Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Mars leads us with its military power,

Seventy times blood will be shed:

Apogee and destruction of the Church,

And more than those who do not wish to hear anything from them.

Yes, a gloomy, but rather inconspicuous-looking quatrain. Prophetic, this is clear at once. But what historical event, past, present, or future, could fit such a description? If you count all the bloodshed that took place in the world, or Europe, or in France, then from what date do you start? “Nostradamus, you outdid yourself with this quatrain,” I thought, “that's exactly seventy, no more, no less, you should have counted the bloodshed. Have you made a mistake in the calculation? Feeling that with this quatrain there was a complete dead end, out of desperation, I started counting all the blood – “ sang ” in the Centuries. So, manually, with a pencil, I began to highlight these words right in the book …

As is probably already clear, there were exactly seventy of them in the first seven centuries.

Quatrain 1-15, as an introductory one, did not participate in the calculation. It mentions " sang " for the first time, and the countdown starts right after it. It was a real breakthrough! The book of Nostradamus has finally spoken. The lines of other quatrains began to be perceived differently. For example , the line quatrain 4-1:

Sela du reste de sang non espandu…

This is the remnant of unshed blood…

Or the line of quatrain 8-1, which begins the second stage of the "Prophecies":

PAV, NAY, LORON plus feu qu'a sang sera…

PO, NAY, LORON, there will be more fire than blood …

Now I want to return to the previously mentioned quatrain 3-18. In the edition of 1555, one blood is “killed” in this quatrain, changing “ sang ” to a mangled, incomprehensible word “ seng ”. Considering such a "murder", the blood already sounds seventy times already in the first seven Centuries, even taking into account quatrain 1-15. This, apparently, is the formation of the "rules of the game", not otherwise. What can I say, the Author himself claims this. The line of quatrain 3-18 in the version of the 1555 edition:

… helasquel meurtre de seng press d' eux _ s ' apreste …

…It’s a pity what kind of murder is being prepared because of the “ seng ” around them…

The same line from the 1557 edition:

…O quell conflict de sang pres d'eux s'apreste…

…Oh, what a bloody conflict is being prepared around them…

Murder is replaced by a simple conflict, which, I think, is also settled.


After the first success, I, of course, rushed to look for something similar in other quatrains, and hoped for the same results. Everything turned out to be more complicated and interesting. Nostradamus, apparently, set the task of consistently raising the bar, leading deeper and deeper into the secrets of his texts.

Literally a stone's throw from the quatrain with seventy " sang ", obviously, the following task was located:

1-17 Par quarante ans l'Iris n'aparoistra,

Par quarante ans tous les jours sera veu: La terre aride en siccite croistra, Et grans deluges quand sera aperceu.

In forty years, Irida will not appear,

Forty years from now, all days will be visible:

The earth parched with dryness will grow,

And big floods when seen.

It would seem that there is a correspondence with quatrain 1-15, but here everything is not so simple and unambiguous. The level of the task is completely different. « L ' Iris » – Irida, a rainbow, appears in the Centuries further only in quatrain 6-44, in a slightly different form, which is a common thing for the times of the Author. " Lyris " – that's what she is in it. All attempts to find at least some connection with the statements of quatrain 1-17 failed.

Much later, the solution was nevertheless found, therefore, this episode of my book is inserted here artificially, without my personal chronological order, which I wrote about earlier, wanting to reflect here all the stages of my comprehension of the works of Nostradamus in real time. Wanting, and not worrying about my mistakes of the past, to lay out my thoughts and conjectures in full, in chronological order, knowing that the scales on which this work will eventually be placed will outweigh the cup of criticism against me.

So – my judgments from my own future.

The differences between quatrains 1-15 and 1-17, however, are significant. At 1-15 – 70 times, at 1-17 – 40 years. Moreover, a very specific goal appears in quatrain 1-17: to find Irida – a rainbow linked to forty years. Until I went all this long way to today's understanding of everything that happens in the Centuries, I could not comprehend the Author's intention, now I can.

In order to get to the desired section of the Centuries, in order to contemplate the secret radiance of the rainbow, it is only necessary to count forty "– ans -" that happened from the beginning of the Centuries. Moreover, as well as as separate words, and as part of others. True Scripture is the 1557 edition (Utrecht). Editions of 1555, based on my conclusions, are just some "reconnaissance before the battle."

This place is found in quatrain 2-13. It is in it, in the composition of the word " sans ", that the fortieth "– ans -" Centurius is concluded.

2-11 … S on aspre gloire vn chascun la craindra,

Mais ses enfantz du regne gettes hors.

2-12 Y eulx clos, ouuerts d'antique fantasie

L'habit des seulz seront mys a` neant,

Le grand monarque chastiera leur frenaisie:

R avir des temples le tresor par devant

2-13 L e corps s ans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice.

I our de la mort mys en native …

“ LYRIS ”, composed of the capital letters of the shown section of the Centuries, is revealed by means of the secret writing method conceived by Notre Dame a long time ago, one might say, at the time of his first literary experience, in a slightly different format, not so obvious, because in the “Prophecies” it is too light decisions are not to be expected.


And the game in counting years will be continued by the next quatrain of the first centurion.

1-48 Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passes,

Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie:

Quand le Soleil prendra ses iours lasses,

Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie.

Twenty years of the reign of the moon have passed,
