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In the Third House: The ruler of the Kama house in another Kama house brings fulfillment to all desires and ambitions. The person can receive funds from investments or artistic activities, drama, dance, literature, earning through relatives, writing, tourism, travel, independent business, public relations, advertising, conversations, adventure sports; there may be happy friendships, bravery, interesting adventures.

In the Fourth House: Profits from real estate or farming, wealth from the mother (possibly a business partnership with her) or relatives on the mother’s side, acquisition of homes and lands, pilgrimage to holy places, good education, degree, much comfort, good friends, profits may come through transportation, car purchasing stores, spare parts, architecture, design, landscape architecture, psychology.

In the Fifth House: This is a very good condition that brings wealth from investments; profits and happiness from children, successful children, wisdom and education, profits from sources related to sports and the arts, teaching, students, wealthy older relatives, desires and ambitions are fulfilled, sudden financial benefits, many auspicious opportunities, success in risks.

In the Sixth House: Lack of financial benefits, desires are hardly fulfilled, few good opportunities, no happiness and profits from older relatives, discomfort from enemies, problems with friends, there may be profits from medical organizations or activities related to health (Ayurveda, Reiki) through service, stubborn efforts, working under someone, may work as an assistant, waiter, policeman, guard, firefighter.

In the Seventh House: The ruler of the Kama house in another Kama house fulfills all wishes and ambitions, brings strong desires and passions, the partner is influential and wealthy, helps in acquiring wealth, happy marriage, profits may come through business partners, foreign countries, law, consulting, independent practice, family psychology.

In the Eighth House: Significant financial loss, few good opportunities, desires are not fulfilled, no happiness from older relatives, older relatives may die young or have difficult lives, few friends, bad friends, profits through the marriage partner, good alimony payments, profits from insurance companies or wills, lottery, there may be profits through worship services, inheritance, science, research.

In the Ninth House: Wealth, luck, desires and ambitions are fulfilled, receiving wealth from the father, the father is wealthy and will have a long life, happiness from older relatives, spirituality or religiosity, happiness from friends, spiritual friends, profits may come through studying spiritual sciences, business with the father, religious organizations, preaching, philosophy, Vedic astrology.

In the Tenth House: Successful career, there will be many good opportunities in the career, doing good deeds, pilgrimage to holy places, wealth, much comfort, the older brother may be connected in some way to the person’s career, profits may come through independent business, foreign countries, import, export, connections with foreigners.

In the Eleventh House: When the planet is in its house, wealth comes easily, desires and ambitions are fulfilled, many good financial opportunities, happiness and profits from older relatives, much comfort, older relatives are strong and successful, many friends, benefits from friends, profits from independent business, independent activity.

In the Twelfth House: Significant financial loss, few good opportunities, desires are not fulfilled, no happiness from older relatives, older relatives may die young or have difficult lives; there may be losses, debts, and waste due to older relatives, few friends, bad friends, good sex life, profits may be related to abroad and immigration (any activities, business travel), working with foreigners (translations, for example).

The Twelfth House in the Horoscope

This is the house of losses and waste, the house of sorrow, disappointments, and humiliation. It shows the twists of fate and limitations, sometimes indicating imprisonment in jail. This is the house of secrecy and isolation, symbolizing work behind the scenes. It is associated with monasteries and hospitals.

The twelfth house signifies feelings of guilt, regret, and grief, connected to the subconscious, the area of decay of our rational mind, as well as to fantasies, mental disorders, and trance states. This is the house of astral influences and our connections to the subtle planes, also describing the states of death of the human soul.

This house is related to the completion of the life cycle, signifying refusal, release from it, renunciation, and humility; therefore, the twelfth house is also the house of yoga and meditation. Since it symbolizes isolation, it speaks not only of melancholy loneliness, which the person finds themselves in due to fate, but also of an elevated isolation and mental peace of an enlightened soul.

This house is related to foreign countries, especially with distant travels. Usually, planets in the twelfth house are found in people who work with foreigners and achieve success abroad.

Ruler of the Twelfth House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the First House: Unhappy childhood, bad start in life, poor health, thin and dry body, unappealing appearance, misery, lack of self-confidence and self-respect: this condition may shorten longevity; the person does not receive enough respect from those around them, does not receive publicity; ascetic or spiritual nature, there may be journeys with spiritual purposes; good sex life; not good for marriage, since the ruler of the twelfth house influences the seventh house.

In the Second House: Poverty, financial loss, unhappy family life, tendency to speak badly, poor vision in the right eye, poor hearing in the right ear, junk food consumption, impaired speech, limited imagination, tendency to lie.

In the Third House: No happiness from brothers and sisters; they may die young or their lives will be difficult, no opportunities heralding good and fulfillment of wishes, no literary abilities, lack of talents or musical, dancing, and acting inclinations; anger, cowardice, few adventures, futile efforts, defect in the right eye, lack of initiative; although the third house is not related to wisdom, the ruler of the twelfth house here brings great initiative; such a person will draw absolutely accurate conclusions, based only on their feelings.

In the Fourth House: The ruler of the twelfth house in another twelfth house brings strong spiritual nature or aspiration for ultimate liberation; no happiness from the mother, the mother may die young or her life will be difficult; such a person experiences little comfort, few possessions, problems with vehicles; the person will be forced to rent an apartment; little happiness in life, difficulties in career, many changes in it, because the ruler of the twelfth house casts aspects on the tenth house.

In the Fifth House: Few children, no happiness from children, may experience loss of a child or their lives may be difficult, ascetic or spiritual child; the person may have mental problems, lack of peace in their mind, loss due to investments, past lives wasted—no credit from it for the present life, lack of morality, difficulties in taking exams, unsuccessful love affairs.

In the Sixth House: Poor health, bad job, problems with employees, no help from the uncle, victory over enemies and competitors (malefic planets in the sixth house—very good in this regard); this is a good place for the twelfth house, as the ruler of the twelfth house directly influences its house; it also reduces debts and expenses.
