I must have made some kind of noise because Abraxas’s yellow eyes slid over to me, a question on his face.
I didn’t have time to answer however, because green mist began to fill the room and I knew exactly what that tugging was.
A grin spread over my face as everyone at the table turned to look at me. “Well, ladies, gentlemen, as interesting as this meeting has been... I’ve got to take a call,” I managed to get out before I was slipping through the veil, landing lightly in the middle of a chalked out circle.
Gone was the sleek black conference room, instead I was standing in an old looking bedroom. I was surrounded by the mist, but I could see everything with clarity—it was my mist after all—including the pretty omega that was currently gaping up at me.
She was prettier than I had expected. In all of the time that her soul had brushed past mine, I had never been able to clearly make out her features. That wasn’t a problem now.
I examined her face first. It was heart-shaped with rounded cheeks that were topped with some kind of glitter. Plump pink lips were agape with shock as she asked me who I was and her blue eyes glittered with confusion as she took in my form in all of its glory. She was beautifully sculpted with plump curves underneath what I was realizing was, ironically, an angel costume. Or, at least, what humans thought angels looked like. In her golden blonde curls sat a fake halo that bounced as she scooted backwards until her back hit the wall.
“But, you? My angel, you can call me Luc,” I said, finishing my dramatic little speech and leveling a toothy grin in her direction.
The omega’s lips opened and closed as she tried to form her next words. All that came out, however, was a gurgle as she rolled to her feet and lunged for the door with a squeak.
Every time, I thought with an eye roll as I side-stepped into her path. She bumped into me with an adorable little ‘oof,’ before stumbling back and staring up at me with blue eyes that were filled with tears. Shit, I needed to get this situation under control or my ass would be getting kicked back through the veil faster than I could say ‘let’s make a deal.’
Reaching out I steadied her with my hands and was pleased when I felt her whole body shudder under my touch, not with fear but with the pleasure that could only be brought on by an omega in heat being touched by an alpha.
“P-please don’t eat me,” she blurted as she looked from my hands to my face with wide blue eyes.
“I’m not going to eat you,” I said with a snort. At least not in the way that you think, the naughty thought slipped in. If I had my way I would be using my tongue in ways that would make the pretty omega cry out in rapture rather than fear. I forced my normally sharp teeth into flatter human teeth and grinned down at her again, making sure that she saw them.
“Then what do you want?” she squeaked.
I slanted a confused glance at her. “Don’t you know what I want? You summoned me after all.”
The omega shook her head furiously, sending her golden curls bouncing in response. “No, I didn’t!” she replied stubbornly.
With a swipe of my hand I cleared the rest of the mist from the room and pointed at the still lightly glowing circle that I had stepped out of only minutes before. “Yes, you most definitely did, angel.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” She buried her face in chalk covered hands and let out a shaking sob that went straight through me. The omegas weren’t supposed to be upset about summoning me, they were supposed to summon me with a request so that we could make a deal that ended in a mutually beneficial fashion.
With a snap of my fingers, a sleek leather sofa appeared in the bare old room and I led her over to it and directed her to sit down. “Explain.”
“I was just decorating for a Halloween party! I’ve drawn that same symbol in my sketchbook a hundred times but it never summoned anything, let alone fucking Satan.” She moved to cover her face again but I grabbed her hands and pulled them away, forcing her to look at me.
“Of course nothing happened before,” I told her with a chuckle. “The spell requires the essence of an omega in heat.”
She gaped up at me, looking from her skirt, back to me, and back to her skirt again. “Are you talking about my slick? Oh, that’s gross, dude.” Her cute little nose scrunched.
“I don’t make the rules,” I said with a shrug. I needed to get this meeting back on track or else I would miss the chance that I had been waiting for and end up back in the monotony of Hell again. “What’s your name, angel?”
She blinked at me a few times, trying to keep up with the shift of the conversation. “Eden,” she said in a small voice and I nearly laughed in her face.
“Your name is Eden?” I repeated incredulously. “You are an omega named Eden and you are dressed in an angel costume?”
Pink rose in Eden’s cheeks and she nodded. “I didn’t pick the costume,” she replied sheepishly.
I couldn’t help the loud bark of surprised laughter that rumbled out of me. At the sudden noise she jumped and I shut my mouth mid-laugh, worried for a moment that she was going to try and tuck tail and run if I scared her too much. Everything about the situation was so ironic that I could hardly believe it. I swear, if this is another prank by Max I’m going to send him straight to Forever Hell, I thought with a shake of my head.
“What do you want from me?” Eden asked, cutting through my thoughts. She was looking down at where our hands were joined, watching the glow that flowed under my skin with interest.
The train was finally back on track. “I am here to make your dreams come true, all we need to do is to make a deal.”
“A deal?” I asked. I felt more like a parrot than a person at this point. My brain was still reeling from the fact that I was sitting on a leather couch and holding the hands of Satan himself. Luc, I dazedly reminded myself, he wanted to be called Luc and who was I to piss off the Devil?
After a beat I asked: “What kind of a deal?”
Luc’s smile was full of pointed teeth which, normally, would have been absolutely terrifying. Instead, I felt my insides twist as a wave of lust filled my body along with the heat cramps. My scent, which undoubtedly had already been filling the room around us, flowered between us and I watched Luc’s nostrils flare as his bright green eyes seemed to glow neon in the dim room.
“It will be a quid pro quo of sorts, you give me something and I will do something for you in return. You see, it’s not often that I get to venture out of my realm. There are very specific steps that must be taken, and you have done all of them, my gorgeous angel,” he purred and I felt my cheeks warm at the nickname.
“It was an accident. I didn’t mean to,” I told him again. How the hell was I supposed to know that I was inadvertently summoning Satan? Oh God, what if he wanted something crazy like my soul?
“I like my soul right where it is!” I blurted much louder than intended and Luc once again threw his head back and laughed uproariously at my words. Despite how inhuman he looked, his laughter was like warm honey soothing its way across my hot skin and I very nearly leaned into him for comfort.
When he was finally done laughing, Luc ran a hand through his inky black hair. “I don’t require your soul, Eden, that is far too precious a commodity to barter. No, I require something different. I would like your heat.”
At the mention of it my stomach twisted viciously and I felt the moisture of my slick begin to pool between my thighs. “What do you want with my heat?” I asked through gritted teeth.