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Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are not used in Vedic astrology. When we obtain our horoscope, we need to look at the ascendant, the positions of the houses in the signs (how they influence each other), the positions of the planets in the houses and signs, as well as the interactions between the planets (if there is more than one planet in a house). In Vedic astrology, a house is called “bhava.”

First House – Bhava of the Body

Keywords: “I,” body.

Meanings: appearance, character, main inclinations, predispositions, behavior, overall well-being, health, head.

Second House – Bhava of Accumulated Wealth

Keyword: finances.

Meanings: family, food, drink, speech, securities and assets, accumulation of wealth, face, right eye, tongue, mouth, teeth and gums, precious metals, gemstones, truthfulness.

Third House – Bhava of Siblings

Keyword: decisiveness.

Meanings: biological siblings, neighbors, courage, physical strength, ear, hearing, sales skills, art, dance, music, voice, singing, communication, writing, short trips, hands, weapons, nervous system, adventure, fun.

Fourth House – Bhava of Relatives (Bhava of Happiness, Bhava of the Mother)

Keyword: feelings.

Meanings: mother, home, emotions, overall happiness, father’s longevity, fundamental things, real estate, hobbies, leisure, comforts and convenience, houses (buildings), boats, vehicles, buried or submerged treasures, things from underground, area of the chest and heart.

Fifth House – Bhava of Children

Keyword: intellect.

Meanings: romantic relationships, love, stock market trading, speculation, spiritual techniques, merits of past lives, intellect, education, authorship, maternal grandfather, yantras, entertainment, sports competitions, government dissatisfaction (especially due to taxes), abdomen, digestion.

Sixth House – Bhava of Enemies

Keywords: service and protection.

Meanings: minor illnesses, competitors, rivals, enemies, hostility and opposition, litigation, intimidation, troubles due to the opposite sex, struggle, physical weaknesses, mental anxieties, wounds and injuries, pets, servants or assistants, employees, cousins, theft, maternal uncle, stepmother, healers, intestines.

Seventh House – Bhava of Marriage Partners, Partners in General

Keyword: cooperation or partnership.

Meanings: marriage and similar relationships, love affairs (sometimes extramarital), cohabitation, spouse’s longevity, business partnerships, business and trade, living abroad or travel for business, lower back, kidneys.

Eighth House – Bhava of Death (Life)

Keyword: longevity.

Meanings: longevity, chronic diseases, hidden things, scandalous behavior, difficulties, shyness, accusations, esoteric and occult knowledge, extravagance, unearned wealth (lottery, inheritance), excitement, sexual energy, dizziness or falling from a height, deception, murder, futile endeavors, loss of money, danger from poisons, type of death, obstacles, unsuccessful attempts, dreams, partner’s wealth, reproduction.

Ninth House – Bhava of Luck, Dharma

Keywords: dharma, knowledge, luck.

Meanings: God, Guru, philosophy, religion, father and relationship with him, boss, ethics, law, dharma and right action, long-distance travel, divine grace, educational institutions, Gnosis (spiritual knowledge), yogic practices, luck, holy places, connection with divine forces, grandchildren, thighs.

Tenth House – Karma-Bhava or Bhava of Actions

Keyword: activity.

Meanings: life purpose or career, fame, social status or father’s reputation, actions or deeds, compassion, image and character, profession and business, commerce, knees, difficulties with childbirth.

Eleventh House – Bhava of Acquisitions

Keywords: opportunities and income.

Meanings: influx of money, profit, opportunities, hopes, dreams, desires, friends and influential friends, older siblings, paternal uncle, mother’s longevity, influence of government or heads of large institutions, left ear.

Twelfth House – Bhava of Losses, Enlightenment

Keyword: liberation.

Meanings: liberation, enlightenment, losses, sexual pleasures, confinement or loss of freedom (hospitals, prisons, long meditation), work in a place of confinement, poverty, generosity, quality of sleep and beds, self-sacrifice and charitable deeds, spiritual journeys and pilgrimages, travels to foreign countries, wandering, profession related to long travels, life after death, betrayal, Tapas (spiritual asceticism), feet.

The Ascendant is one of the most important indicators of a horoscope. It helps to reveal both positive and negative traits, understand how to develop oneself, and identify areas for improvement.

Ascendant in Aries

Aries must take the initiative into their own hands and not succumb to the influence of others. This is one of their karmic tasks. Even an Aries child should not be told what to do and what not to do. Aries loves to compete—this is also part of their karmic mission. Aries individuals do not compromise and have their own goals. Their weak point is impulsive decision-making; they often act first and think later. Their karmic task is to learn to think first and then act. The strong point of Aries is their ability to invent new things quickly and unexpectedly.

Aries must be brave but refrain from excessive assertiveness, rudeness, straightforwardness, and tactlessness. Arguing with them is futile; one can easily become their enemy. An Aries always needs to be the winner.

Karmic tasks include acting originally, being unlike anyone else, learning to remain calm when things do not go according to plan, and knowing when to be silent.

A life without adventures brings boredom to Aries. In relationships with the opposite sex, Aries loves to dominate and is not ready to submit. They need a calmer partner in life. Aries does not take criticism well, and pointing out their negative qualities is pointless. Those who wish to be with Aries should disregard their hot-tempered nature. Aries should learn to channel their passionate, creative energy into work and to be tactful and calm at home.

Second House in Aries

Such a person invests a lot of energy in making money but spends it impulsively. They tend to ignore the facts of reality, believing that happiness does not lie in money, but that having it is better than not having it. They can be stingy and may resort to trickery for material gain; from an early age, they learn the power of money. They will always lend money but struggle to repay loans. Material well-being comes to them later in life. Their intuition helps them navigate the stock market and protects them from dangerous deals. This person has excellent taste and is not picky about food if resources are limited.

Third House in Aries

Such a person brings a bustle to their environment. They tend to divide people into good and bad, easily making acquaintances. In tense situations, they can behave sharply. Enthusiasm is necessary for successful learning. They may have a poor memory but possess a fine intuition. They can guess other people’s thoughts and anticipate events. This person is restless, satisfied with their life, but sometimes exaggerates their problems. They need communication but try to take the leading role in interactions. Everything new excites them.
