Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Then Megan dreamt of the crypt. She was running through its corridors, hearing behind her, “You can't escape from the past.” This cry echoed from the tomb where Margaret's remains lay. And at the exit from the crypt, Mary, whom her cousin also mentioned, opened the door for her. She appeared to be about fifty years old and must have been a beautiful woman once. Mary said, “Go, it's still possible to change everything.” On a large stone by the chapel sat a black raven, watching Megan. And at the castle's door stood her grandfather Malcolm, who told her, “Thank you for coming, I'm very glad. Now I know you need to be here. It had to happen; the time has come. Mary is right; everything can still be changed. Go forward through life without fear, no matter what and in spite of everything. I will protect you, my girl.”

At these words, Megan woke up. It was six-thirty in the morning. Good thing it's light, she thought, or I would have gone mad with fear after such a dream. Regaining her composure, she noted that the window was closed, and everything was in its place.

Leaving her room, Megan attempted to recall where her grandfather's office was located. She stopped in front of one of the doors, feeling that Gregor had pointed her here. Upon entering, she realized it was Malcolm’s bedroom. Her heart clenched with sorrow. She caressed the pillow on the bed.

Looking around, Megan noticed another door. The manager had mentioned that the office was next to the bedroom.

Indeed, a few seconds later, she saw Grandpa’s desk at the center of the room. To the left there was a lancet window and a bookcase filled with various folders. Behind the chair, on the wall, hung a large canvas in a frame, at the top of which boasted the family coat of arms, and beneath it, the genealogical tree of the McKenzie clan. Sitting at the desk, Megan began to examine the contents of its drawers. In one, she found a bunch of keys mentioned by Warren yesterday. In others, were various documents, seals, and writing instruments. She opened the folder she had brought with her, and for the next two hours, she meticulously studied the affairs of the distillery and all matters related to the upkeep of the castle.

Suddenly, a slight movement at the window caught her attention. Megan froze. Then she turned her head and saw a black raven.

“Oh no! You again! What do you want from me?” she exclaimed with anger and fear. She didn’t like this bird at all. “How much more will you harrass me? Can birds even stalk people?! It’s just surreal!”

She grabbed the folder and dashed into the corridor. Glenn was heading towards her, “Megan, hi. I thought you’d gone somewhere. I knocked on your bedroom door, but there was no answer. I thought maybe you’d gone with Warren to the distillery. Why do you look so scared? What’s happened?”

“Glenn, this might sound silly, but there is a bird that’s driving me crazy – a black raven. I’ve been seeing it every day since I arrived. It’s either by the window where I am, or near me in the field, by the shore…everywhere. It scares me! Aren’t there any legends related to black ravens here?” The girl desperately fought the urge to break into hysteria.

“It’s the first I’ve ever heard of a raven. Take it easy, Megan. I presume, because of the stress you've recently experienced and the legends you've heard, your nerves are on edge. It's just a bird, don't pay any attention to it.”

Seeing as she hadn't convinced Megan, Glenn continued, “Get it out of your head, you're giving too much importance to a trivial matter. You’re seeing things that aren’t really there. Let's focus on something important, which is why I was looking for you. Since all the representatives of the McKenzie clan are gathering in one place today, there’s going to be a kind of celebration. I wanted to suggest you wear a kilt in our colors, if you don’t mind. I can show you how to wear it.”

“But I don’t have a kilt.”

“I’ll lend you one of mine. We're about the same size.”

“I’d be very grateful, and I'd love to wear it – my first time ever,” Megan said, calming down and smiling.

“Wonderful! Let's go. Here is mine and Warren’s bedroom.” Glenn took out everything necessary for Megan’s new look from the wardrobe.

“Thank you so much! You're so kind and attentive!”

“No worries, I'm always happy to help you. You can count on me anytime.”

“Are you also from here? From the north?” Megan inquired.

“Yes, I'm from Thurso.”

“When Warren mentioned that you went to Inverness, I thought you lived there before.”

“No. My sister lives in Inverness; her husband is originally from there. When I moved to Castle Mal, my sister stayed with our mother in Thurso, but then she got married two years ago and left our ancestral home. Our father has been gone for a long time, and it's very sad for my mother to be alone. I'm glad she's close. We see each other often. That evening, when you arrived, we were all visiting my sister. She lost her baby in the fourth month of pregnancy, and she's having a very hard time right now.”

“I'm so sorry, it's indeed a tragedy.”

“Such is life.”

“Do you and Warren have children?”

“Not yet, but we haven't lost hope,” Glenn said sadly.

“Of course. I’m sure that with time everything will work out and you’ll get pregnant. It just isn't your time yet. I know many couples who didn't have children for the first seven or ten years of marriage, and then they had one after another.”

“Doctors say everything is fine with us and there's no reason to worry. You know, Megan,” the young woman whispered, “last year I asked old lady Innes what she sees. And she predicted that in two years, I would become the mother of a lovely girl. And I believe her! But please, don't tell Warren; I don't want him to know I went to a seer.”

“She gave you wonderful news! So, it will happen just like that. How long has it been since your meeting?”

“Eleven months.”

“So, you have to wait just a little longer, about four months until you’re pregnant,” Megan said with a smile.

Glenn's eyes lit up with happiness and anticipation of this joyous moment.

“Megan, what about your personal life? Sorry if the question is inappropriate, you don't have to answer. I won't be offended.”

“It's all right, I can easily talk about this topic. I had a boyfriend in London. We dated for more than five years but broke up last year. We realized that the feelings were gone and that we should be free from one another and move on to other things in our lives – real things, you know? I had no time for a relationship. I was always busy with work and my studies. It’s amazing how he managed to put up with me for as long as he did. Five years is really overstating it. During that time, we seldom saw each other.”

“Wasn't that real love?”

“We had a lot of warmth, respect, and affection for each other. Initially, of course, there was some spark, if you can call it that, but I don’t think it was love. I don't know what real love between a man and a woman is. Probably because I've never experienced it. My relationship with Thomas gradually turned into friendship, and nothing more,” Megan spoke without emotion.

“Everything has its time, and soon you'll find your happiness.”

“I have no doubt about it,” the girl laughed.

“Maybe you'll meet someone at the festival! All the men from this area will be there. Choose anyone you want! Warren and I will introduce you to our friends and acquaintances,” Glenn said enthusiastically, already mentally picking out a groom for her friend.

“Excellent!" said Megan, hoping for a chance to meet the handsome, mysterious stranger.

8. Castle Raven

“Megan, would you prefer to go by foot or by car?” asked Warren.

“I would love to take a walk.”

“Alright, it's not far from here.”
