“Yes, yes,” she whines. Her cheeks are flushed the most beautiful pink I’ve ever seen in my life, the tips of her breasts the same color, her mouth swollen and glistening. I capture it with mine, my beast near the surface, growling his approval and screaming for more.
“I’m going to knot you,” I tell her desperately, trying, for her sake, to keep control. I don’t want my beast to hurt her, don’t want her to have anything but good memories of this gift she’s giving me.
“I don’t know what that means.”
“I’m going to fuck you, and then my cock’s going to get stuck in that pretty, tight little cunt while you milk it, and I’m going to make you come so many times while I spill inside you that you won’t be able to move for the next week without thinking of me.” My voice is deeper, the beast so close to control now that I know I should stop.
Desperate, I clutch at her chin, forcing her to look at me, trying to gauge her feelings.
“Tell me you want that,” I manage, needing to know she’s okay. Needing to please her.
I track the moment she realizes I’m not fully in control, the moment she notices something shifting in my face, my eyes.
Her own pretty eyes widen, and then she’s kissing me like her life depends on it.
Fuck. Yes.
She flips onto her stomach, arching her back as she presses her hips high into the air. My nostrils flare, and my control slips completely.
That’s my hand grabbing her by the neck. That’s my arm pinning her hips to me.
I feel every inch of her slippery cunt as I plunge into her, not waiting for her to catch up, for her to breathe.
“I’m going to bite you.” The snarl that comes out of me is deeper, primal, and not all my own. “Say yes. It will help.”
“Yes,” she whines.
My teeth sink into her delicate shoulder, and I thrust all the way in, the base of my cock expanding to keep her just like this for as long as I can.
It’s not him. It’s not him that has me trapped against his body. It is, and it isn’t.
I should be freaking out, and maybe a teeny tiny part of me is. But I love it.
I’ve never felt so close to another being as I do in this moment. I can hardly move, pressed so tightly against him, his palm at my throat, his fangs in my skin.
He fills me completely, ridiculously, and somehow, somehow, it feels so fucking good that I can’t stand it.
All I can do is babble nonsense as he pushes farther and farther into me, filling every inch of me.
The bite on my shoulder burns like engine fuel. Then the blistering heat gives way to a warm, melting sensation, and before I can take another breath, he’s full seated inside me.
We both groan.
“Are you okay?” he asks. The words are mangled, like he’s having trouble forming them. Like he’s no longer quite as human as he looked a moment ago.
The mere thought turns me on even more, and my body knows what to do, even if I’m barely functioning in any rational manner.
I push my hips back against him in answer, and a strangled, pleased sound erupts from him as I try to sink farther onto him, try to get more.
“Such a perfect fucking mate,” he manages, pulling me up toward him so he can slip a finger through my wetness, teasing my clit.
I can’t think. I can hardly breathe. I race toward another orgasm, more shallow, more desperate, as I clench around him.
Warmth blazes inside me, and a small, cognizant part of me recognizes he’s come, even as he continues to work me with his fingers, licking small stripes across the fresh bite on my shoulder.
It lasts forever.
It feels like no time at all.
I lose track of how many times he makes me come like that, touching me, filling me, biting me.
I’m boneless and exhausted and satisfied by the time he’s done. The first rays of sunlight peek through the curtains as he cleans me thoroughly with a cool towel I don’t remember him getting.
He curls up beside me, around me, both legs around mine, cradling me against his body like I’m the most precious thing in the entire universe.
It takes no time at all to melt into his heat and fall asleep to the rhythm of his breathing.
The days pass by in a haze of sex, long baths, and the best food I’ve ever had. The days turn into weeks, and sometimes I wake up from a midnight nap to an empty bed and the sound of a wolf howling in the distance.
Sometimes I wake up to the cold nose of a huge wolf dog curled up next to me, but I like the days I wake up with Brekker’s mouth between my legs the most.
Brekker himself is a revelation. He’s not the most talkative creature I’ve met, but I think I like him more for it.
When he talks, it’s because he has something important to say, or a dry, funny observation that makes me laugh.
I never in my life thought this was where I’d end up, married through a freaking lottery to an alien male. An alien werewolf.
We’re on our way back to Clan Claw’s city on Wulfric, and unlike the trip to the lodge, I’ve spent this entire trip basically in Brekker’s lap, half dozing through the woods in the too-bright sunlight.
“You’ve practically turned me nocturnal,” I tell him through a stifled yawn.
He just laughs and holds me closer.
Compared to the trip to the lodge, which seemed like it took forever, the journey back to the main city goes by in the blink of an eye.
Well, more like the length of a nap, but still.
I stand at the door of the ground transport, sudden nerves stiffening my shoulders.
“The last time you were here, you were a different person,” I tell myself.
“Oh?” Brekker nuzzles my shoulder, planting a kiss on the side of my neck. “Were you?”
“Yep.” I turn around and catch him in a hug, smelling the scent of the forest and dew on his skin still. “I didn’t know what I was doing here. Now I know that by your side is where I belong.”
“Thank the moons you’re finally here,” Tessa yells, bursting from the entryway of the huge Clan Claw house—my house.
I have a fucking house. I have a husband who, though hairy at times, is nothing but joy.
I haven’t had to deal with a brain in a vial making gross sexual comments at me in a week, and I’ve never been happier.
I hope Bridget is okay.
“What’s wrong?” Brekker asks, sweeping me alongside him, his big arm glued to my waist.
“The clan. Of course it’s the clan. They are demanding to know why you went outside our ranks to marry a human.” Tessa grimaces, then glances down at me. “No offense.”
“Um, I am a human? Why would that offend me?”
“Because many of the Wulfric see humans as less than us.” Brekker kisses my temple. “They’re wrong.”
“Konrad said useless, actually,” Tessa clarifies.
I arch an eyebrow, trying not to laugh. I mean, I feel like I should probably be offended, but… I know I’m not useless. I can clean the hell out of a sentient tentacle.
I’d like to see these hot to trot werewolves deal with half the shit I did with the Oolasag curiosities.
“Right,” I tell her brightly. I start to continue, but Brekker cuts off whatever inane shit I was about to say with a terse growl.
“Don’t go fluffy on me,” I tell him.
Tessa’s jaw drops. “Go fluffy?”
“Yeah. Y’all think you’re hot shit until you sprout fur. Then you’re just a puppy dog.” I shrug one shoulder. I’ve never actually seen a puppy dog in real life, but she doesn’t need to know that.
Her mouth opens, then closes, and she shakes her head with a laugh.
“I’ll deal with them.”
“Yeah, you sure as fuck will,” a huge man, the same bearded one I remember from the night Brekker married me, pushes through the doors behind Tessa. A small crowd follows. “You have insulted our clan by choosing this bride. She’s a pretty little pet, but our wolves would make mincemeat of her.”