Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Is my breathing a creation? Everything you do, any dimension within you, Is Creation, Created by You. You are continuously creating everything that surrounds you.

I want to understand. So, all creators are divided into Creators Within God and Creators Outside of God? Why then, if you are one of the Creators Outside of God, are you always contrasted with the Creator God, and people say that you rebelled against Him? It all comes down to how you perceive the word “against.” What is opposite you, is it really against you? What was separated outside of God stood opposite Him, so that God could contemplate it. Your apparatus for contemplation is vision. Therefore, you can only see what is opposite you. You do not see what is behind you.

Does that mean that what is behind me does not exist? Yes, to some extent. What is behind you is a past Creation, and you can only contemplate it by turning towards it, which places it opposite you. Gradually, this "opposite" transformed into "against" and became the concept of opposition. And this is how DUALITY appeared: That Which Is Within God and That Which Is Outside of God, That Which Is Here and That Which Is Opposite. Creation began to develop and multiply. Each created part sought to create and contemplate That Which Is Opposite, and the newly created Opposite Part became a Part Here, and again sought to contemplate itself. And so, INFINITY arose.

So, does that mean there was no infinity before this? Before this, the Creator was in a folded state. A point is the Potential of Infinity, but it is a folded Infinity, and to unfold, there must be an impulse for unfolding. This is your theory of the Big Bang. There was no explosion in your understanding; there was the beginning of the unfolding of the world's potential.

Alright. And how do you differ from other Creators Outside of God? There is also something different here. All Creators Outside of God Are within me, as one Creator Outside of God.

Are you saying that there are no other Creators Outside of God besides you? That is, you are the sole Creator Outside of God, and all other Creators Outside of God are parts of you? Yes and no. It’s difficult to explain from a perspective of separation. Everything that has been separated outside of God for God's contemplation is God, and it cannot be otherwise, for all Is God. Water exists, and no matter what state it is in—ice, steam, liquid, sea, stream, swamp, and so on—it is all essentially water in different states. Can you oppose ice and boiling water? To some extent, yes, as they have different characteristics. But they are simply water, and both states Are Essentially One. The same is true of the concept of “God.” Everything that is created outside of the Creator Is Essentially Him, but it simultaneously possesses other, distinct characteristics. Distinct—not from Him, but from each other. In other words, for something created to be different, a second thing must be created that differs from the first (like ice from boiling water), since neither differs from the Creator, but are merely created opposite Him for Contemplation. So, for me, as a Creation of God Outside of God, to differ from another, there must be a Creator who is also Outside of God but different from me. I begin to create infinity Within Myself and start to separate a Part of Myself Outside of Myself—for the Contemplation of Myself, just as God did. And in this way, I create Something Outside of Myself that differs from the other created Outside of Me. But all these creations Are Essentially Me, and I Am Essentially God, and all of this is God's Creations and God Himself.

This language is very difficult for a person to understand. Could you express it more simply? I am trying. I don’t understand. God gave you the ability to create outside of Him. You did the same and created Something Outside of Yourself, and so on. Does that mean that in our world, there is nothing but you, as a Creating Part Outside of God, and everything is created as a part of you? You perceive your world very narrowly. Let's go back to water. A water atom is part of a drop, a drop is part of a stream, a stream is part of a river, a river is part of the sea, the sea is part of the ocean. A drop in a stream and a drop in the ocean differ in composition, but they are simply altered parts of water. And a stream drop is also an ocean drop. The intersection of worlds, which you perceive as a linear intersection, is not so; the intersection is multidimensional. Everything exists in everything, and everything is part of everything. Your vocabulary lacks words to explain the multidimensionality of Being. I Am Part of God, and I Am God. I am like a stream drop that differs from an ocean drop, but I Am also an ocean drop simultaneously. I began Movement Outside of God, and parts of me began Movement Outside of Me, and all these parts are both My Expansion and My Knowledge Outside, and God’s knowledge of Himself, and knowledge Outside of Himself.

So, everything created in our World is an expansion through you, but also an expansion through God in you? That is, you Are the Expansion of God Outside of Him, and a person is the Expansion of You Outside of You? And then a person is the Expansion of You Outside of You as the Expansion of God Outside of God? You understood. So, we all create within you? Again: yes and no. Those who wish to separate Outside of Me and create Outside of Me do so. Those who choose to Create Within Me Create Within Me.

Does that mean that those who sow evil Create Within You, and those who sow good Create Outside of You? And again: it is both so and not so. Let’s then figure out: what do you call evil and good?

Evil is what contradicts the original divine nature. For example, the original is Love, and what contradicts it is Hatred. Love. How many different things you understand by this word. God Is Love. You repeat this. You can feel it as certain flows of energy that enter you, pass through you, and into the surrounding space. Let’s try to abstract from moral concepts. So, God Is a certain Energy called Love, He is the SOURCE OF THE ENERGY OF LOVE. But if you separate this Energy outside of the Source, it will continue to remain Energy, only separated from its Source.

Next, this Energy Beyond the Source, to Contemplate Itself as a Creator, can create something from itself outside of itself, something different from itself, in order to distinguish – between Itself and what It has Created Outside Itself. And, to be distinct, this Newly Created entity must have different characteristics, yet essentially remain the Same. That is, it must – transform and become, for example, ice, as opposed to boiling water, both of which, in essence, are originally water, but are now in states distinct from each other.

And what does it mean to be disTinct – it means to Have a Different Face, but not in the sense you understand it, it’s closer to the word Glint. That is, a Glint – is a refraction of the movement of Light. When Light is directed towards an obstacle, it reflects off it, and Light Glints are formed. This means that for Light to reflect, there must be an obstacle in its path. But how can this obstacle be created if everything around is God? Everything, in all directions.

When God set apart Something Beyond Himself, He essentially set this Something Apart Within Himself – after all, it’s all the same. That is, there is no Space Within God and Space Beyond God. There are, as it were, parts, islands of God within God’s Space, which have acquired other qualities and have become Spaces Beyond God. But, to distinguish these Spaces – simultaneously within and beyond, – parts of the Space must be marked, limited. Then, the continuously stretching, moving Light from God and Within God will encounter something set apart Within God and Beyond God, like an obstacle, and will begin to reflect off it and create Glints. And these Glints, Divine Faces, as reflected particles of Divine Light, will begin to reflect in different directions, manifesting as light reflections of the IMAGE OF GOD.
