Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Not at the moment. I'm currently working on a secret project, and I’m only free in the evenings.”

“There are secret projects in city administration? I never thought that was a thing,” she said dubiously.

“I can't explain everything to you yet. It's not just about the city administration. I've signed nondisclosure agreements regarding my current mission. So, please don't ask me about my work for now. I'll definitely tell you everything when the time comes. This… mystery, as you call it, is temporary.”

“Alright, I understand. Non-disclosure means nondisclosure. You’re probably a 007 agent,” she joked.

Derek just smiled, “How was your evening?” he said, changing the subject.

“Very good, I wasn't as bored today as I was on the other days.”

"Who entertained you?" he inquired.

In his question, Megan sensed strange notes, as if he knew about her new acquaintance.

“We had a family dinner,” she shared without going into details.

“I'm glad you had a good time. Would you mind taking a walk with me? We could go down to the sea or up the hill.”

“I'd love to,” she responded, happy for the opportunity to spend more time together.

Derek wrapped his arm around her waist, and they headed towards the beach. Megan was dressed warmly, so the light breeze blowing from the sea didn't bother her. Large boulders were scattered across the sand. The young man sat down on one of them and pulled her close. They sat there for a long time, talking about various topics. The conversation flowed easily and naturally. Megan noted to herself that Derek was intelligent, well-educated, and knowledgeable on many issues; with his wisdom and tact she felt they could discuss anything and everything. He seemed perfect. For the first time in her life, she felt truly happy, spending almost the entire night in his strong embrace.

“You know, Derek, I find myself liking you more and more,” she said with a smile, gazing into his eyes.

“Thank you, I'm flattered. And what did I do to earn such affection today?” he asked, cocking his right eyebrow.

“You're smart…, interesting. It's very easy and comfortable to talk to you.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“It's hard to believe that one person can embody incredible beauty, wisdom, romanticism, and so much more,” she continued.

“So many compliments! You're idealizing me, I'm embarrassed,” he laughed.

“I'm not idealizing. Actually, I was thinking… there must be at least one flaw in you! Tell me, what's not right, what am I not seeing?” she playfully said.

“Like everyone, I have my downsides.”

“Such as?”

“The most serious one you'll find out about later,” Derek said, devoid of any emotion.

“You're a sadist? Or a maniac?”

His loud laughter broke the silence of the night. It was the first time Megan had heard Derek laugh so genuinely and contagiously. The suggestion amused him greatly.

“Why of all things did you come up with these ones?” he asked, still laughing.

“I don't know,” Megan chuckled.

“Your guesses are wrong. Any other ideas?”

“You're not really a 007 agent, are you?” she asked, making a disapproving face.

“What an imagination you have!”

“I can't think of anything else. You tell me,” Megan insisted.

“In time, you'll definitely find out,” Derek replied, kissing her face.

“Alright, we'll see how imperfect you can be,” she said.

But her companion had already resumed his usual serious demeanor.

“Dawn is soon,” he whispered.

“Already? That was quick.”

“It's time for you to go home. I'll come tomorrow if you don't mind. We could have dinner at that restaurant,” Derek pointed towards one of the hills.

“I don't mind,” Megan replied, looking forward to their next meeting.

“I'll be there at 10:00 p.m.” he said, releasing her from his embrace.


“Let's go, I'll walk you home.”

She embraced him around the neck and gently kissed him. She didn't want to leave him at all, and he didn't want to let her go. But he knew it was time…

When the girl found herself in her bedroom, she understood what it meant to be the happiest person in the world, because that's exactly how she felt at that moment. She discovered what love is. Love that fills every cell of the body. This intense emotion seemed to squeeze her heart so tightly that it was hard to breathe. For Derek, she was now ready to go to the end of the world and back again. And now, she very well understood what her mother meant before she moved to America. Megan's ears echoed her words, “Baby, I know it’s a very difficult choice right now, but one day you’ll understand me. There’s nothing more powerful in life than love. When it comes – everything changes: the values, the meaning of being.” Megan was amazed at how quickly and unconditionally one can fall in love with someone, how in one moment everything changes, and there's no turning back.

It was difficult to fall asleep. Thoughts overwhelmed her, emotions ran high, but she needed to rest at least a little before the trip to the islands tomorrow.

* * *

She managed to sleep only a couple of hours before the alarm went off and it was time to get ready. Megan thought about the unfortunate day they chose for this trip. But somehow, the usual predictability of life didn't apply here. Nobody could have known in advance that on this sleepless night she would find the love of her life.

She quickly washed up, combed her gorgeous hair, dressed warmly, and went down to the kitchen to drink a double shot of strong coffee. Warren and Glenn were just finishing breakfast.

“Good morning, Megan,” the couple said in unison.

“Good morning,” she said with a smile and reached for the coffee.

“Aren't you going to have breakfast?” Glenn asked in surprise.

“No, I don't want to. I'll just have some cookies,” murmured the sleep-deprived girl.

“Are you feeling okay?” Glenn asked worriedly.

“Yes, I'm fine. Just didn't sleep much. Insomnia. It happens sometimes.”

“If you want, we can stop by a pharmacy today and get you some calming drops; they'll help with the insomnia.”

“Thanks, Glenn, I think that's a good idea. We can stop by on the way back.”

“Well, are you ready? If so, let's go,” Warren said cheerfully, getting up from the table.

“Yes, we can head out,” Megan replied.

Sitting in Warren's cozy car, she again immersed herself in thoughts about Derek.

Arriving at the port, they saw Duncan and Craig there.

“Hi, Megan,” Craig greeted her joyously.

“Craig, Duncan, it’s nice to see you both!” she said.

“The weather is wonderful today, so the trip should be fantastic,” Craig observed.

Leaving their cars in the parking lot, the group chatted and headed towards the dock, where a boat was prepared. Fifteen minutes later, everyone was aboard the vessel heading to Kirkwall, located on the Orkney Islands.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard!” Craig announced playfully, mimicking a sea captain, wanting to catch Megan's attention. Spreading a blanket in his hands, he continued, “If you get cold during the journey, you can always cover yourselves with the blankets under your seats,” with these words, he carefully covered the girl's shoulders.

“Thank you, captain, you're very kind!” she thanked him with a smile.

The day was clear and sunny. The sky was cloudless. But Megan knew that despite the good weather, it would definitely be cold on the way due to the headwind.

“How long will it take us to get there?” she asked.

“About an hour,” Duncan replied.

The company was made up of interesting conversationalists, and time flew by unnoticed.

From Kirkwall, they began their exploration of the island. Megan couldn't get enough of the beauty that unfolded before her eyes. Magnificent cliffs of various shapes and heights extended deep into the sea. The delightful sandy beaches invited peace and solitude. She couldn't have imagined such a variety of landscapes in this area. Moving from one place to another, they eventually arrived at the famous Ring of Brodgar. This ring consisted of 27 megalithic stones and had been here for several thousand years. It was unknown who built it and for what purpose – whether it was the Celts or those before them, there were no answers to these questions.
