Литмир - Электронная Библиотека


It can be temporary, it can be permanent, it can be mental and physical. But from time to time, a person needs to stay in this state.

Mrir is quite large, and we are also influenced by other people, so let's say, go back to factory settings at least a little or reset the cache memory to average out the meanings and ideas in our head. The environment affects you, no matter how much you internally believe that this is not the case, we are always affected by the environment. And it's not just friends, it's even the environment, work and other moments.

When you are alone, you are alone with your thoughts, and if they are spoiled, it is quite difficult to bear, so one of the most terrible punishments in penicytic institutions is solitary confinement.

Man is a social being, and the word "being" here does not mean an insult, being means existing.


You can be everywhere not only physically, but also mentally, and no one will forbid you. A large number of tourists travel around the world, but with an absolutely empty goal – to spend the night in a hotel in some country. It's so petty that it's a shame to even talk about it.

If you really want to, do not stop yourself, and rest can be everywhere, even in the neighboring forest, rest must necessarily be by the sea – these are stereotypes. Yes, and a long road takes more effort than a trip to the country.

In life, the simpler the better. It is the personwho creates it, life, a life without duplicates.

Attitude to death

Regardless of what you do now and what you will do tomorrow, the outcome is the same, and it unites people, steals their exclusivity, which everyone in life tries to hone, express, demonstrate.

Any problem that happens to us in the course of life becomes insignificant, or rather, it ceases to matter when we are carried.

From this point of view, everything that happens becomes insignificant.

Fear of death it is present in every person, but it is different for everyone, more precisely, the degree of perception of death.

"When we feel sorry for a person after death, we actually feel sorry for ourselves," – a good friend of mine told me, to whom someone else said. I do not know the owner of the quote, please write in the comments to the book, who can remember exactly.

In general, it happens when many people come up with the same thoughts, and exactly in the wording, probably, a person's thinking is not some kind of ghostly. In fact, most people think about the same thing. Here we must return to the point about education. In what environment a person is brought up or was brought up. Because a person is brought up all his life, you can not think that this does not apply to adults.

A fuller and more correct attitude to death can be found in the Bible and other doctrines of theology.

Ince, funeral rites are man-made, and how things actually happen after death, no one knows. No one came back from there. We can roughly say about the borderline state, in which a person is between life and death for a short orvery short time, once or repeatedly.

Istarted having serious health problems before I was thirty. It was so bad, I was so weak, that I fell asleep every night with a cross in my hands. And the condition worsened and worsened, so that it was difficult to breathe, the body was weak, exhaustion was sickь. As I then thought that I would appear here and the cross in my hands would be at least. This continued for years. In about the second year of this condition, I stopped worrying and told myself what would happen. When the same traumatic feeling hits the same area ofthe brain, it stops responding. You don't care anymore.

The Japanese are much more primitive about this, they believe that you need to feel already dead or that this is inevitable, which makes you stop being afraid of it.

ЛAlthough my opinion is that there is no truth anywhere here, you need to choose a convenient state for yourself. And my deep conviction is that we do not treat life or death correctly, because we do not know exactly what life is, and even more so we do not know what deathis.

All other reflections are from the evil one, and there is a lot to say about this, no one can refute or prove it. I am still a proponent of a scientific attitude to life, and if you are not sure about something, it is better to remain silent.


Don't complicate your life.

Manifesto of Life

Forgive my obsession as a writer if I want to start this metaphysical chapter with my poem "The Lonely Wanderer", written in 2028, from my collection "Seconds", Liters, 2023.

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