Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

According to the legend, Archimedes, having once plunged into a bathtub filled to the brim, drew attention to what earlier, before him, representatives of cleaning of those times must have paid attention to … The water from the bath poured out as he sank. With a cry: – "Eureka!", Archimedes jumped out of the bath, and, apparently naked, ran to the king, preparing on the way a project for the development of funds in connection with such a global discovery.

Having received the approval of the king of Syracuse, he set to work. At his request, two ingots were made and provided. One of silver, the other of gold, which were strictly equal to the weight of the crown under study. Crown, for a while, he also withdrew – for examination. For some time, the king of Syracuse did not go out to the people with her on his head))).

Archimedes placed all three objects of scientific research not as himself – in a bath, but in a smaller container with water, the then cleaning company, probably, breathed a sigh of relief.

The deception has been proven. It turned out that the crown displaced a larger volume of water than an ingot of solid gold equal in weight to it.

According to another legend by the author Athenaeus, Archimedes participated in the launching of the largest ship built by Hieron, solving a difficult task with the help of a system of complex blocks with winches. After that, the catchphrase appeared: "Give me a fulcrum, and I will turn the Earth."

The excursion into history is over, now about the quatrain. The place where Hiero built his ship is the city of Syracuse. There is one in the Centuries, in the only quatrain 2-16. All that remains is to capture a sudden flood in that place – DELVGE .

2-14 … D escouuriront de loing la grand sereine:

E lle & la suitte au port seront entrans,

Combat, poulses, puissance souueraine.

2-15 V n peu deuant monarque trucide' ?

Castor, Pollux en nef, astre crinite:

L 'erain public par terre & mer vuide',

Pise, Ast, Ferrare, Turin, terre interdicte.

2-16 Naples, Palerme, Secille, Syracuses ,

Nouveaux tyrans, fulgures feuz celestes:

Force de Londres, G and, Brucelles, & Suses,

Grand hecatombe, triumphe faire festes.

2-17 Le camp du temple de la vierge vestale,

Non esloigne d' E thne & monts Pyrenees:

Le grand conduict est cache dens la male,

North getes fluves & vignes mastinees.

2-18 Nouuelle & pluie subite impetueuse,

E mpeschera subit deux exercites:

Pierre, ciel, feux faire la mer pierreuse,

La mort de sept terre & marin subites .

2-19 N ouueaux venus, lieu basty sans defense,

Occuper la place par lors inhabitable:

Prez, maisons, champs, villes, prendre a plaisance,

F aim, Peste, guerre, arpen long labourable.

It is assembled from capital letters at the top of the site, and it really turns out suddenly – most suddenly – sudden, since three words “ subit ” are found here at once. As for the fact that neither land nor place will receive – Nostradamus was cunning again. As is obvious – both the land – " terre " and the place – " lieu ", there is on this site. In its lower part, a ship is also seen – NEF .

The city of Fesulan, or modern Fiesole, in the Centuries has its understudy in quatrain 7-8. Near With him " wave raises … "-" On + De mont + er … "

7-7 … On criera le grand croissant confond:

De nuict tuer monts , habitz de b er giers,

Abismes rouges dans le fosse' profond.

7-8 Flora fuis, fuis le plus proche Romain,

Au Fesulan sera conflict donne'…

… A little higher showing such an Olympus – OlyMP .

7-4 …Accompaigne' d' O stun & Lyonnois :

Geneue, Auspurg, ioinct ceulx de Mirandole ,

Passer les monts contre les Anconnois.

One of the goals of this book, perhaps even the main one, I consider to convey to the reader the fact that Michel Nostradamus is the discoverer, and, so far, probably the only representative of a new genre in literature. New, despite almost five hundred years of being in total darkness. Genre – combining many modern types of puzzles for the development of the mind.

In the "Prophecies" – everything is interconnected, linked, fastened and rechecked. The author took great care of the integrity of his work. The facts of this will still appear in my book.

This genre, I believe, after the present moment – is simply obliged to resurrect from non-existence … I spoke out, – I move on.


In the topic with the search for “millions”, quatrain 8-21 has already been involved. In it, he was only one of the seven components, but in itself – also keeps its own secrets.

8-21 Au port de Agde trois fustes entreront,

Portant l'infect, non foy & pestilence, Passant le pont mil milles embleront, Et le pont rompre a` tierce resistance.

Three sailboats will call at the port of Agda,

Carrying stench, unbelief and plague,

Having crossed the bridge, a thousand thousand will be stolen,

And the bridge is destroyed in the third resistance.

Not often in the Centuries there are "sailboats", so the solution was not long in coming. Below – " po + rt ", " tro + is ", " AGDe ", " in + fe + ct " and other solid words. Faith – " foy " – no, as the Author announced, and the plague – "pestilente" – in its entirety, in quatrain 7-21.

7-24 … Fera de chaines lier le fo rt du po nt:

Empoysonne' auec oeufz de barbeau,

Grand de Lorraine par le Marquis du Pont .

7-25 Par guerre longue tout l'exercite' expuise,

Que pour souldartz ne tro uueront pecune:

Lieu d'or, d'argent, cuir on viendra customer,

G aulo is aerain, signe croissant de Lune.

7-26 Fustes & galees autour de sept nauires,

Sera liuree vne mortelle guerre:

Chef de Madric receura coup de vires,
