I even opened my mouth at such a statement and batted my eyelashes. Not only did my father unfairly accuse me, but it also turns out that he initially did not want me to be here.
– I didn’t receive any letter, dad! I don't know what you're talking about. I'm very sorry that I upset you with my arrival. Sorry. But I was so happy just a few minutes ago! So glad to get a glimpse of the academy. You…
Unable to control her emotions, she took a convulsive breath and sobbed, unable to hold back the tears in her eyes, and they rolled down her cheeks. I turned away and, staring unseeingly out the window, snapped:
– I’m not going anywhere, essher dean! I have earned the right to study here, and I will study. Dot!
– Well said, Adept Blackrock! I fully support you! – They applauded from behind.
I turned around sharply and saw Felsen Schwartz on the threshold. And when did he first come in?
Apparently, the father also did not expect a high visit. He managed to sink into a chair, but jumped to his feet again.
– Escher rector! And I… I… And here we are talking with our daughter.
– Yes. “I heard the details of your conversation and decided to intervene,” said Felsen Schwartz.
– Sorry, we made a little family noise. Ha-ha…” Dad tried to justify himself.
Judging by his confused chuckle, he was terribly embarrassed.
– Oh, this noise could be heard even at the stairs! With my dragon hearing, I understood every word.
My father turned red, and I felt a little revenged. At least we embarrassed ourselves together today. One one!
– Frankly, I was quite surprised. I thought you were worried that Mirrae wouldn’t pass the mark and were embarrassed by her weak gift. It turns out I misunderstood you?
“Yes,” the Duke agreed reluctantly. – Mirre’s gift is in order. I was afraid that she would receive unnecessary attention from the adherents. You know them, escher rector! – the father exclaimed in some despair.
Ignoring him, Felsen Schwartz turned to me:
– Do you, adept, think that you are here by right?
– I passed the selection test better than anyone else in the boarding house, escher rector. I suppose so,” I replied.
The rector looked reproachfully at the duke.
– You see, Blackrock. What else do you need? Let Mirre study in peace. You came here to study, right, adept?
– Yes, essher! At the boarding school we were taught only to tame magic, but I want more! – I couldn’t resist complaining.
– Blackrock! – Felsen Schwartz sighed reproachfully. – As far as I know, your daughter had no magic at all, and when she appeared, you forced the girl to pacify her? If I were her, I would bite your head off for this!
Dad and I even looked at each other at such an unexpected statement, and the rector continued.
– Imagine that you just learned to walk, stood on your feet, took your first steps, and they forcibly sat you back down and forbade you to get up. Or you were blind and then regained your sight, but were forced to wear a tight bandage. How would that make you feel?
“I didn’t think in that way…” the Duke responded dully and glanced guiltily in my direction.
– Think about it! Adept Blackrock, while the dean is thinking, you can be free. Go, get settled, and we'll talk a little. If any problems arise, or someone begins to offend you, please contact me directly. Always happy to help. – The rector smiled at me warmly.
My heart jumped with joy. Now even daddy won't be able to get rid of me!
– Thank you! – she thanked the rector with all her heart and headed for the exit.
– Wait, Mirre! Who is Simka? – Felsen Schwartz suddenly asked.
I even felt hot, but I didn’t dare lie.
– Simka is my simuran. He accompanies me everywhere. But don't worry, escher rector, he won't cause any problems. You won't even see him. Simka is very smart and independent, and he also carries my mail to the Ancient Forest and to the north to my sister… – I blurted out in one breath, realizing that without Simka I would be very sad.
– Won’t he chew your shoes? – for some reason Felsen Schwartz asked.
“No,” I said in confusion, not expecting such a question.
– Well, fine! Then let him live, just don’t catch the eye of Ashsheri Krieger. She doesn't like animals.
– Thank you! – I exhaled again, feeling imaginary wings growing behind my back.
I had just nearly been thrown into the abyss of hopelessness, and the rector gave me a helping hand and encouraged me. I got much more than I expected. Official permission to leave simuran!
– Escher rector, but this is an animal! – the father did not let up.
“He’s almost your daughter’s familiar, as I understand it.”
– But the rules of the academy prohibit keeping animals!
– The rules of the academy have become mossy! The time has come to reconsider each one, which is what I decided to do. We will create a fresh code that corresponds to new realities,” said Felsen Schwartz.
Now that everything was resolved and all I could worry about was studying, I could relax. But there was one more important point. I still had the Dragon Focus in my coat pocket. I didn’t know whose it was, but who, if not another dragon, could tell me what to do? My father didn’t even let me open my mouth, so I had no desire to talk to him about the find.
– Asher rector, I…
– There is no need for thanks, adept.
“But I… There on the street…” I made another attempt.
“I already realized that you were simply lost with joy.” It's okay, forget about this little incident. He's not worth a damn. We won't mention this in future. Really, Duke? – the rector said with emphasis.
– Of course, of course, Asher Schwartz! – the father agreed.
He seemed relieved too. Apparently, he was seriously worried about my mistake.
– Thank you, escher rector. Then you can…
I wanted to say: “Can I talk to you in private?”, but Felsen Schwartz interrupted me again:
– Of course, go! And hurry up, or you'll miss breakfast. Go straight to the dining room, it is on the first floor, along the corridor to the left of the main entrance. Don't be confused, there are signs there.
It was inconvenient to insist, and I decided to look at the rector later. Moreover, he himself said to come in if problems arise. I think I have a good reason.
– Thank you. Have a good day! – I said goodbye to everyone and left my father’s office.
The rector did not bend his heart; navigation in the academy turned out to be excellent. As soon as you thought about where this or that place was located, the necessary sign, or even a whole sign with a map, was found nearby. And everything is so fresh, as if it was recently updated. Maybe they did something better before our arrival? I don’t know if this is true, but I found the dining room without difficulty. Having turned into the desired corridor, I soon found myself in a spacious, bright room, where it was crowded, a little noisy, and delicious smells were in the air. The stomach immediately reminded me that the last time I ate food was yesterday and demanded that this be corrected immediately.
The huge hall was lined with large round tables for about ten people, at which the adherents had breakfast. At the very entrance there was a dressing room where you could leave your clothes. She was received and given out by a real elemental! Air. Dad wasn't lying when he talked about this at home.
– Hello! – I greeted a little confused.
I have not yet had the opportunity to communicate with such creatures.
The elemental instantly moved to the counter, blowing a cool wind over me, and immediately I smelled the sea. I pulled off my gloves and put them in my coat pocket, unwound the scarf and handed it all to the elemental, not knowing how to act correctly. Another gust of wind, and all my things were neatly hung on hangers.