Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Envy did not pity the final creature. Falconidae.

He charged the raptor-headed monster, dagger puncturing one eye, then the next, before he tore the creature’s head off and tossed it aside, panting. The hellebane continued to burn beneath his skin. He needed to clean his wounds soon. And the fight needed to end.

Envy was weakened, more so than he’d ever admit.

Zarus, however, was trying to drag himself away, trailing his useless legs.

Envy walked over and drove his blade through Zarus’s hand, pinning him, then crouched in front of the wounded vampire, arms propped casually on his knees. The position hurt like nothing he’d ever experienced. But his expression didn’t let any pain show.

It would be so easy to rip Zarus’s head off and feed it to the flames right now. But the game hung in the balance, so he waited, wounds searing. The Fear Collector had given an unmistakable command.

He wondered, briefly, if the vampire had known all along what was at stake today.

If he’d agreed anyway. The Unseelie were excellent at stoking egos, making a win seem inevitable instead of improbable.

“Hubris, the great destroyer of man and beast alike.” Envy tsked. “Whatever the Unseelie King offered, you should have refused. You had a good life. Blood. Lovers. A whole court to serve and please you. Yet you dared to stand against a Prince of Hell.”

Zarus coughed up black blood, but his expression remained a vicious mask of defiance.

“She’ll… never… be… yours.”

Something twisted in Envy’s chest, as painful as the hellebane.

“Did Lennox tell you this would happen?” he asked. “That you would fight for more than your crown?”

Rage flared in Zarus’s ice-blue eyes.

“… promised… his… daughter.”

“I certainly hope he specified which one. He has more animal-like half-breeds roaming around than any of the mortal gods. He might have promised a sacred cow to you.”

Zarus’s lacerated tongue darted out, as if savoring this final blow.

“… one… four.”

Envy’s brows knitted.

There were four blood heirs in the Wild Court, two Unseelie princes and two Unseelie princesses. Each was rumored to possess magic with untold capabilities.

It would indeed be enough of an incentive for Zarus to risk it all.

Not only would his court be aligned with all Unseelie Fae, but his princess would be fearsome, powerful enough to keep enemies from his shores.

Any Unseelie princess would be as wicked as her parents, though, eventually ending her vampire prince for sport. Or, more likely, to claim more territory for the dark Fae.

Lennox never offered something of value unless he believed his investment would triple. The vampire either didn’t know or didn’t care about that. He probably thought he’d trap the princess with his venom.

Zarus gurgled on his own blood, trying to say more.

Envy supposed it was poetic justice in a sense.

He yanked his gaze away, finding Blade in the cavern just outside the pit. Thanks fucking be. The hellebane was so painful now, he was nearly brought to his knees. He needed to siphon some envy soon, replenish his depleted power.

Teeth gritted, Envy hauled Zarus’s limp form up.

Blade’s crimson eyes glowed with violence as he stepped forward. It was time to crown a new prince.

Zarus finally caught up with the truth of the situation, his fingers clawing at Envy’s arms.

“Mercy. I forfeit!”

“You never should have attacked my brother, or abused your own people,” Envy said quietly. “Taking Camilla was your worst move yet. Never touch what’s mine.”

Blade’s attention remained locked on the prince, his fangs gleaming as the sun slowly began to rise. In a move that was at once graceful and brutal, he tore out Zarus’s throat, then held the severed head high. Envy felt the crowd’s shock trickling down.

Blade didn’t play with his targets; he’d always been one to strike hard and fast, dispatching with precision.

Envy sent a bit of magic to the bodies piled on the sand, creating a pyre.

Blade brought the prince’s head to the flames, holding it there as the fire burned it to ash. Zarus had been so ancient, his papery skin caught like kindling.

The crowd’s hysteria hung like a dark mist.

“Silence.” Blade’s voice cut off the cries of terror that had erupted.

“By blood.” He indicated the charred head of his predecessor. “By blade.” He dragged his weapon over his heart. “By might. I’ve taken the Immortal Throne.”

Envy watched the crowd; they didn’t seem convinced.

Blade would need to get them to his side before the shock wore off and another heir stepped up.

Blade knew this.

He pulled out two curved daggers, holding them as he spun slowly, staring into the stands.

“Bow before your new prince. Or die by my blade.”

Tension hung as thick as the smoke in the air, and the sun continued to slowly ascend. Soon the vampires would need to retreat. But Blade had guards at the exits.

He would see them burn if they did not bow.

Next to Camilla, Alexei beat his fist to his chest, then took a knee. His proud voice carried down over the stands.

“Rightful ruler of the Immortal Hearts. I honor thee. Prince Blade.”

A tense pause stretched out. Finally, several other vampires followed suit, offering the vow and kneeling.

Soon the whole arena knelt, their whispers filling the air.

Blade had taken the Immortal Throne.

A crimson-eyed prince now ruled. The first as far as Envy knew.

Envy glanced at Blade, hoping he hadn’t made a mistake by putting a stronger vampire on the throne. Zarus was cruel, conniving, brutal to his own people, but Envy knew how he ruled.

Blade was an unknown, but hopefully he would be the prince his people needed.

Time would certainly tell one way or another.

Hopefully over the next several months, Blade would be too busy establishing his court and his rule, his attention set on finding a consort to join political forces and smooth things over with vampire nobility, to want to start any trouble with demons.

If not…

Wrath would undoubtedly hold Envy responsible for allowing a greater threat to emerge.

They would have to cross that bridge when they came to it.

For now, Envy needed to tend to his wounds before anyone discovered his growing weakness, collect his next clue, take Camilla away from here, then win this gods-damned game.

Throne of the Fallen - img_8

CAMILLA PACED INSIDE the chamber, feeling caged.

The battle had ended more than an hour before, and Envy hadn’t returned to the room yet.

Alexei had deposited her, locked the door from the outside, then left.

She’d rattled the handle, then tried to pick the lock, to no avail. The vampire said it was a safety precaution, but it felt like she was the prisoner.

She rummaged through the room, finding a little satchel filled with medicinal jars and a slim dagger and sheath she could hide on her person. The dagger Envy had given her was lost to Bloodwood Forest, so this would do nicely for now. A hastily scribbled note read: For the prince’s wounds, reapply as needed. Never forget: Strike hard, little lamb. Blade.

Camilla smiled. Despite how they’d met, she wished Blade well too.

Footsteps rushed past her room, again. A thousand people must have hurried past since she’d been locked in.

Bits and pieces of conversation reached her, confirming that the court was in total chaos.

Apparently only royal vampire heirs had ever deposed a prince before, and Blade’s crimson eyes were making this unusual.

No one knew what to do about Blade’s new position or claim.

Some were saying he was a royal despite his eye color, and then fights broke out over that.
