global knowledge, i.e. knowledge concerning everything that exists and develops on the planet Earth in the context of planetary integrity, has been focused mainly on globalization and global issues, thus the "centre of gravity" is now shifted strongly towards the study of the issues of globalization. This is indicative of the fact that over time the subject field of globalistics has been changing, and as we will show, will continue to evolve rapidly. It becomes apparent that among global phenomena, besides those mentioned, there are others that should be studied by globalistics, if it is considered more broadly and deeply in the sense of knowledge of the nature and origin of these phenomena than it is now used. In this broad sense, globalistics, in the opinion of the authors, should study global processes and systems, identify patterns and trends in their existence and development.

We will see that globalistics, turning into a complete scientific and educational discipline, however, goes beyond this and in interdisciplinary dimensions developed in a number of trends, including the space of scientific knowledge and creating new research areas, interacting with other branches of science. New subsections or research areas of globalistics continue to emerge, that have cropped up almost every year (to a number of them, in whose creation the authors of this work participated, we will devote special sections).

In connection with such a broad interdisciplinary "scope" of globalistics, there is question by scientists, sceptical about the global field of knowledge: Do not blow globalistics all science? This question can be answered in the negative, since all science cannot be represented as a "sprawling" in its space globalistics. Between globalistics and all other sectors and areas of knowledge, and along with them, there will always be some other, including globalized scientific knowledge. Thus there is intuitive feeling about the limits of the current active expansion of globalistics, but it is difficult to specify those boundaries in advance. However, it is hardly possible to establish the limits to process of globalization of science, although some of the considerations in this regard are below.

If we take as a starting point that globalistics is studying global processes and systems, we can deploy substantive field of globalistics and the entire global knowledge somewhat differently, and on this basis also the emergence of new areas of global activity, and especially of global education. Until now, globalistics has only begun to form its subject field in research and in educational perspectives. With recognition of the fact that the subject of globalistics focuses on the global processes and systems in their evolution (or rather, co-evolution), the situation has radically changed.

Adequate understanding of this research process will also enable better focusing of the process of establishment of different sectors and areas of global practice. Because understanding of the place and the role of various global phenomena in the evolutionary processes on the planet and in the universe as a whole will optimize practical activities aimed at the survival of civilization and the preservation of the natural foundations of its existence - the biosphere [Bazaluk, 2015]. The global science trend has a particular importance for global education that facilitates the formation of planetary and advanced consciousness, capable to realize these humanistic goals and contribute to the establishment of global governance to the greatest extent. Beginning with the scientific-educational
