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62. Ibid., pp. 259–60.

63. Stevenson, Twenty Cases, p. 180.

64. Ibid., pp. 196, 233.

65. Ibid., p. 92.

66. Sylvia Cranston and Carey Williams, Reincarnation: A New Horizon in Science, Religion, and Society (New York: Julian Press, 1984), p. 67.

67. Ibid., p. 260.

68. Ian Stevenson, «Some Questions Related to Cases of the Reincarnation Type» Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research (October 1974), p. 407.

69. Stevenson, Children, p. 255.

70. Journal of the American Medical Association (December 1, 1975), as quoted in Cranston and Williams, Reincarnation, p. x.

71. J. Warneck, Die Religion der Batak (Gottingen, 1909), as quoted in Holger Kaiweit, Dreamtime and Inner Space: The World of the Shaman (Boulder, Colo.: Shambhala, 1984), p. 23.

72. Basil Johnston, Und Manitu erschufdie Welt. Mythen and Visionen der Ojibwa (Cologne: 1979), as quoted in Holger Kalweit, Dreamtime and Inner Space: The World of the Shaman (Boulder, Colo.: Shambhala, 1984), p. 25.

73. Long, op. cit, pp. 165–69.

74. Ibid., p. 193.

75. John Blofeld, The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1970), p. 84; see also Alexandra David-Neel, Magic and Mystery in Tibet (Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books, 1971), p. 293.

76. Henry Corbin, Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn ‘Arabi, trans. Ralph Manheim (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1969), pp. 221–36.

77. Hugh Lynn Cayce, The Edgar Cayce Reader. Vol. II (New York: Paperback Library, 1969), pp. 25–26; see also Noel Langley, Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation (New York: Warner Books, 1967), p. 43.

78. Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest (Los Angeles: Self Realization Fellow ship, 1982), p. 238.

79. Thomas Byron, The Dhammapada: The Sayings of Buddha (New York: Vintage Books, 1976), p. 13.

80. Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester, trans., The Upanishads (Hollywood, Calif.: Vedanta Press, 1975), p. 177.

81. Jamblichus, The Egyptian Mysteries, trans. Alexander Wilder (New York: Metaphysical Publications, 1911), pp. 122, 175, 259–60.

82. Matthew 7: 7, 17, 20.

83. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, The Thirteen-Petaled Rose (New York: Basic Books, 1980), pp. 64–65.

84. Jean Houston, The Possible Human (Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, 1982), pp. 200–5.

85. Mary Orser and Richard A. Zarro, Changing Your Destiny (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989), p. 213.

86. Florence Graves, «The Ultimate Frontier: Edgar Mitchell, the Astronaut-Turned-Philosopher Explores Star Wars, Spirituality, and How We Create Our Own Reality», New Age (May/June 1988), p. 87.

87. Helen Wambach, Reliving Past Lives (New York: Harper & Row, 1978), p. 116.

88. Ibid, pp. 128–34.

89. Chet B. Snow and Helen Wambach, Mass Dreams of the Future (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1989), p. 218.

90. Henry Reed, «Reaching into the Past with Mind over Matter», Venture Inward 5, no. 3 (May/June 1989), p. 6.

91. Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain, An Adventure (London: Faber, 1904).

92. Andrew Mackenzie, The Unexplained (London: Barker, 1966), as quoted in Ted Holiday, The Goblin Universe (St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications, 1986), p. 96.

93. Gardner Murphy and H. L. Klemme, «Unfinished Business», Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 60, no. 4 (1966), p. 5.

8. Путешествие в Сверхголограмму

1. Dean Shields, «A Cross-Cultural Study of Beliefs in out-of-the-Body Experiences», Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 49 (1978), pp. 697–741.

2. Erika Bourguignon, «Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness in Anthropological Research», in Psychological Anthropology, ed. F. L. K. Hsu (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman, 1972), p. 418.

3. Celia Green, Out-of-the-Body Experiences (Oxford, England: Institute of Psychophysical Research, 1968).

4. D. Scott Rogo, Leaving the Body (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1983), p. 5.

5. Ibid.

6. Stuart W. Twemlow, Glen O. Gabbard, and Fowler С Jones, «The Out-of-Body Experience: I, Phenomenology; II, Psychological Profile; III, Differential Diagnosis» (Papers delivered at the 1980 Convention of the American Psychiatric Association). See also Twemlow, Gabbard, and Jones, «The Out-of-Body Experience: A Phenomenological Typology Based on Questionnaire Responses» American Journal of Psychiatry 139(1982), pp. 450–55.

7. Ibid.

8. Bruce Greyson and С P. Flynn, The Near-Death Experience (Chicago: Charles С Thomas, 1984), as quoted in Stanislav Grof, The Adventure of Self-Discovery (Albany, N. Y.: SUNY Press, 1988), pp. 71–72.

9. Michael B. Sabom, Recollections of Death (New York: Harper & Row, 1982), p. 184.

10. Jean-Noel Bassior, «Astral Travel» New Age Journal (November/December 1988), p. 46.

11. Charles Tart, «A Psychophysiological Study of Out-of-the-Body Experiences in a Selected Subject», Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 62 (1968), pp. 3–27.

12. Karlis Osis, «New ASPR Research on Out-of-the-Body Experiences», Newsletter of the American Society for Psychical Research 14 (1972); see also Karlis Osis, «Out-of-Body Research at the American Society for Psychical Research», in Mind beyond the Body, ed. D. Scott Rogo (New York: Penguin, 1978), pp. 162–69.

13. D. Scott Rogo, Psychic Breakthroughs Today (Wellingborough, Great Britain: Aquarian Press, 1987), pp. 163–64.

14. J. H. M. Whiteman, The Mystical Life (London: Faber& Faber, 1961).

15. Robert A. Monroe, Journeys Out of the Body (New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1971), p. 183.

16. Robert A. Monroe, Far Journeys (New York: Doubleday, 1985), p. 64.

17. David Eisenberg, with Thomas Lee Wright, Encounters with Qi (New York: Penguin, 1987), pp. 79–87.

18. Frank Edwards, «People Who Saw without Eyes», Strange People (London: Pan Books, 1970).

19. A. Ivanov, «Soviet Experiments in Eyeless Vision», International Journal of Parapsychology 6 (1964); see also M. M. Bongard and M. S. Smirnov, «About the 'Dermal Vision' of R. Kuleshova», Biophysics 1 (1965).

20. A Rosenfeld, «Seeing Colors with the Fingers», Life (June 12, 1964); for a more extensive report of Kuleshova and «eyeless sight» in general, see Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain (New York: Bantam Books, 1970), pp. 170–85.

21. Rogo, Psychic Breakthroughs, p. 161.

22. Ibid.

23. Janet Lee Mitchell, Out-of-Body Experiences (New York: Ballantine Books, 1987), p. 81.

24. August Strindberg, Legends (1912 edition), as quoted in Colin Wilson, The Occult (New York: Vintage Books, 1973), pp. 56–57.

25. Monroe, Journeys Out of the Body, p. 184.

26. Whiteman, Mystical Life, as quoted in Mitchell, Experiences, p. 44.

27. Karlis Osis and Erlendur Haraldsson, «Deathbed Observations by Physicians and Nurses: A Cross-Cultural Survey», The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 71 (July 1977), pp. 237–59.

28. Raymond A. Moody, Jr., with Paul Perry, The Light Beyond (New York: Bantam Books, 1988), pp. 14–15.

29. Ibid.

30. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, On Children and Death (New York: Macmillan, 1983), p. 208.

31. Kenneth Ring, Life at Death (New York: Quill, 1980), pp. 238–39.

32. Kubler-Ross, Children, p. 210.

33. Moody and Perry, Light, pp. 103–7.

34. Ibid., p. 151.

35. George Gallup, Jr., with William Proctor, Adventures in Immortality (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982), p. 31.

36. Ring, Life at Death, p. 98.

37. Ibid., pp. 97–98.

38. Ibid., p. 247.

39. Из личной беседы с автором 24 мая 1990.

40. F. W. H. Myers, Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death (London: Long mans, Green & Co., 1904), pp. 315–21.

41. Ibid.

42. Moody and Perry, Light, p. 8.

43. Joel L. Whitton and Joe Fisher, Life between Life (New York: Doubleday, 1986), p. 32.
