Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Part 2 – Chapter 19

Jean-Pierre opened his eyes. His sleepy state was not completely gone, and he looked half-asleep at the rows of seats in front of him. He saw the "fasten your seat belts" signal blink. The thought blinked, “landing?”

The plane bounced. Jean-Pierre sat quietly in his seat, assuming it was a hard landing. But the people in the cabin shrieked. The Japanese man next to him perked up. Jean-Pierre looked out the window and realized the plane was in the air. “An air hole?”

“Dear ladies and gentlemen, we have hit turbulence. Please fasten your seat belts,” the pilot said quickly and coldly.

The plane jumped once more heavily, as if the clouds outside had hardened and hit the hull of the plane. The lights in the cabin flickered. A scream was heard from the tail section.

Jean-Pierre tried to look down the aisle, but immediately realized what had happened. There was no Debby in place. Jean-Pierre unbuckled his seatbelt and, holding tightly to the back of the seat, moved toward the tailgate. There was a steward standing by the lavatory, knocking on the door.

“Please open the door,” the steward said again.

“Just open that door,” Jean-Pierre said sharply in French. “I heard a scream, there’s an American girl, she’s obviously been hit.”

“Monsieur,” the steward replied nonchalantly, “take your seat.”

He looked reproachfully at Jean-Pierre and pointed to his seat. A girl appeared behind the steward.

“Etienne,” she tugged at the steward’s arm, “please open the door, in case it’s something serious.”

The steward reluctantly lifted the toilet sign and pulled the handle that was hidden underneath it. The lock on the door moved from ‘occupied’ to ‘vacant’. Jean-Pierre was the first who saw Debby lying in an unnatural position. She had clearly hit her head on something hard. The steward rushed to her, but Jean-Pierre pushed him away:

“Get the first aid kit, she has a head wound.”

The plane began to shake again: it jerked sharply and began to turn over. Jean-Pierre wanted to hold Debby in place, but he felt his body become noticeably lighter and rest against the wall of the lavatory. Jean-Pierre grabbed Debby in an armful with his right hand and rested his legs and left arm on the wall. The door slammed shut again. Jean-Pierre tensed with his whole body, but through the chattering he heard Debby come to her senses and moan something like, “Where am I? Help!”

“Hold on,” Jean-Pierre shouted in English, “as hard as you can.”

Debby obeyed the request and clung to him as tightly as she could. Jean-Pierre knew by the sound that it was total chaos outside the lavatory. The sound of alarms and the noise of objects flying around the cabin filled the plane with a terrifying cacophony. The screams of women and men mingled with the roar of the engines.

“What is it? What is it?” Debby repeated.

Jean-Pierre tried to figure out what was going on. It seemed as if the plane was spinning around its axis and coming down sharply. Suddenly the plane stopped falling and Jean-Pierre and Debby were hit by inertia on the floor.

Jean-Pierre banged his hip and ribs hard, but held on with tenacity. He stood up again and took up a position with his legs and arms.

“Hold on,” Jean-Pierre commanded again.

Debby’s body went soft and her arms dangled.

The impact of incredible force threw them up to the ceiling and then threw them to the floor. Jean-Pierre hit his head and lost consciousness. He did not hear the iron screeching of the plane’s hull being torn apart. Everything around them went into total darkness and silence. Their bodies were tossed from side to side, and the door slammed shut and something propped it up on the other side. Debby and Jean-Pierre flew like wet clothes in a washing machine in the small space of a toilet cubicle at several thousand feet.

The plane stopped responding to the pilots as soon as Jean-Pierre felt the first air holes. The airliner was being pulled into the storm zone. All electronics abruptly shut down, and the plane went into a spin. The pilots tried to do something, but it was impossible to control the falling airplane. The first pilot commanded to restart the system, but when he saw the huge mountains in front of him, he realized that the plane was far away from its intended course, and the devices had been fooling them for a long time. In a final attempt to stop the plane from falling, he lifted the nose of the craft up, but caught the rock with his wing. The plane jumped up like a little boy on a sled. The impact was so powerful that the fuselage began to crack, and the wing fragments hit the tail section and cut through it like a sharp knife through paper. The tail, together with Jean-Pierre and Debby, fell off the plane and began to fall straight into the mountain range. The plane itself was without one wing and with a gaping hole behind it, descending between the peaks of the mountains.

The smoke left a dark, long cloud in the sky. Looking up from the ground, it felt like a huge meteorite falling to pieces. After a few seconds, the howl of the falling plane stopped abruptly, and it disappeared right in the middle of the sky. Only the tail section was slowly falling down, as if it weighed nothing. It whirled around like a light feather.

Part 2 – Chapter 20

“Debby,” Sango said. “Debby!”

Debby sat up out of bed and looked around. She recognized Sango’s apartment in Tokyo. Everything was exactly as it had been on her last visit. A bright room with a large window and a bed that transformed into a dresser. A beautiful tree in the corner. Sango sat on the edge of the bed, looking frightened, as if she hadn’t been able to wake Debby up for a long time.

“God, Carol!” Debby threw herself into Sango’s arms. “I had a terrible dream. I was on an airplane and it started falling. Then a young man tried to save me, but…” she recoiled from Sango, “how can you possibly save somebody in a plane crash? And then we were falling. I felt weightless. And then the terrible impact and everything was spinning around. I felt like it was better to just die.”

“Debby,” Sango looked at her with compassion.

“М?” Debby mumbled through her tears. “God, I was so scared.”

“Debby,” Sango repeated, “open your eyes.”

The room began to darken and fill with cold. Debby felt her body grow heavy and aching with terrible pain. Sango was moving away from her. She pulled her arms toward her friend to hold her again, but her hands didn’t obey. Everything in front of her eyes blurred. Debby opened her eyes.

Jean-Pierre was in front of her. His face and hands were bruised, but he was looking at Debby frightened. He exhaled with relief when he found Debby awake.

“Debby,” Jean-Pierre said with relief, “how do you feel? Can you move your arms and legs? You didn’t breathe for a couple of minutes.”

Debby tried to say that she felt fine, but realized that it wouldn’t be true. She couldn’t utter a word.

“Aaah!” she let out a semblance of a scream instead of words.

“Debby, you have a broken hip and a lot of bruises. Don’t be afraid. We need to see if I can move you. Try to lift your head.”

Debby lifted her head and felt a wild pain. She moaned again.

“I know it hurts, but we need to check the whole body. The neck is fine. Move your arms,” Jean-Pierre commanded as if he were a doctor.

A few more orders from Jean-Pierre brought a huge dose of pain to Debby, and she couldn’t move with exhaustion. The fingers on her hands were moving, though her hands themselves were bruised and bruised. Her right leg did not move; Jean-Pierre asked Debby not to look down for the moment. This startled her, but he immediately turned her attention to the pain in her left leg. It was normal, though it hurt as much as anything else. Debby’s consciousness wandered around the small room, and she had no clue how she fit, lying on the floor, in an airplane lavatory.
