Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

10-94 … Six eschappez en hab it seraphicque.

10-95 Dans les Espa ign es v ie ndra Roy trespuissant,

Par mer & terre subiugant or midy:

Ce ma l fera, ra bais sant le croissant,

Bais ser les aesles a` ceux du vendredy.

10-96 Religi on du nom des me rs vaincra,

Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,

Se cte obstinee deploree craindra

Des deux blessez par Aleph & Aleph.

10-97 Triremes pleines tout aage captif,

Temps bo na` mal, le doux po ur am ertume:

Proye a` Barbares trop tost seront hastifs,

Cupid de veoir pla indre au vent la plume.

10-98 La splendeur claire a pucelle ioyeuse

Ne luyra plus, l ong temps sera sans sel…

The word “ Bo + ni ” also has one last chance to be assembled according to the rules introduced by the Author. The missing "– ni -" is in quatrain 10-98.


For a long time there were no different kinds of calculations. Probably, the impression was created that the Author moved away from them for a while, paying more attention to other tasks. No, of course, I did not clutter up the text with them. But sometimes I will.

In one of the editions of 1568, the first line of quatrain 8-53 has a small error. The word " Dedans " is written in it with a gap: " De dans Bolongne vouldra lauer ses fautes … "– this typo gives a topic for my fantasies, because in such a phrase a different meaning appears, for a French speaker, probably completely unacceptable, but … "De" – in Bologna he wants to wash away his sins … We will now talk about basic pretexts, for this now is the time.

According to my data, the preposition " de " is present 900 times in all the prophecies. It's perfect, I think it should be. The texts with which I worked, as I have repeatedly written here, are the edition from Utrecht of 1557, and starting from the eighth Centuria, one of the editions of 1568.

And everything could be taken as a mere coincidence, but: the prepositions " la " for all Centuries – 595, " le " – 703, " du " – 299, " par " – 597, and " des " – 109. Isn't it very everything suspiciously tends to round numbers? Considering that all errors could have arisen mainly by replacing one pretext with another, I deduced their total number. It is equal to 3203, which confirms my assumption.

I return to the phrase: “ De ” – in Bologna he wants to wash away his sins … This pretext is the most quantitative. Statistics show that in almost every quatrain it is present, somewhere and more than once. Only in two quatrains – five " de " each (4-44 and 9-13). Six is nowhere to be found. And here is one of these quatrains. In it – Bologna, five " de " and the washing away of sins: " fa + ut + es lau + er ".

9-13 Les exilez a ut our de la Soulongne

Conduis de nuit pour marcher a` Lau xois ,

Deux de Modene truculent de Bologne ,

Mys d es couuers par feu de Burancoys.

9-14 Mys en planure chaulderons d'infecteurs,

Vin, miel & huyle & bastis sur forneaulx

Seront plongez sans mal dit mal fa cteurs…

Yes, I understand how hard it is to believe. This is almost on the verge of the possibilities of that time. Maybe it's just my imagination after all?

… Quatrain 9-34:

Le part soluz mary sera mittre',

Retour conflict passera sur le thuille: Par cinq cens vn trahyr sera tiltre'

Narbon & Saulce par coutaux auons d'huille.

I translate the highlighted text like this: " Par " – five hundred. This is the 500th occurrence of the preposition " par " in the Centuries!


The gang , the crowd, will seize the earth …” – such a gloomy prediction is made by Nostradamus in the next quatrain.

8-56 La bande foible la terre occupera,

Ceux du hault lieu feront horribles crys: Le gros troppeau d'estre coin troublera, Tombe pres D.nebro descouuers les escris.

A weak group will capture the earth,

Those from a high place will utter terrible cries:

A large herd will disturb the corner with its essence,

The grave near D. will not open the letters.

Group, crowd – " bande " – in the same quatrain with the ground – " terre " in quatrains 5-64 and 9-52. In quatrain 10-78 the same situation with the word " cris ". Nearby, on the last section, the words " horrible " (10-81), " lieu " (10-81) and " hault " (10-84).

In quatrain 10-48 – "gang" with "herd" – " trope + au ".

10-48 … Trouble s passant au pres du pont de Laigne,

Sera deffaicte par bande sa grand trope

The fourth line of quatrain 8-56 is reflected in perhaps the most interesting part of this topic. Below – "D ne + bro", even With two graves .

8-34 … Sus la montaig ne de IVRA Seca tombe

D elues & bro des septieme million

Lyon, Vlme a` Mausol mort & tombe .

A little lower is another secret gang – BANDE .

8-35 … E t la forest non loing de D amazan

D u marsaues gelees, puis gresle & bize

D ordonnois gelle par erreur de mezan.

8-36 Sera commis conte oingdre aduche'

D e Saulne & sainct A ulbin & Bell l'oeuure

Pauer de marbre de tours loing espluche' N on B leteram resister & chef d'oeuure.

The meaning of highlighting " D " as a separate letter, apparently, is to designate a large number of them in this area. Immediately five capital " D " here.


O successive brothers divide the kingdom, being in a quarrel. This has probably happened more than once in history. Quite yourself plausible quatrain .
