Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

4-18 … E t mis a` mort la ou seront trouues.

4-19 Deuant Rouan d'Insubres mis le siege,

Par terre & mer en fer mes les passages:

D'Haynault, & F l andres, de Gand & ceux de Liege…

Well, now all attention is on the section of the end of the first – the beginning of the second Centurion:


1-98 … C inq mil en Crete & Thessalie finy,

L e chef fuyant sauue en marine grange.

1-99 Le grand monarq ue que fera compaignie,

A uec deux roys vnis par amitie':

O que l souspir fera la grand mesgnie,

E nfants N arbon a` l'entour q ue l pitie'.

1-100 Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oiseau,

A upres de Dole & de Touscane terre :

T enant au bec vn verdoyant rame au,

Mourra tost grand, & finera la guerre .

2-1 V E R S Aquitaine par insults Britaniques,

De par eux mesmes grandes incursi on s .

Pl uies, ge lees fer ont te rroirs iniques,

Port S elyn fortes fer a inuasi on s.

I list what _ _ Here Can contemplate : “CLASSE”, “bec”, “que + ue”, “Por + te”, “rame”, “guerre”, “terre”, “fer”, “Pl + on + ge + on”. The situation with the word " LATiNE " was not quite ideal. To compose it from capital letters, this section lacks an “ I ”! However, even without this, it is clear that the site was found correctly. So many capital letters are involved, and there are only two “beaks” – “ bec ” in seven centuries ! Both are covered in this thread.

Finally, I will reveal one more secret. If you look closely, you can see the Author's signature on the last section. He still, in his usual manner, signed, probably in this way, marking the end of the first Centuria and the beginning of the second. The area for this is even less needed. So – NOSTRADAMVS :

1-99… O quel sousspire fera la Grand mesgnie :

Enfants N arbon a l' entour _ quel pitie .

1-100 Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oiseau

A upres de Dole & de Touscane terre,

T enant au bec vn verdoyant rameau,

M ourra tost grand, & finera la guerre.

2-1 V E RS A quitaine par insults Britaniques,

D e par eux mesmes grandes incursions:

Pluies, gelees feront terroirs iniques,

Port S elyn fortes fera inuasions.


It is probably already clear – "Prophecies" is a unique book. In it, all words are counted, and each word has its own numerical value, that is, a rank. In quatrain 1-15, for example, the first blood, in 1-18 – the second, in 1-19 – the third, etc. Surprisingly, Nostradamus himself almost shouts about this publicly:

2-10 Auant long temps le tout sera range',

Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestre:

L'estat des masques & des seulz bien change',

Peu trouueront qu'a son rang vueille estre.

Soon everything will be ranked,

We expect a very ominous age:

The state of masks and loners is changing a lot,

Few will find those who wish to be in their rank.

With each new quatrain, the dictionary base of the world of "Prophecies" is more and more replenished. Indeed, few words will remain in their current rank. How far the Author will go with such a ranking will be clear from this book.

It seems to me that by “masks” the Author meant such cases, for example: “ est range ”, when another is hidden under one word. With "loners" it is clear, these are words without such "masks.

Despite the fact that this quatrain is very open and straightforward, it also has its own secret:

6-1 AVtour des monts Pyrenees grand a mas

De gent est range, secourir roy nouueau:

Pres de Garonne du grand temple du Mas ,

Vn R omain chef le craindra dedans l'eau.

6.2 En l'an cinq cens octante plus & moi ns ,

On at tendra le siecle bien est range :

E n l'an se pt cens, & trois cie ul x en tesmoings,

Que plusieurs regnes vn a` cinq fero nt change .

6.3 Fleuue qu' esp roue le nouueau nay Celti que

S era en grande de l' Empire discorde:

Le ieune prince par gent ecclesiasti que ,

Ostera le sceptre coronal de concorde.

6.4 La Celtiq fleuue change ra de riuaige,

Plus ne tiendra la cite' d'Agripine:

T out transmue' ormis le vieil langaige,

Sturne , Leo, Mars, Cancer en rapine.

The very beginning of the sixth Centuria, that's where it opens up. It doesn't hurt that much, in fact, Nostradamus wished and expected a sinister century. The word " senestre " is not fully realized perfectly: SEnESTRE , but two " Mas + que ", " se + ul ", " change ", " range ", " esp + ero + ns ", " est + at " at once, of course and century – " siecle " – everything is here, on this site, far from the beginning of the second Centuria.


I send greetings again from my future already, regarding my own past records that I post here. Once upon a time, the beautiful quatrain 2-13 was just an explanation for me – an explanation of the entire existence of the Centurian created by Nostradamus, just as obvious as in quatrain 2-10. Now I am burning with the desire to supplement this topic, but I will restrain myself from such an act. Still, in this quatrain philosophy takes place more than the disclosure of its secrets. ABOUT them , somehow , later . _ _

2-13 Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice,
