Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

О жизни королевы Елизаветы см.: Carole Levin, The Heart and Stomach of a King: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Sex and Power (Philadelphia, 1994); Susan Frye, Elizabeth I: The Competition for Representation (Oxford, 1993); Clark Hulse, Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend (Urbana, 2003); Georgianna Ziegler, ed., Elizabeth I: Then and Now (Washington, D.C., 2003); David Loades, Elizabeth I (London, 2003); Alison Plowden, Elizabeth Regina: The Age of Triumph, 1588–1603 (London, 1980); Julia M. Walker, ed., Dissing Elizabeth: Negative Representations of Gloriana (Durham, 1998). О сочинениях Елизаветы см.: Leah S. Marcus, Janel Mueller, and Mary Beth Rose, eds., Elizabeth I Collected Works (Chicago, 2000), G. B. Harrison, ed., The Letters of Queen Elizabeth I (Westport, Conn., 1981).

О деятельности лорда Берли и его сына Роберта Сесила см.: Conyers Read, Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth (New York, 1960); Conyers Read, Mr. Secretary Cecil and Queen Elizabeth (New York, 1955); Michael A. R. Graves, Burghley: William Cecil, Lord Burghley (London, 1998). О жизни лорда-адмирала см.: Robert W. Kenny, Elizabeth’s Admiral: The Political Career of Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham 1536–1624 (Baltimore, 1970).

Ирландии елизаветинского времени посвящено огромное количество работ. Среди текстов, на которые я опирался, см.: Acts of the Privy Council and various State Papers for England and Ireland; Sir James Perrott, The Chronicle of Ireland 1584–1608, ed. Herbert Wood (Dublin, 1933); Fynes Morison, An Itinerary (London, 1617; reprint, 4 vols., Glasgow, 1907); William Farmer, Annals of Ireland from the Year 1594 to 1613, ed. C. Litton Falkiner, English Historical Review 22 (1907), 104–30; 527–52; Robert Payne, A Brief Description of Ireland (1589), текст перепечатан в: Irish Archaeological Society 1 (1841), 1–14; John Dimmok, A Treatice of Ireland, transcribed by J. C. Halliwell, ed. Richard Butler, Irish Archaeological Society (Dublin, 1842), 1–90; Anon., The Supplication of the Blood of the English Most Lamentably Murdered in Ireland (1598), ed. Willy Maley, Analecta Hibernica, 36 (1994), 3–91; vol. 6 of John O’Donovan, ed., Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters (Dublin, 1856; 3 ed., reprint 1990); M. J. Byrne, trans., The Irish War of Defense 1598–1600: Extracts from the «De Hibernia Insula Commenatarius» of Peter Lombard, Archbishop of Armagh (Cork, 1930); M. J. Byrne, ed. and trans., Ireland Under Elizabeth: Chapters Towards a History of Ireland in the Reign of Elizabeth. Being a Portion by Don Philip O’Sullivan Bear (Dublin, 1903); Thomas Gainsford, The True and Exemplary and Remarkable Life of the Earle of Tirone (London, 1619).

Об Ирландии того периода см.: David В. Quinn’s The Elizabethans and the Irish (Ithaca, 1966). См. также его статью: A Discourse on Ireland’ (circa 1599): A Sidelight on English Colonial Policy, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 47 (1942): 151–66; Alfred O’Rahilly, The Massacre at Smerwick (1580) (Cork, 1938); Nicholas Canny, Making Ireland British 1580–1650 (Oxford, 2001); John McGurk, The Elizabethan Conquest of Ireland: The 1590s Crisis (Manchester, 1997); Lindsay Boynton, The Elizabethan Militia: 1558–1638 (London, 1967); Anthony J. Sheehan, The Overthrow of the Plantation of Munster in October 1598, The Irish Sword 15 (1982–83), 11–22; Richard Bagwell, Ireland Under the Tudors (London, 1890); Andrew Hadfield, ‘The Naked and the Dead’: Elizabethan Perceptions of Ireland’, in Travel and Drama in Shakespeare’s Time, ed. Jean-Pierre Maquerlot and Michèle Willems (Cambridge, 1996), 32–54; Brendan Bradshaw, Andrew Hadfield, and Willy Maley, eds., Representing Ireland: Literature and the Origins of Conflict, 1534–1660 (Cambridge, 1993).

О военных предпосылках кампании Эссекса см. особенно: L. W. Henry, Contemporary Sources for Essex’s Lieutenancy in Ireland, 1599, Irish Historical Studies 11 (1958–59), 8–17; Cyril Falls, Elizabeth’s Irish Wars (London, 1950); C. G. Cruickshank, Elizabeth’s Army (2 ed., Oxford, 1966); Hiram Morgan, Tyrone’s Rebellion: The Outbreak of the Nine Years War in Tudor Ireland (Suffolk, 1993); G. A. Hayes-McCoy, The Army of Ulster, 1593–1601, The Irish Sword 1 (1949–1453), 105–17; Paul E. J. Hammer, Elizabeth’s Wars: War, Government and Society in Tudor England, 1544–1604 (New York, 2003). О вербовке рекрутов прямо из театров в 1602 году см.: Isaac Herbert Jeayes, ed., The Letters of Philip Gawdy (London, 1906).

Глава 3. Погребение в Вестминстере

О Вестминстерском аббатстве и могиле Генриха V см.: Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, 2 vols. (5 ed., New York, 1882); Lawrence E. Tanner, The History and Treasures of Westminster Abbey (London, 1953); James Hamilton Wylie, The Reign of Henry the Fifth, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1919).

О жизни Эдмунда Спенсера, сочинениях, написанных в Ирландии, его смерти и похоронах в Лондоне см.: Edwin Greenlaw, Charles Grosvenor Osgood, Frederick Morgan Padelford, Ray Heffner, eds., The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition, 11 vols. (Baltimore, 1932–1949); Edmund Spenser, A View of the State of Ireland, eds. Andrew Hadfield and Willy Maley (Oxford, 1997); Alexander C. Judson, The Life of Edmund Spenser (Baltimore, 1945); Richard Rambuss, Spenser’s Lives, Spenser’s Careers, in Spenser’s Life and the Subject of Biography, eds. Judith H. Anderson, Donald Cheney, and David A. Richardson (Amherst, 1996), 1–17; Willy Maley, A Spenser Chronology (London, 1994); Willy Maley, Salvaging Spenser: Colonialism, Culture and Identity (New York, 1997); Andrew Hadfield, Edmund Spenser’s Irish Experience: Wilde Fruit and Salvage Soyl (Oxford, 1997); A. C. Hamilton, ed., The Spenser Encyclopedia (Toronto, 1990); Herbert Berry and E. K. Timings, Spenser’s Pension, Review of English Studies, n. s. 2 (1960), 254–59; Roderick L. Eagle, The Search for Spenser’s Grave, Notes & Queries 201 (1956), 282–83; Lisa Jardine, Encountering Ireland: Gabriel Harvey, Edmund Spenser, and English Colonial Adventures, in Representing Ireland, 60–75; William Wells, ed., Spenser Allusions in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, compiled by Ray Heffner, Dorothy E. Mason, and Frederick M. Padelford (Chapel Hill, 1972).

Об отношении Шекспира к Спенсеру см. второй том сочинений Шекспира под ред. Э. Мэлоуна: Edmond Malone, The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare (London, 1821), а также соответствующую статью в Спенсеровской энциклопедии (The Spenser Encyclopedia). Помимо этого см.: James P. Bednarz, Imitations of Spenser in A Misummer Night’s Dream, Renaissance Drama 14 (1983), 79–102; Patrick Cheney, Shakespeare’s Sonnet 106, Spenser’s National Epic, and Counter-Petrarchism, English Literary History 31 (2001), 331–64. Christopher Highley, Shakespeare, Spenser, and the Crisis in Ireland (Cambridge, 1997); David J. Baker, Between Nations: Shakespeare, Spenser, Marvell, and the Question of Britain (Stanford, 1997).

Глава 4. Проповедь в Ричмонде

О Ричмондском дворце, помимо воспоминаний путешественников, см.: Simon Thurley, The Royal Palaces of Tudor England; Ian Dunlop, Palaces and Progresses of Elizabeth I; Stephen Pasmore, Richmond Local Historical Society Paper, The Life and Times of Queen Elizabeth I at Richmond Palace (London, 1992).

Об эпилоге см.: William A. Ringler and Steven W. May, An Epilogue Possibly by Shakespeare, Modern Philology 70 (1972), 138–39. Текст был обнаружен Стивеном Мэем (Steven May) в 1972 году в записках Генри Стэнфорда, служившего у лорда-камергера. См. также: Steven W. May, ed., Henry Stanford’s Anthology (New York, 1988); Juliet Dusinberre, Pancakes and a Date for As You Like It, Shakespeare Quarterly 54 (2003), 371–405. О прологах и эпилогах в елизаветинской драме см.: Tiffany Stern, «A small-beer-health to his second day»: Playwrights, Prologues, and First Performances in the Early Modern Theater, Studies in Philology 101 (2004), 172–99.
