Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

And, of course, the quality of these Glints depends on the quality and structure of the Reflecting Obstacle. And each Reflection, each Glint – is Different compared to the preCeding one. And so, the Unity of Reflections of God and the Diversity of Divine Faces – MULTIDIMENSIONALITY – is created. All Opposites are simply refractions of the Original, and this allows one to Distinguish it from the Original and Contemplate it. But a Glint of the Original is simply a Reflection of the Original. This means that there is nothing but God and nothing but Light, but there is a distinction from God – a Glint of God, and there is a distinction from Light – a Glint of Light.

But then where does evil come from, and what is evil? Yes, these are complex concepts for you. There is an obstacle reflecting the Light of God. This obstacle, in order to reflect the Light of God, must, as it were, stop and scatter it. What could this be? It could be Something that has a lower speed, that is, something in which God as Light vibrates at a lower speed. Then, as the Light approaches this Something (which is an obstacle, but in fact is simply a reduction in the speed of God’s Radiance), it, as it were, slows down, flows, and moves and transforms at a lower speed, and then becomes an obstacle. And then Light can reflect off it and create Glints. The entire meaning and purpose of this process is to create Glints, distinctions from God, facets of His Radiance. Thus, DENSITY was born. But, for the Glints to be different, there must also be different obstacles, and therefore, different degrees of density in the movement of Light. And so, WORLDS OF DIFFERENT DENSITY were created, as various barriers for reflecting Light, creating Glints of God. This means that Against – is simply in Front of, and difFerence is – Glints of Light. This is important to understand. So what is evil in your understanding?

It is what brings or generates negative energy. Pain, fear, hatred. These are many concepts at once. They are all reflections of what you call positive emotions. What is Fear? It is the absence of information. When does a person feel fear? When they don’t know what awaits them. A person fears death because they don’t know that death doesn’t exist and that they are immortal, because they see others dying around them, because they don’t know what will happen to them beyond the threshold of death, and so on.

And what is Knowledge? You consider it the informational filling of memory cells. But Knowledge is interconnection, continuity. When life is separated from death by a stage called “death,” this is separation. This is not Knowledge, but merely information. Your brain doesn’t know, your entire Being knows. In every cell of your Being, in every quantum of your Light, there are connections. And what you know is CONDITIONED CONTINUITY. You know that you breathe. It’s not your brain that knows, it merely analyzes your breathing: how it happens and what it consists of. But “how to breathe” is known not by the brain, but by every cell of your body. Knowledge is Communion, Connection. But in your brain, an artificial interruption of Knowledge has been created. And you have been left with Faith, that is, a guessing of Knowledge. What is guessing? It is recognizing what is. You do not know for sure, but you believe that there is God. You recognize and remember the Truth: what exists regardless of your guessing, – and this is Faith. When you fully recognize this Truth through Faith, you then already know this part of the Truth, this part of what exists beyond you, regardless of your guessing. Only the word “regardless” is also not quite fitting, because everything is interconnected. It may seem to you that I am trying to avoid the questions and theorize, but I am trying to explain and find understanding in you, using your words. Truth is inexpressible. Because it is much more complex and multifaceted than your words. You like this saying: “Truth is inexpressible because there are not enough words to describe it.” Even all the words I used in this sentence are just as multifaceted and require clarification for you to understand me. And still, even if you understand me, you will understand in your own way, and this again will not be the Truth itself, but only a reflection of its Reflections.

A reflection of Reflections? Does that mean that a Glint of God can also create Another Glint, and so on to infinity? Does that mean that the degree of distortion of the original Light is also infinite? Yes, but it is still – a Glint of the Original Light, a Glint of a Glint, and it is, of course, distorted. What is distortion? Simply refraction. You know the refraction of white light into the colors of the rainbow. You consider them to be beautiful reflections, even more beautiful than white. Why? Because it gives you the ability to distinguish these glints and combine them into various variations, of which there are also countless, and thus to know multiFacedness.

You don’t consider the refraction of white light into rainbow shades a distortion in a bad sense, do you? You have filled this word with a negative meaning, but it simply means glints of white.

What about black? Black is the absence of color. But how can color be absent if color – is also God, and there is nothing but God? But this means that Light on its path encounters such an obstacle that it almost doesn’t reflect Light. So, what is Evil? According to your definition, it is “what generates energy of a negative character.” What does it mean to generate? It means – to reflect and refract God’s Energy. But you cannot reflect God’s Energy directly. Because It is not yet available to you, because your energy receptors are not yet adapted to receiving energy of that order. And, therefore, you refract Glints of Light, that is, Reflections of Reflections. But whose Reflections are you refracting? The reflections – of those obstacles that were created by the original Creators Beyond God and – obstacles that you create yourselves. You yourselves, in essence, your Essence – is repeatedly Reflected Light of God, it is His Reflection of Reflections.

So, the One who Creates, who created the densification of Light for its Reflection, also reflected from this obstacle and created a scattering of Divine Light outside of itself. And further, this Reflected Light, which is Continuous and Endless, also began to reflect off newly created obstacles, and its reflections became Countless and Diverse, distinct from each other, and in some ways distinct from the Original Light of God. And some of these Reflections became so distinct from the Original God that they forgot that they are – the essence of God’s Reflection, and began to consider themselves the Original Light. This is what Is Evil. A Reflection of God’s Light that has lost its connection with God. Each Next reflects the Previous, but the path traveled by the Reflected Glint of God was so long and diverse that the chain of reflections was forgotten by it. What does it mean to be forgotten? It means that the current Reflection, which, for example, is you, feels its connection with the previous Reflection, but does not feel the connection with the Original Source. When the Light of this Source, in one way or another, through other Reflections, reaches this Glint, which is the Soul of a specific person, this Glint – the Soul feels a certain kinship with the Original Light, but does not understand what it consists of. Because the Glints that reach it are also Reflections from distortions of the Original Creating Light. And, simultaneously with the difference, the Soul feels unity, and this inexpressible feeling of Communion gives rise to an attempt to understand the nature of this Communion and return to the Source of this Communion. But on the way back to the Source, it is again reflected and distorted many times, creating a strange picture of the Radiance of the Reflections of God's Light. And it is beautiful.
