Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

10 Они в университете

11 Эти стихи не очень хорошие

12 Они в кино?

13 Я люблю ее

14 Она не готовит

15 Тебе нравятся овощи?

16 Ошибки часто исправляются им

17 Сумма не выплачивается каждый месяц

18 Проекты закрываются регулярно?

19 Это ее кот

20 Ее кот не очень большой

21 Как зовут ее кота?

22 Я читаю книги каждый день

23 Он не помогает родителям

24 Она хочет новый компьютер?

25 Ваши работы принимаются до вторника

26 Ее долги не погашаются им

27 Игры скачиваются быстро?

28 Эти куклы дешевые

29 Они не счастливы

30 Откуда он?

31 Я играю в видеоигры каждый день

32 Мы не курим

33 Вы ходите в бассейн?

34 Документы подписаны им

35 Мусор не выброшен ими

36 Его часто хвалят?

37 Он офисный работник

38 Мы не американцы

39 Вы серьезно?

40 Я веду здоровый образ жизни ежедневно

41 Я не пью алкоголь

42 Сколько часов вы спите?

43 Его учат не мусорить

44 Файл не обновляется регулярно

45 Новые правила часто создаются?

Exercise #2: Ответы

1 I’m alone

2 We’re not friends

3 Are you 20 years old?

4 You often lose books

5 She doesn’t run in the morning

6 Do you text each other every day?

7 Vegetables are bought by them every week

8 Clothes are not washed by him every day

9 Is music recorded by her in the evening?

10 They’re at the university

11 These poems are not very good

12 Are they at the cinema?

13 I love her

14 She doesn’t cook

15 Do you like vegetables?

16 Mistakes are often corrected by him

17 The sum isn’t paid every month

18 Are projects closed regularly?

19 This is her cat

20 Her cat is not very big

21 What’s the name of her cat?

22 I read books every day

23 He doesn’t help his parents

24 Does she want a new computer?

25 Your works are accepted until Tuesday

26 Her debts aren’t covered by him

27 Are games downloaded quickly?

28 These dolls are cheap

29 They’re not happy

30 Where’s he from?

31 I play video games every day

32 We don’t smoke

33 Do you go to the swimming pool?

34 The documents are signed by him

35 The trash isn’t taken out by them

36 Is he often praised?

37 He’s an office worker

38 We’re not Americans

39 Are you serious?

40 I lead a healthy lifestyle daily

41 I don’t drink alcohol

42 How many hours do you sleep?

43 He’s taught not to litter

44 The file isn’t updated regularly

45 Are new rules created often?

Упражнения 3 и 4 на Past Simple

Exercise #3: Раскройте скобки

1 He (to be) at the bar yesterday

2 They (not to be) at Tim’s house that day

3 You (to be) at school on Monday?

4 She (to learn) German 3 years ago

5 I (not to pass) the exam on Tuesday

6 We (to agree) to help him?

7 She (to introduce) to us by Mike

8 He (not to help) by anyone

9 His new book (to announce) by him that Sunday?

10 He (to be) there last Monday

11 She (not to be) a star last year

12 You (to be) in Spain last week?

13 I (to become) a husband a year ago

14 They (not to swim) yesterday

15 We (to see) them yesterday?

16 A new project (to present) to us 2 hours ago

17 The school (not to reconstruct) last year

18 The homework (to do) a few seconds ago?

19 I (to be) at the library 3 hours ago

20 We (not to be) in Greece last year

21 You (to be) a project manager two months ago?

22 I (to leave) the conference early

23 She (not to go) to school yesterday

24 He (to get) a new job?

25 The documents (to prepare) by him in the morning

26 The broken watch (not to fix)

27 The conference (to organize) by her?

28 He (to be) with her all day yesterday

29 They (not to be) at the hotel at 5PM

30 I (to be) the only visitor?

31 He (to congratulate) her on her birthday

32 They (not to like) this music band

33 We (to think) everything through?

34 The flowers (to collect) by them last week

35 The concert (not to cancel) by the singer

36 The script (to edit) by her?

37 They (to be) in America that week

38 We (not to be) at the party that day

39 He (to be) an interesting person?

40 She (to buy) a new TV yesterday

41 We (not to invite) him to the party

42 I (to make) the right choice?

43 The code (to write) by her 2 weeks ago

44 The present (not to open) by him

45 The book (to read) by them yesterday?

Exercise #3: Ответы

1 He was at the bar yesterday – Он был в баре вчера

2 They weren’t at Tim’s house that day – Они не были в гостях у Тима в тот день

3 Were you at school on Monday? – Ты был в школе в понедельник?

4 She learned German 3 years ago – Она выучила немецкий 3 года назад

5 I didn’t pass the exam on Tuesday – Я не сдал экзамен во вторник

6 Did we agree to help him? – Мы согласились ему помочь?

7 She was introduced to us by Mike – Она была представлена нам Майком

8 He wasn’t helped by anyone – Ему не была предложена ничья помощь

9 Was his new book announced by him that Sunday? – Его новая книга была объявлена им в то воскресенье?

10 He was there last Monday – Он был там в прошлый понедельник

11 She wasn’t a star last year – Она не была звездой в прошлом году

12 Were you in Spain last week? – Ты был в Испании на прошлой неделе?

13 I became a husband a year ago – Я стал мужем год назад

14 They didn’t swim yesterday – Они не плавали вчера

15 Did we see them yesterday? – Мы видели их вчера?

16 A new project was presented to us 2 hours ago – Новый проект был представлен нам 2 часа назад

17 The school wasn’t reconstructed last year – Школа не была реконструктурирована в прошлом году

18 Was the homework done a few seconds ago? – Домашняя работа была сделана несколько секунд назад?

19 I was at the library 3 hours ago – Я был в библиотеке 3 часа назад

20 We weren’t in Greece last year – Мы не были в Греции в прошлом году

21 Were you a project manager two months ago? – Ты был проджект менеджером два месяца назад?

22 I left the conference early – Я ушел с конференции рано

23 She didn’t go to school yesterday – Она не пошла в школу вчера

24 Did he get a new job? – Он получил новую работу?

25 The documents were prepared by him in the morning – Документы были подготовлены им утром

26 The broken watch wasn’t fixed – Сломанные часы не были починены

27 Was the conference organized by her? – Конференция была организована ею?

28 He was with her all day yesterday – Он был с ней весь день вчера

29 They weren’t at the hotel at 5PM – Они не были в отеле в 17:00

30 Was I the only visitor? – Я был единственным посетителем?

31 He congratulated her on her birthday – Он поздравил ее с днем рождения

32 They didn’t like this music band – Им не понравилась эта музыкальная группа

33 Did we think everything through? – Мы все продумали?

34 The flowers were collected by them last week – Цветы были собраны ими на прошлой неделе

35 The concert wasn’t canceled by the singer – Концерт не был отменен певцом

36 Was the script edited by her? – Текст был отредактирован ею?

37 They were in America that week – Они были в Америке на той неделе

38 We weren’t at the party that day – Мы не были на вечеринке в тот день
