Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

From the other hand, the universities at the uncontrolled territories accepted new values, which could contradict with the idea of university in general.

Author substantiated, that these natural science metaphoric approaches should be complemented by the ethic estimation through the fundamental axiological principles of "idea of University". According to Magna Charta Universitatum, autonomy of thinking, academic freedom, autonomy from political authority and economic power are the mentioned principles.

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Divided Universities: The Postcolonial Experience of Contemporary Ukrainian Higher Education by Denys Svyrydenko

All these principles are violated by the institutions stayed on quasi-republics and annexed territory. The evacuated universities seem like bearers and active translators of fundamental values of the modern universities.

It is pity, but it looks that geopolitical clash between Ukraine and Russia passes to "frozen" stage. Thus, it is hard to predict the date when uncontrolled territories will join Ukraine again. The next big question rises concerning the content of complex procedures of the territories reintegration of the world-view level. It may happen that strengthened (after period of being a part of non-Ukrainian national state) postcolonial axiological orientations of the people will bring many contradictions to reintegration processes. These problems could be the subject of the series of future scientific researches. And the question of higher education system reintegration is also at the "order of the day". As a very minimum, Ukraine should actualize the potential of the researches for substantiating the national educational strategies directed on the actualization of Peace idea [Bazaluk, 2015a]. According to our opinion, the heuristic way for prevention of such tragic events is searching and implementation of the strategies for the overcoming of postcolonial (post-Soviet, post-totalitarian) heritage on the world-view horizon of Ukrainian people as well as socio-cultural landscape of Ukraine.

Roman Dodonov writes the next ideas concerning the potential of any futurological predicts at the field of divided universities reintegration: there is no granted safety for students and teachers till we hear the sounds of shots − the problem of divided universities has a lot of uncertain aspects to formulate the perspective of ones" future [Dodonov, 2015]. At the same time, remembering the historical experience of Cambridge University origination, we stand on optimistic positions concerning the future of evacuated universities.

The tragic bloody experience of territorial disintegration could be interpreted as a painful evolutionary step. At the result of external influence, the group of students, teachers and administrators can became a social capital for new educational institutions starting one"s activity "tabula rasa". These people are firm to the values of university, firm to the European values such as freedom and democracy. They are firm to own Motherland. Thus, they may become a fundamental spiritual and intellectual resource for these institutions.


We thank Professor Olga Gomilko (H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, Kyiv, Ukraine) for her comments on the earlier version of the manuscript. The recommendations were fruitful for deeper understanding of idea of modern university.

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