Good Abbe, ourrunderrstandink
It is same in many ways.
Univerrse has been expandink
Frrom the crradle of its days.
Univerrse has been expandink
Frrom the crradle of its days.
You have told it gains in motion,
Irregrret to disagrree,
And we differr in ourr notion
As to how it came to be.
And we differr in ourr notion
As to how it came to be.
It was neutrron fluid-neverr
Primal Atom, as you told.
It is infinite, as everr
It was infinite of old.
It is infinite, as everr
It was infinite of old.
On a limitless pavilion
In collapse, gas met its fate,
Yearrs ago (some thousand million)
Having come to densest state.
Yearrs ago {some thousand million)
Having come to densest state.
All the Space was then rresplendent
At that crrucialpoint in time.
Light to matterr was trranscendent
Much as meterr is, to rrhyme.
Light to matterr was trranscendent
Much as meterr is, to rrhyme.
For each ton ofrradiation
Then of matterr was an ounce,
Till the impulse t 'warrd inflation
In thatgrreatprrimeval bounce.
Till the impulse t 'warrd inflation
In that grreat prrimeval bounce.
Light by then was slowly palink,
Hundrred million yearrsgo by…
Matterr, over lightprrevailink,
Is in plentiful supply.
Matterr, overlightpirevailink,
Is in plentiful supply.
Matterr then began condensink
(Such are Jeans 'hypotheses).
Giant, gaseous clouds dispensink
Known asprrotogalaxies.
Giant, gaseous clouds dispensink
Known as prrotogalaxies.
Prrotogalaxies were shatterred,
Flying outward thrrough the night
Starrs werreforrmedfrom them, andscattemd
And the Space was filled with light.
Starrs werreforrmedfrrom them, andscattered
And the Space was filled with light
Galaxies arre everrspinnink,
Starrs will burrn to final sparrk.
Till ourr univerrse is thinnink
And is lifeless, cold and dank.
Till ourr univerrse is thinnink
And is lifeless, cold and darrk.