Ioye aux humains, renoue' Laqueduict, Sante', grandz fruict , ioye & temps meli fi que.
It's amazing how well Nostradamus navigated his notes. I'll give you an example. In the process of searching for all variants of the “Babylonian daughter”, I studied not only places near obvious “Babylons”, but also, due to the rarity of “– by -”, places of possible “Babylons” hidden from prying eyes. One of these places especially attracted me, but after comparing the two options, I decided that the “fruit” from quatrain 10-89 clearly defines the right area, and. most likely, the "fragmented" Babylon arose spontaneously. No, there is nothing random about the Centuries! I am writing this with all responsibility. Now And That the place " worked ". Below – "Ba + by + ll + on", "fil + le", "infi + de + les", "mi + se + re", "tr + en + che + ra" and "triste " .
4-4 L'impotent prince fache', plainctz & querel les ,
De rapts & pilles par coqz & par li by ques:
Grand est par terre, par mer infi nies voi ll es,
Seure Italie sera chassant Celtiques.
4-5 Croix, paix, soubs vn accomply diuin verbe,
L'Hespaigne & Gau le ser on t vnis en semble:
Grand clade pro che , & com ba t tr esacerbe,
Coeur si hardy ne se ra qui ne tremble.
4-6 D'habits nouueaux apres faicte la treuue,
Malice tramme & machination: Pre mier mourra qui en fera la preuue,
Couleur veni se insidiation.
4-7 Le mineur fil z du grand & hay prince,
De le pre aura a vingt ans grande tache:
De dueil sa me re mourra bien triste & mi nce,
Et il mourra la ou tombe chet lache.
The only thing missing is the wings. They are slightly lower, in quatrain 4-10: " ais + les ".
-10 …Sceptre ap ais er: puis guerir escroue les .
Oh chen "smart" quatrain 8-97. Only some moments are completely incomprehensible. Mysterious pompotans, VAR limits, what is it about? And where to look for it?
8-97 Aux fins du var changer les pompotans,
Pres du riuage les trois beaux enfans naistre: Ruyne au peuple par aage competans, Regne au pays changer plus voir croistre.
Within VARA, pompotans change,
Near the shore three beautiful children are born:
Devastation to the people due to the proper age,
The reign of the country is changing, growth is obvious.
With regard to the first line of this quatrain, I have an ambiguous situation. The simplest situation is right in front of your nose, with the participation of this quatrain. It contains capital letters (of course, in addition to VAR ) A and R . In the next quatrain – V. Another VAR has formed , and immediately after that, the necessary components of the pompotan are found: " po + mpo + tan ".
8-99 Par la puissance des trois rois te mpo relz,
En autre lieu sera mis le saint siege: Ou la subs tan ce de l'esprit cor po rel…
Another denouement is seen at the very end of the tenth Centuria. This is the area where the last time the three capital letters V , A and R are in close contact.
10-94 De Nismes, d'Arles, & Vienne contemner,
N'obey tout a l'edict Hespericque: A ux labouriez pour le grand condamner,
Six eschappez en habit seraphicque.
10-95 Dans les Espaignes viendra R oy trespuissant…
Well, in the end, in the very last quatrain 10-100 is " pempotam ". In both cases, the limits – the ends of the VAR led to the appearance of pompotans – pempotams.
Due to the fact that the word “ riuage ( riuaige )” is a rather rare event for the Centuries, there was also a site on which three beautiful children were located near this “shore” – “ be + aux ” – “ en + fa + nt ”.
9-94 Foibles galleres sero nt vnies en semble,
En nemis faux le plus fort en rampart:
Fa ible assaillies Vratislaue tremble,
Lu be cq & Mysne tiendro nt barbare part.
9-95 Le nouueau fa ict conduyra l'exercice,
Proche apame' iusques au pres du riuage :
Tenda nt secour de Milannoile eslite…
The situation related to the third line of quatrain 8-97 is probably not the most brilliant in this topic, but it also has its place. This prophetic line calls again to the tenth Centurion.
10-39… Sans zeros enfans deux Isles en discord :
Auant dixhuict in competant age …
Incompetent age – " in competant eage ", is replaced by a slight movement of the hand to a competent one, also with the support of "children" – " enfans ". And in quatrain 10-34 – ruins – " ru + yne " with the support of the word " beau ".
10-34 …Par son beau frere mineur sera trahy:
Pour cheual ru de voltigeant tra yne ra…
The most stretched word in this section is " peu + ple " – "people". But some beauty is still there. This is the connecting element between quatrains 10-34 and 10-39. The initial part of the word is at 10-38: “ peu r ”, the ending is at 10-35: “ temple ”.
The fourth line of quatrain 8-97, of course, has its own place for revealing its mysteries. The word " pays ", seen eleven times in the Centuries, helps to find it .
10-45 L'omb re du regne de Nauarre non vray,
Fera la vie de sort illegitime:
La veu promis incertain de Cambray,
Des sept puis l'omb re a` Roy est re nnes & lemures.
10-46 Vie soit mort de L'OR vilaine indi gne ,
Sera de Saxe non nouueau electeur:
De Brunsuic mandra d'amour si gne ,
Faux le rendant au peuple seducteur.