The text used is the same, 1557 edition from Utrecht.
I would be satisfied even if the result turned out with a slight deviation from the ideal. Past calculations showed that the text of the "Prophecies" is still not perfect. But in this case, apparently, the words of the quatrain were chosen by the Author in such a way that the result came out flawless.
With this, I leave the first cycle of the Prophecies, and move on to the second.
The first quatrain of the eighth Centurion is indirectly connected with the theme of the seventy " sang ".
8-1 PAV, NAY, LORON plus feu qu'a sang sera,
Laude nager, fuir grand aux surrez:
Les agassas entree refusera,
Pampon, Durance les tiendra enserrez.
PO, NEY, OLORON – more fire than there will be in the blood,
The landes are floating, the big one is running towards the confluences:
Magpies will be denied entry,
Pampon, Durance will keep them locked up.
I was wondering what all these toponyms were for, how they are connected, therefore, I dug a little in the literature. I will write the terms without translating, so as not to distort the information found.
Gave de Pau is a river in the southwest of France, flows through the city of Pau . The source of the river is in the Pyrenees, in the Cirque de Gavarnie . It unites with another river – Gave de Oloron in Peyreharade , after merging to form Gaves reunis , which is the left tributary of the river Adoir .
Nay is also a river, in modern French – Neez , its other obsolete names are Nez , Nees , Neys .
All of the above rivers flow through the territory called the Gascony Landes. So Laude is possibly Lande .
Durance is also a river, in the same Landes, Pampon, presumably, too. I don’t know where it went from the modern language, but Google maps, for example, give out a place with that name in the commune of Saubrigues .
Now for the unknown. In this quatrain, three words at once consist entirely of capital letters. There are such words in every Centurion. According to the versions of the editions of 1557 and 1568, these are all.
Centuria 2: VERS, CHYREN, GRAN.
Centuria 3: APRES, AVDE.
Centuria 5: AV, DVVMVIRAT, SEXT.
Centuria 6: AV.
Centuria 7: L'ARC.
Centuria 10: AL , MANSOL , LONOLE .
It is tempting to apply to the letters of these words the same method that is applied to words – to rank.
Here is the situation with them in quatrain 8-1.
P(2) A(12) V(9) N(7) A(13) Y(3) L(4) O(1) R(9) O(2) N(8). Total: 23+23+24= 70 .
The result turned out to be very appropriate. In the quatrain, apparently, the old theme really comes to mind.
Two representatives of the feathered family are constantly competing with each other in the "Prophecies". Restless eagle and rooster, how will their competition end?
8-4 Dedans Monech le coq sera receu ,
Le cardinal de France apparoistra
Par logarion Romain sera deceu ,
Foiblesse a l' aigle , & force au coq naistra .
In Monaco the rooster will be accepted,
The Cardinal of France will appear
Roman small coin will be deceived,
Weakness to the eagle, and strength to the rooster will be born.
Logarion , Logarium – lat. – calculation of petty expenses.
Nostradamus assigned a place to the second and last Cardinal of Centuria in quatrain 8-68. nearby and FRANCE showed up .
8-67 PAR. CAR . NER S AF , a`ruine grand discorde,
Ne l'vn ne l'autre n'aura election,
Nersaf du peuple aura amour & concorde,
Ferrare, Collonne grande protection.
8-68 Vieux Cardinal par le ieusne deceu …
The word " Logarion ", however, in the variant LOGARIVM , appears not far from the last section, next to the rooster – " coq " and " Roma + in ".
8-60 Premier en G aule, premier en Roma nie,
Par mer & terre aux Angloys & Parys,
M erueilleux faitz par celle grand mesnie,
Violant terax perdra le NORLA R I S.
8-61 Iamais par le decouurement du iour,
Ne paruiendra au signe sceptrifere:
Que tous ses sieges ne soyent en seiour,
Portant au coq don du TAG amifere.
8-62 Lors qu'on verra expiler le sa in t temple…
In the fourth line of quatrain 8-4, apparently, the very competition of two birds is described. Of course, historically – they are both symbols of France. You can't do without them in the Centuries. Below, for clarity, all their competition in the Centuries in the form of a small graph.
Aigle : 1-23 1-31 1-38 2-44 2-85 3-37 3-52 4-70 5-42 6-46 6-71
Coq : 1-31 1-92 2-42 3-52 4-4 5-14 5-68 6-28 6-54
Aigle : 6-78 8-4 8-8 8-9 8-46 10-2 = 17
Coq : 8-4*2 8-5 8-6 8-9 8-46 8-61 = 16
It shows that before quatrain 8-4, the eagle had superiority over the rooster, led with a score of 12/9, and already in quatrain 8-6 their ranks will be equal. "Score" will become 13/13. Interestingly, the author left the last word in the Centuries to the eagle. As a result, he will win, the "score" will be 17/16 – in his favor!
And again a voice from the future. I will not change anything in this, the resulting, somewhat "football" theme. I'll just add a little. The first line has not been touched at all before. Yes, it was quite difficult to find the answer even now. But, nevertheless, he was found. Now I am ready to confirm that Monaco, for some reason with an initial non-capital letter, appeared, maybe not Monaco at all, really received the venerable Mr. COCK – COQ – at the site of the sixth Centuria:
6-61 … Q u'au faict bellique chascun le viendra croire.
6-62 Trop tard tous deux, les fleurs seront perdues,
C ontre la loy serpent ne voudra faire:
Des ligueurs forces par gallotz confondues,
Sauone, Albingne par monech grand martyre.