Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

FAAe — Wenig S. Die Frau im alten Ägypten. Lpz., [1970].

FSMS — Newberry Р. Е. Funerary statuettes and model sarcophagi. Fasc. 2. Le Caire, 1937 (Service des antiquités de l'Égypte. Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Nos 48274-48575).

FTEQ — Stuart V. The funeral tent of an Egyptian queen, printed in colours, in facsimile, from the author's drawings taken at Boulak, together with the latest information regarding other monuments and discoveries, with translations of the hieroglyphic texts and explanatory notices of the various emblemes. L., 1882.

GE — Audrain M., Samivel. The glory of Egypt. 115 photographs by M. Audrain. Text and notes by Samivel. With ten translations of original Egyptian texts. Transl. by J. E. M. White. N. Y., [1955].

GK — Hamann R. Geschichte der Kunst. Bd 1: Von der Vorgeschichte bis zur Spätantike. В., 1957.

GM — «Göttinger Miszellen». Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion. Göttingen.

H. 5 (1973), c. 9-11. — Harris J. R. The date of the «Restoration» stela of Tutankhamun.

GMAAe — Morenz S. Gott und Mensch im alten Ägypten. Lpz., 1964.

GT — Riesterer P. P. Grabschatz des Tut-ench-Amun. Aufl. 2. Bern, Kairo, 1966 (Das Ägyptische Museum Kairo, 2).

GThFER — Вudge E. A. W. A guide to the Third and Fourth Egyptian rooms. [L.], 1904.

НАРОС — Maspero G. Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'Orient classäque. T. 2. Les premières mélées des peuples. Р., 1897.

НЕ — Petrie W. M. F. A history of Egypt. Vol. 2. A history of Egypt during the XVIIth and XVIII dynasties. L., 1896. With additions to 1898. 3 ed. L., 1899. With additions to 1924. 7 ed., enlarged. L., 1924.

HGR — Histoire générale des religions (sous la direction de M. Gorce et R. Mortier). T. 1. Р., 1948. С. 204-327: Desroches-Noblecourt C. Les religions égyptiennes.

HITT — Cerný J. Hieratic inscriptions h.om the tomb of Tut'ankhamun. Ox., 1965 (Tut'ankhamūn's tomb series II).

HP — Easton S. C. The heritage of the past. From the earliest times to the close of the Middle Ages. 2 printing. N. Y., 1955.

HiP — Möller G. Hieratische Paläographie. Bd 2. Lpz., 1909.

HTES — Edwards I. E. S. Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian stelae, etc. (British Museum). P. 8. [L.], 1939.

HTESBM — Hаll H. R. Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian stelae, etc., in the British Museum. P. 7. [L.], 1925.

HWC — Savelle M. (general editor). A history of world civilization. Vol. 1. N. Y., [1957].

IFAOBE — «Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale. Bibliothèque d'études».

T. 32 (1961), c. 81-95, табл. 1-4. — Pillet M. L'art d'Akhenaton.

IHHOuH — Couyat J. et Montet P. Les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammàmät. Le Caire, 1912 (Mémoires publi.es par les, membres de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. T. 34).

IKG — Petrie W. M. F. Illahun, Kahun and Gurob 1889—90. With chapters by prof. Sayce, canon Hicks, prof. Mahaffy, F. Ll. Griffith, and F. C. J. Spurrell. L., 1891.

IM — Hickmann H. Instruments de musique. Le Caire, 1949 (Service des Antiquités de Égypte. Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Nos 69201-69852).

InM — Gardiner A. H. The inscription of Mes. A contribution to the study of Egyptian judioial procedure. Lpz., 1905 (Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Altertumskunde Aegyptens. Hrsg. von K. Sethe. Bd 4. H. 3).

JARCE — «Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt». Princeton, New Jercey — New York.

Vol. 10 (1973), c. 77-94, табл. 1-10. — Redfоrd D. B. Studies on Akhenaten at Thebes. 1. A report on the work of the Akhenaten Temple Project of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania

Vol. 12 (1975), c. 9-14, табл. 1-8. — Redford D. B. Studies on Ak-henaten at Thebes. 2. A report of the work of the Akhenaten temple project of the University Museum, the University of Pennsylvania, for the year 1973—4.

JEA — «The journal of Egyptian archaeology». L.

Vol. 4 (1917), c. 39-46, табл. 10-13, — Вlасkmаn А. М. The Nugent and Haggard collections of Egyptian antiquities.

Vol. 5 (1918), c. 61-63, табл. 8. — Griffith F. Ll. The jubilee of Akhenaton.

Vol. 7 (1921), c. 1-7, табл. 1-4. — Davies N. de G. Mural paintings in the city of Akhetaten.

Vol. 7 (1921), c. 31-35, табл. 5-7. — Сараrt J. The Memphite tomb-of king Haremhab.

Vol. 8 (1922), c. 193-199. — Weigall A. The mummy of Akhenaton; c. 199-200: ([appendix by] F. Ll. G[riffith].

Vol. 9 (1923), c. 132-152, табл. 22-28. — Davies N. de G. Akhe-naten at Thebes.

Vol. 10 (1924), c. 133. — Dawson W. R. Note on some ostraca from El-'Amarnah.

Vol. 10 (1924), c. 289-298, табл. 23-32. — Newtоn F. G. Excavations at El-'Amarnah, 1923—24.

Vol. 11 (1925), c. 36, табл. 6. —Tomb-chapel 525 at Tell el-'Amarnah.

Vol. 12 (1926), c. 1-2, табл. 1. — Griffith F. Ll. Stela in honour of' Amenophis III and Taya, from Tell el-'Amarnah.

Vol. 12 (1926), c. 3-12, табл. 2-8. — Whillemоre T. The exca-vation at El-'Amarnah, season 1924—5.

Vol. 13 (1927), c. 209-218, табл. 44-54. — Frankfоrt H. Preliminary report on the excavations at Tell el-'Amarnah, 1926—7.

Vol. 14 (1928), c. 3-9, табл. 4-6. — Newberrу Р. E. Akhenaten's. eldest son-in-law 'Ankhkheprurē'.

Vol. 14 (1928), c. 10-11, табл. 5-6. — Gardiner A. H. The graffito from the tomb of Pere.

Vol. 15 (1929), c. 2-8, табл. 2-4. — Glanville S. R. K. Some notes on material for the reign of Amenophis III.

Vol. 17 (1931), c. 179-184, табл. 23-27. — Griffith F. Ll. Exca-vations at Tell el-'Amarnah, 1923—4. A. Statuary.

Vol. 17 (1931), c. 223-244, табл. 68-78. — Pendleburу J. D. S. Preliminary report of excavations at Tell el-'Amarnah, 1930—1.

Vol. 18 (1932), c. 108-111. — Notes and news.

Vol. 19 (1933), c. 113-118, табл. 12-19. — Pendleburу J. D. S. Preliminary report of the excavations at Tell el-'Amarnah, 1932—1933.

Vol. 21 (1935), c. 129-135, табл. 8-12. — Pendleburу J. D. S. Preliminary report of the exoavations at Tell el-'Amarnah, 1934—1935.

Vol. 21 (1935), c. 136-139. — Fairman H. W. Topographical notes on the central city, Tell el-'Amarnah.

Vol. 39 (1953), c. 3-12. — Gardiner A. The Memphite tomb of the general Haremliab.

Vol. '43 (Ì957), c. 10-25, табл. 3. — Gardiner A. The so-called tomb of queen Tiye.

Vol. 45 (1959), c. 19-33, табл. 3. — Aldred C. The beginning of the El-'Amärna period.

Vol. 47 (1961), c. 24. — Thomas E. The plan of tomb 55 in the Valley of the kings.

Vol. 47 (1961), c. 25-40, табл. 6. — Fairman H. W. Once again the so-called coffin of Akhenaten.

Vol. 47 (1961), c. 41-65. — Aldred C. The tomb of Akhenaten at Thebes.

Vol. 52 (1966), c. 95-119, табл. 20-30 — Harrisоn R. G. An anatomical examination of the pharaonic remains purported to be Akhenaten.

JNES — «Journal of Near Eastern studies». Chicago.

Vol. 10 (1951), c. 35-56; 156-183, 2 табл.; с. 231-242, 6 табл. — Hауes W. С. Inscriptions from the palace of Amenhotep III.

KlAe — Fechheimer H. Kleinplastik der Agypter. В., 1921 (Die Kunst des Ostens. Hrsg. von W. Cohn. Bd 3).

KAE — Michałowski К. Kanon w architekturze egipskiej. Warszawa, 1956.

KAeMC — Borchardt L. Kunstwerke aus dem Aegyptischen Museum zu Cairo. Cairo — Dresden, [б. г.].

KAO — Schäfer H., Andrae W. Die Kunst des alten Orients. В., 1925 (Propyläen-Kunstgeschichte, 2).

KEA — Schäfer H. Kunstwerke aus El-Amarna. Bd 1-2. [В., 1923] (Meisterwerke in Berlin).
