– Adept…
– Splash. Zikkaera Splash,” Zikki introduced herself.
– So, adept Splash, for this there is a training ground and an arena where competitions are held, as well as duels. This is all?
– Yes. Thank you, ashsheri dean. – Zikki turned and shouted at Harvey, who was heading towards the exit: – Hey, Glynn! Let's find out in the arena which of us is the weaker sex?
Curly turned around and grinned.
– It's covered, baby! Tomorrow at seven pm. I'll be looking forward to it. Wear your best. “He winked and saluted her with the air of a winner.
And I suddenly became interested in how the dean would react to what was happening. What if such behavior is considered unacceptable? To my surprise, Ashsheri Krieger had a nasty, but definitely satisfied smile on her lips, which she hid when she noticed my attention.
Hmm… What could this mean?
Estella Krieger, giving me a promising look, immediately knitted her eyebrows sternly and headed towards the stairs. And suddenly her path was blocked by the same guy I saw at the column. Now he was without a hood and stood closer, I was able to get a better look at him. The symbols on his clothes resembled those of Zikka. Artifacts or decorations in the form of crosses glittered in the ears. Snow-white hair, at first glance, was disheveled, but such a torn hairstyle gave charm. I couldn’t see the color of the eyes, but I noticed the tattoo on the neck. Is it really a dragon too?
“Eshsheri Dean, it’s unfair to punish only new students.” “Both sides are to blame in this conflict,” the stranger stood up for us, and I thought that I liked his voice. Soft, somehow even enveloping. I wanted to listen and listen to him. – You should deduct points from the guys too.
– Adept Dimma, will you tell me who to take points from and who not?! Leave your tricks to fool girls. Minus point!
The guy just shrugged and said:
– It was worth a try. Have a nice day, eshsheri dean, and may all good things return to you a hundredfold. – Bowing gallantly, the guy threw a loose hood over his head, which immediately hid the upper part of his face.
All the girls looked at the unexpected defender as he walked past. He moved smoothly and leisurely, like a large predator. When he caught up with Zikki, she reacted somehow strangely. It seemed to me that she instinctively wanted to follow him, or intended to ask him something, but seemed to change her mind.
– This is what I wanted to show you. So, Dimma? So he's from the royal family of mist dragons? – I expressed my thought out loud.
“Yeah,” Ada confirmed.
Slightly shaken by the incident, we retreated to one of the vacated seating areas to talk calmly there, rather than jostling in the middle of the hall.
– Girls, we need to do something! – said Lisel. -Have you seen the list of items? This is no good!
Everyone started making noise, expressing indignation.
– I think we need to fight for our rights! – said Willde.
– The rules must be the same for everyone! – supported sister Volde.
– Let them give us another curator! – suggested Khvoyana.
– And to whom should we go with such a request? – Ada grimaced skeptically.
– You need to go to the rector. It’s unlikely that anyone else will be able to help,” said the same enveloping voice.
The same guy was sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs. He was watching us from under the hood, and it was unclear how long he had been here?
Volde came closer and, placing her hands on her hips, asked:
–Are you spying on us?
Zikki stood next to her.
– What do you care about us anyway? – she asked.
“I don’t like injustice,” the guy answered.
– Asher, we are grateful to you for your advice and attempt to help, but, perhaps, we will sort out our problems ourselves. You’ve already lost a point because of us, whatever that means,” Lisel entered the conversation.
The guy stood up:
– As you know. Have a nice day eshsheri! And keep your eyes open. Not everyone here likes your presence.
Nodding to us goodbye, he headed away
– And you? – for some reason Zikkaera shouted at him behind him.
The mysterious young man did not respond, only lost his step for a moment.
“He’s kind of strange,” Ada muttered thoughtfully, pulling at her disheveled braid.
I glanced at her briefly, was distracted for just a split moment, and the guy disappeared. I even got a little angry.
– How he does it?
– What are you talking about? – the northern woman asked.
– Yes, he’s like a ghost! It appears and then disappears!
“He’s not a ghost, Mirre.” Dean Krieger was talking to him.
– I know…
Zikki plopped down on the sofa, spreading her arms along the back and crossing her legs. Whether she deliberately copied the misty pose, or whether it happened by accident, it turned out funny.
– Girls, he’s right! It seems that the only way to rectify the situation is to talk to the rector,” she said.
– Who will go? – Khvoyana asked.
From the tone in which she asked the question, it was clear that she was not ready to take on this responsible task.
Yumi immediately turned pale so that even the cypress in the pot could understand that even if she was carried and thrown into the office of Asher Schwartz by force, she still would not be able to utter a word.
– Lisel? – Ada turned to our unspoken leader and the most obvious candidate for the role of envoy.
– I?!
I don’t know why, but the usually brave girl, the daughter of Duke Conradine, suddenly became shy.
And then it dawned on me that of everyone, perhaps only me and Beate Hügel could freely enter the rector’s office without an invitation. But Beata isn’t here, and it also seems to me that the dragoness doesn’t care what subjects they teach us.
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