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Education and Globalistics by Arkady Ursul and Tatiana Ursul
creativity of Vladimir Vernadsky global direction of education was formed, including both the globalization of education and formation of global education.
Therefore, further development of globalistics and global studies has not only research, but also educational and methodological aspects. Research aspect means much more profound degree of understanding, developing and predicting in perspective the ways of global studies development, and in particular, globalistics as a new fundamental sphere of interdisciplinary studies that affects the process of globalization of whole science in general.
The educational aspect is related to the research one and focuses on the introduction of the new knowledge obtained in the course of the research into the learning process. This is reflected both in the establishment of special training courses, and in the formation of a "global" reserve in the traditional courses already underway, linking subjects and methods of their research with emerging global knowledge.
Education as socially organized institution on a global scale at the beginning of the third millennium is on the radical change of its development. Being one of biggest social mechanisms of more or less normal functioning of society, education should change the content and form of its own development in such way in order to promote further survival of civilization, its way out from still deepening global crisis. Such a crisis of anthropogenic origin is intensified as a result of the increasing challenges and other negative global processes, which become larger and threaten the existence of mankind and all life on the Earth.
Therefore the crisis has become global and threats to human existence got worldwide character and scale (for example, environmental problem). It is impossible now to get out of the crisis without the use of proactive mechanisms and factors (one of the main ones, as it will be shown, is the proactive education). Therefore, if global environmental or worldwide catastrophe happens, there will be nobody to eliminate its consequences.
The bigger the disaster, the more difficult it will be to struggle with its negative impact on mankind and therefore means of eliminating of global crises and catastrophes, solutions of global crises and catastrophes in principle should be proactive rather than "lagging" as the elimination of the consequences of local emergencies and catastrophes.
"From the elimination of the consequences of catastrophes to prevention of them" - this is a fundamentally new strategy to combat any negative processes, and for global processes this is the main and perhaps the only temporal strategy. It is possible that a number of cyclic processes in the world (global) economy and other spheres of human activity can be "smoothed" by using of preventive measures to prevent negative components of cycles if they have anthropogenic and not natural dominant.
Anti-crisis responses to global challenges lead to the transformation of the global development of civilization and they begin already to affect significantly the expected forms and models of education of the 21st century. Education in principle should promote forms of social development and socionatural interaction that will implement the strategy for the survival of humankind and the biosphere preservation more effectively, ensure our overall sustainable future.
Formation of a global education
However it is necessary to ascertain that the world education has turned to be inertial-conservative social system that no longer meets the needs of contemporary life and basically models the past of our civilization and its science in significantly deformed form [Botkin et al,
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Education and Globalistics by Arkady Ursul and Tatiana Ursul
1979; Coombs, 1968; Coombs, 1985; Education, 1998]. Education as a social mechanism of the formation of man is very weakly concerned with the decision of immediate and especially global issues, many of which threatened destruction of humankind and the destruction of the biosphere. Quite often, they talk about the lag of education from practice, referring mainly to those forms of practices that are specific to the current model of unsustainable development
(unsustainable development). Meanwhile, it is obvious that further strengthening of link between education and contemporary practice of unsustainable development leads to bigger deepening of the global crisis of civilization as well as its education.
It is impossible to solve effectively global and other issues by means of such "lagging" and inadequate for creating of sustainable future education and therefore it is "detached" from active participation in the search for optimal solutions in anti-crisis activity and it does not promote the survival of civilization. Therefore, at the beginning of the third millennium humankind should radically change the model or the form of their development so that it could adequately respond to global challenges and threats, to ensure its further secure and sustainable development. Being one of the biggest social mechanisms of functioning of society, education should change the content and form of development in such way in order to contribute to the survival of civilization. Now it basically does not perform this "saving function" because to a large extent it is one of the most conservative areas of social activity and significantly it is focused on our common past. Meanwhile, the "survival through education" is a kind of motto, slogan of fundamentally innovation process in education, which meanwhile concerns not only a single person, but also humankind as a whole.
The basic idea of the proposed conceptual and methodological approach to the study of prospects of world education is that education needs to be focused on such proactive global transformations that are closely linked to the evolution of civilizational process and the interaction of society and nature [Ursul & Ursul, 2012; Ursul & Ursul, 2013a,b]. This will not be just one "final" model of education of the 21st century (for example, only a model of education for sustainable development, as already discussed [Environmental education, 1996; Сasimov, 2004; Stepanov, 2009; Ursul & Ursul, 2012; Ursul, 1995; Ursul, 2012; Ursul & Ursul, 2011; Ursul & Ursul, 2013a], but an evolutionary number of models and strategies of consecutive global educational processes and systems to facilitate establishment of a new, more secure civilization, providing co-evolutionary interaction of society with existing biosphere.
A characteristic feature of the emerging new models and forms of education is their global nature, what is quite obvious in conditions of globalization and the impact of other global processes on education. In our opinion, the evolution of these models of global education will be the field of an educational globalistics as an interdisciplinary field, linking globalistics and science of education.