4-83 Combat nocturne le vaillant capitaine …
So whether it is a brooch or a skewer – the question remains open.
Well , I continue my past entries. Quatrain 4-42 is interesting, first of all, with the numeral "sixty" in its composition.
4-42 Geneue & Langres par ceux de Chatres & Dolle,
Et par Grenoble captif au Montlimard:
Seysset, Losanne par fraudulente dole,
Les trahiront par or soyxante marc.
Geneva and Langres, through those of Chartres and Dole,
And Grenoble is captured(?) in Montelimar:
Seysel, Lausanne, by cunning deceit,
They will be betrayed for sixty marks of gold.
Sixty marks … So the money appeared in the Centuries. Or maybe they were before, just went unnoticed? There was an idea to check how things are with the "stamps" in the texts.
The first quatrain turned out to be very noteworthy.
1-31 Tant d'ans les guerres en Gaule dureront,
Oultre la course du Castulon monarque:
Victoire incerte trois grands couronneront,
Aigle, coq, lune, lyon, soleil en marque .
So many years of war in Gaul will last,
In addition to the path of the monarch from Castulon:
Three great ones will crown an indefinite victory,
Eagle, rooster, moon, lion, sun in a stamp.
The brand, in a slightly different form, is “ marque ”, which contains the five listed objects. It became necessary to count them in the first seven Centuries.
" Aigle " = 12, " coq " = 9, " lune ( luna )" = 12, " lyon " = 14, " soleil " = 13. Total = 60. That was pretty predictable.
It's too early to put an end to the topic with stamps. There are many more interesting things ahead. Quatrain for the sixth Centuria will lead further.
6-41 Le second chef du regne Dannemarc,
Par ceulx de Frize & l'isle Britannique,
Fera despendre plus de cent mille marc ,
Vain exploicter voyage en Italique.
Second Head of the Kingdom of Denmark,
Through those of Frisia and the British Isles
Will make you withdraw more than a hundred thousand marks,
Traveling to Italy in vain.
Like the second head of Denmark, I would have made a trip to this quatrain in vain if I had not paid attention to " cent mille ". "One Hundred Thousands" was found in another quatrain not far from this place:
6-49 De la partie de Mammer grand Pontife,
Subiuguera les confins du Dannube:
Chasser les croix par fer raffe ne riffe,
Captifz, or, bagues plus de cent mille rubes.
From the side of Mummer, the great Pontifex,
Subdue the limits of the Danube:
Casting out the cross with iron at any cost,
Prisoners, gold, rings more than one hundred thousand rubles.
It is in this quatrain that the necessary information is contained, but it is buried by the Author much more deeply than in the first case. There are 28 prisoners – “ captif ( z )” in the first cycle of “Prophecies”, gold – “ or ” – 22, but there are no rings – “ bagues ” anywhere else. The result was still the same, 60, but one ten was missing. Yes, the task was difficult, however, the answer was found. In French, the word " bague " has a synonym for " aneau " – a ring. AND it once present only V quatrain 7-23:
7-23 Le Royal sceptre sera contrainct de prendre,
Ce que ses predecesseurs auoient engaige':
Puis que l' aneau on fera mal entendre,
Lors qu'on viendra le palays saccager.
The royal scepter will be forced to pick up,
What his predecessors had:
Further through the ring will be poorly heard,
Then, when they come to plunder the palace.
What was not clear through the ring, the scepter will pick up. Yes, the scepter – “ sceptre ” – is present exactly ten times in the first seven Centuries. It is a fact. As a result, the coveted number of 60 was reached twice.
Walking or jumping from quatrain to quatrain along the seven Centuries, and even occasionally running further, it is still necessary to return to the "native" at the moment fourth Centuria .
4-49 Deuant le peuple sang sera respandu,
Que du hault ciel ne viendra esloigner: Mais d'vn long temps ne sera entendu, L'esprit d'vn seul le viendra tesmoigner.
Blood will be shed before the people,
Which does not move away from the high sky:
But for a long time it will not be clear
The spirit of the one and only will bear witness to this.
The blood that is shed in this quatrain is the 42nd in a row. That's how many heavens – " ciel " (singular) in the first seven Centuries. I think, therefore, "for a long time, it will not be clear."
And here it is appropriate to intervene again from today. Yes, apparently, although everything was brief, it was correctly stated, because now I have decided on the area on which the words of quatrain 4-99 are recorded, and there really is no sky on it.
2-9 … Puis il cherra en soif si sang uinaire:
Pour luy grand peuple sans foy & loy mourra,
Tue par vn beaucoup plus debonnaire.
2-10 Auant long temps le tout sera range'
Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestre:
L'estat des masques & des seul z bien change'…
A couple more necessary words are a little lower, but there is no word " ciel " on it either .
2-12 Rauir des temples le tresor par deuant .
2-13 Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice.
Iour de la mort mys en natiuite.
L'esprit diuin fera l'ame felice .
A serious case with the next topic came out. He absolutely correctly identified two sections of the Centuries that needed to be paid attention to, and made cautious conclusions that he was not sure of the chosen path. The path to understanding the thoughts of Nostradamus was difficult. Here are the old records, everything as it was.