Luc’s chuckle rumbled through the space and rolled down my body like caressing fingers, momentarily distracting me from the task at hand as my insides spasmed.
“Just imagine your ideal nest and I will do the rest.” My face was warm where his hands still cupped my cheeks, and I realized that I could almost feel his power coursing through his palms as he spoke.
Instead of asking anymore questions, I let my eyelids flutter closed and began to think about my ideal nest. I’d only really ever had one nest in my life and that was the nest back in my dorm room. I had perfumed as an omega when I was fifteen, but my parents—who were both betas—told me that I didn’t need to worry about a nest until I had my first heat, which didn’t happen until my first year of college. I spent a week and a half in the on campus omega center in an impersonal nesting space that hundreds of other omegas had used before me.
After that I had taken great lengths to make my nest in the dorm I shared with Cleo a comfortable one, but was it really my ideal nest? No, it definitely wasn’t. When Luc mentioned my ideal nest, a near-forgotten memory popped into my head.
When I was very small, before my parents divorced, we went to a lake house deep in the woods every summer. I was pretty sure it had been owned by a great-aunt of my father’s, and I was also pretty sure that great-aunt was an omega. The space was designed for pack living with lots of bedrooms and nooks and crannies that were perfect for hiding out in when avoiding bickering parents.
Towards the back of the house was what could only be described as a nesting space. It was a solarium with a sunken bed in the middle. Most omegas hated being so exposed during their heats, but I could remember sitting in the center of the bed and listening to the heavy summer rain. It was so heavy, in fact, that sheets of water rolled down the windows hiding me from the world. I could almost hear it now, the rat-a-tat-tat of rain on the panes of glass.
“Open your eyes, Eden,” Luc rumbled in my ear and I obliged, blinking with surprise at the fact that I could hear rain because we were standing in the very nest that I had imagined.
It looked different from when I was a child. When we had visited it had been completely devoid of the comforts of an omega’s nest and the mattress had looked older than my father. Now, however, it was a plush space. The sunken bed was soft under my feet and filled with pillows, blankets, and other nesting materials. The mosaic tile floor that spiraled out from the bed toward the windows shone brightly as if someone had just scrubbed them clean.
Rain poured heavily outside of the windows, obscuring the world beyond and creating a safe, private space for Luc and me.
“What do you think?” I asked, finally finding my voice again. “Do you like it?”
Luc’s glowing green eyes scanned the room before returning to me again. “I do, it’s not what I expected you to conjure up. Most omegas prefer dark and cozy rather than light and airy.”
“Well, I guess I’m not like other omegas then.” I had no idea where my confidence to say those words came from, but judging by the way the corner of Luc’s mouth ticked upwards, I could tell that he liked it.
“Indeed.” His hands slid away from my face and down my neck, pausing for a moment at my collarbone. “Are you ready? There’s no going back after this, my angel.”
I swallowed down a sudden lump of nervousness in my throat. I had never shared my heat with anyone before, let alone Satan himself. The nervousness only lasted for half a moment before being replaced with a blaze of heat between my legs, reminding me that I was still in the middle of my heat and the desire to be filled completely outweighed my nervousness.
Instead of verbally answering Luc’s question, I stood on my tip toes and linked my fingers behind his neck in a silent gesture for him to lean down to my level. Luc obliged and our lips met in a kiss far gentler than the one we shared previously. The pointed teeth that had given me some pause earlier no longer scared me and I found that it felt good when my tongue scraped past them as we kissed.
Luc, not needing any further encouragement, continued his journey down my body and as his hands slid down past my collar bones the silk material that my body was swathed in started to disappear as he touched it, like cotton candy melting in water. Curious about whether it would happen if I did the same, I began to explore the planes of his chest and felt the black silk begin to tingle and disappear under my fingers.
“You catch on quickly.” Luc growled against my mouth and with a hard yank he pulled me fully against his body. The material, which had been slowly disappearing under our fingers, slid away from our bodies in a black and white mist, leaving us completely naked.
With our bodies pressed together I couldn’t see all of him, but I could feel all of him. Luc had been much taller than me when he first appeared in front of me, but now I could easily reach most of his body without much of a fuss. My breasts were pressed against his firm chest and every time he shifted to touch another part of my body, my nipples skimmed across his smooth dark green skin and sent shockwaves down to my pussy which had to be absolutely dripping at this point.
As if the sensation from my breasts wasn’t enough I could feel his cock pressed between our bodies. It was bigger than the cocks that I had seen in the porn that I watched during my heats. Those had been long, but Luc’s cock was thick. So thick, in fact, that I could feel it indenting the soft skin of my stomach as I pressed myself even harder to his body.
I was so entranced with the feel of his erection against my stomach that I hardly noticed when Luc hooked a hand behind my knees and we fell together into the soft depths of the sunken nest. Luc hovered over me, and I realized with a start that Luc looked as flushed as I felt. Neon green patches coursed under dark green skin as he panted above me and I watched with abject fascination as the green traveled down his body. It reminded me a bit of how colors change on an octopus or a chameleon. Clouds of neon green moved down his chest and back up again to cluster in his cheeks.
With a jolt I realized that, despite his calm outward demeanor, Luc was just as turned on as I was.
Ever since she had agreed to share her heat with me and had spoken the ritual words, I had barely been hanging on to my sanity. Her scent was overwhelmingly sweet and it made my head swim as I hovered over her.
Eden smelled like a granny smith apple, a fact that I had been forcing myself to ignore while I compelled her to agree to make a deal with me. If I had let myself get swept away in her perfume, there was no way she would have agreed to sleep with me. Now, however? Now I could inhale as deeply as I wanted to and let her scent wrap around me.
“You know,” Eden said from underneath me as she shifted into a more comfortable position. “You have a pretty good poker face. If it weren’t for this, I would think this was just another day at the office.” Her fingers slid tantalizingly down my neck, following the trail of neon green as it traveled up my face. It was rare for me to be so flushed. There weren’t many instances in my daily life where I would become aroused or embarrassed, I was the Devil after all. But it had been making an appearance every time I thought of the omega lying underneath me. Every time I caught the ghost of her scent along our connection or stepped into her dreams I would have to work to calm myself down before I could go to any meetings. Most of my subordinates wouldn’t even know what the neon glow under my skin meant, but I did. It was proof that a human mortal had flustered me and made me want to constantly wrap my tail around my cock and provide relief for myself.