Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

9-43 Proche a descendre l'armee Crucigere,

S era guet tee par les Ismaelites:

De tous cottez batus par nef R auiere,

Prompt assaillis de dix galeres eslites.

9-44 Migres, migre de Genefue trustous,

Saturne d'or en fer se changera,

Le contre R A YPOZ exterminera tous,

A uant l'a ruent le ciel signe s fera.

And now let me fantasize a little. Is it by chance that the word RAYPOZ is on this site ? ROY – “king” is easily formed from unused letters . Illegitimate?)))


In a further topic, an attempt will be made to find Saint-Memir. The task , I note , turned out to be Not from simple .

8-42 Par auarice, par force, & violence,

Viendra vexer les siens chiefz d'Orleans, Pres saint Memire assault & resistance, Mort dans sa tante diront qu'il dort leans.

Because of greed, because of strength and fury,

Will come to annoy the close heads of Orleans,

Near Saint-Memir assault and resistance,

Dead in his tent, they say he sleeps there.

Regarding the first two lines, I have a rather weak version, so I will put it aside for revision, indicating here only the possible connection of Orleans with " auarice ", with a part of this rarest word.

5-89 Dedans Hongrie par Boheme, N auar re,

Et par banniere fainctes seditions: Par fleurs de lys pays pourtant la barre, Contre Orleans fera esmotions.

First of all, in quatrain 8-42, you need to pay attention to the word " tante " – the wrong form " tente " – a tent.

Maybe that's how the word was written before? No, in other places of the Centuries everything is fine with this word, everywhere – “ tente ” (1-20, 6-77).

The word " Memire " is no longer in the "Prophecies". Some hint required. It turned out to be this defective word. Painting with SAINT MEMIRE looms near " Sep tante neuf " from quatrain 4-78. Literally all the capital vowels of this section of the Centuries were “worked out”. The word " meurt " is also translated as "dead".

4-76 … Trahir le temple , le prebstre estant au prosne .

4-77 SE L IN monarque l' I talie pacifique,

Regnes vnis R oy chrestien du monde:

M ourant vouldra coucher en terre blesique,

A pres pyrates auoir chasse' de l'onde.

4-78 La grand armee de la pugne ciuille,

Pour de nuict Parme a `l'estrange trouuee,

Sep tante neuf meurt ris dedans la ville,

Les estrangiers passez tous a l'espee.

4-79 Sang Royal fuis Monhurt, M as, E guillon…


The next quatrain again touches on the theme of bastards and nephews.

8-43 Par le decide de deux choses bastars,

Nepueu du sang occupera le regne, Dedans lectoyre seront les coups de dars, Nepueu par peur pleira l'enseigne.

By getting rid of two illegitimate subjects,

A nephew by blood will take the kingdom,

There will be arrows in the lecture,

The nephew from fear will roll up the banner.

The missing letters " d " in the words " bactars " and " dars " – it was permissible not to include them in the composition of words, but in this case, it also allows you to connect the shortened bastard with the word " Bastar nan " from quatrain 3-57. Already in a small area, " sang " " deux " and " ne + pu + eu " appear.

3-57 … Taintz en sang en deux cens nonante an:

Franche non point par ap pu y Germanique.

Aries doubte son pole Bastar nan.

3-58 Aupres du Rin des montaignes Noriques

Naistra vn grand de gens trop tart venu,

Qui deffendra Saurome & Pannoniques, Qu'on ne scaura qu'il sera d eu enu.

Before that, in quatrain 3-47, the banner is rolled up.

Pour peur des croix ploiera son enseigne

Because of the fear of the cross, he will roll up his banner …

In order to find a solution for the third line of quatrain 8-43, it is necessary to break the word " lectoyre " into two equal parts, and see where they converge again in the Centuries.

9-18 … Iusques en Flandres e lect eur de l'empire

Neufue obturee au grand Montmorency, Hors lieux prouez deliure a clere peyne.

9-19 Dans le millieu de la forest Mayenne,

Sol au lyon la fouldre tombera: Le grand bastard yssu du gran du Maine,

Ce iour fougères pointe en sang entrera.

9-20 De nuit viendra par la forest de Reines,

Deux pars vaultorte Herne la pierre blanche. Le moine noir en gris dedans Varennes, Esleu cap. cause tempeste feu, sang tranche.

9-21 Au temple hault de Bloys sacre Solonne,

Nuict pont de L oyre , prelat, roy pernicant…

This section, of course, has its own bastard, and the author is clearly experimenting with arrows. The third and fourth lines of quatrain 9-19 are translated as "… The great bastard, descended from the great of Mene, On this day of ferns, the tip will enter into the blood."

Now I got carried away with ferns and found an explanation for these two lines. I'll post it here in case I forget later. In this section, besides the obvious words: " fo + uger + es ", " po + in + te ", BASTARD , " en + tre + ra ".

3-18 … En plusieurs lieux de Reims le ciel touché:

O quel conflict de sang pres d'eux s'apreste,

Peres & filz roys n'oseront approcher.

3-19 En Luques sang & laict viendra plouuoir,

Vn peu deuant changement de preteur,
