Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

6-86 Le grand Prelat vn iour apres son songe,

Interprete' au rebours de son sens…

The Great Prelate a day after his sleep,

Interpreted contrary to its meaning…

Finally – a little really mystical. More once line quatrain 6-85: " Premier d'este' le iour du sacre Vrban . " The word" este "" is variegated with Centuria, but basically the meaning of this word in them is not "summer", but "being" – like in " estre ". "The First Day of Saint Urban". In total, in the Centuries after this quatrain, the word “ iour ” – “day” – in the singular is mentioned twelve times, exactly how many days Pope Urban VII stayed . There are no comments here.

This is all that was written by me earlier on this topic. About twelve days, of course, it turned out well, but it's amazing how, having found the right site, it was possible to see so much useful information on it?

pontife " from 6-82 not noticed ? With him, both “poisoned blood” – “ sang ”, and “ em + po + is + on ” would be found out, and the riddle of the word “ scyphe ” would be solved. “ -Cyphe- ” exists only three times in all the Centuries, and it was necessary to start the search with it, everything would immediately appear, because the last two times it is here, in 6-82:

6-81 …L em an les is les de Gennes les maieurs,

Sang espancher, frofaim a` nul mercy.

6-82 Par les desertz de lieu, libre, & farouche,

Viendra errer nepueu du grand Pontife :

Assomme' a sept auecques lourde s ouche,

Par ceulx qu'apres occuper on t le cyphe

And at 6-89:

6-89 … Guespes & mouche s , fitine amour fascishes,

Poccilateur foulcer , Cyphe template '.

Then the desired section would have been outlined, on which one can see a lot of useful things: “ PoNTIFE ”, “ sen + at ”, “ gu + ie + res ”, plus the highlighted full words.

6-85 …Sera destruicte, captifz tous a` Turban :

Secours par mer du grand Po rtugalois,

Premier d'este' le iour du sacre Vrban .

6-86 Le grand Prelat vn iour apres son songe,

I nterprete' au rebours de son sens:

De la Gascoigne luy suruiendra vn monge,

Qui fera eslire le grand Prel at de sen s.

6-87 L' eslection faicte dans F rankfort,

N'aura nul lieu, Milan s'opposera:

Le sien plus proche semblera si grand fort,

Que oultre le Ryn es mareschz chassera.

6-88 Vn regne grand demourra desole',

Aupres del l'Hebro se feront assemblees:

Monts Pyrenees le rendront console',

Lors que dans May seront ter res tremblees.

6-89 E ntre deux cymbes piedz & mains estaches,

De m ie l face oingt, & de laict substante':

Guespes & mouches , fitine amour fasches,

Poccilateur faulcer, Cyphe tempte'.


In the light of recent scientific discoveries, one can sometimes really admire the prophetic gift of Nostradamus. Relatively recently, articles began to appear on the similarity of human and pig genomes. There were even versions about the origin of man, not without her participation. Sometimes you really look at individual homo-sapiens …)))

And now, it turns out, Nostradamus touched on this topic back in the sixteenth century.

3-69 Grand exercite conduict par iouuenceau,

Se viendra rendre aux mains des ennemis:

Mais le vieillart nay au demy pourceau,

Fera Chalon & Mascon estre amis.

A large army led by youths

Will come to surrender into the hands of enemies:

But an old man born in a half-piglet,

Will make Chalon and Macon friends.

Someone, of course, will pop up the image of a man in a gas mask, when reading such lines. In any case, Nostradamus is a prophet. But where did the Author get the idea for his prophecy? IN their past records .

1-64 De nuict soleil penseront auoir veu,

Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra:

Bruict, chant, bataille, au ciel battre aperceu:

Et bestes brutes a parler lon orra.

Think you can see the sun at night

When the half-human piglet is seen:

Noise, singing, fight, in the sky the battle is seen:

And stupid animals will hear the conversation.

In this quatrain, in turn, there is also an interesting statement: half of the pig – “ pour ceau ” – “ pour ” – appears for the fifth time at this moment in the Centuries. This, in turn, makes up exactly half of all people – " homme ", full-fledged words in the first cycle of the Centuries. The Author sets such a condition in the first Centuria, and does not forget about it until the end of the seventh. " homme " will only be ten.

For linguists: " bestes brutes " is a great phrase to think about.

" beste " – stupid, stupid, animal, beast;

" brute " – animal, beast, cattle, from " brut " – unpeeled, unprocessed, rough.

It was just necessary to clean the piglet, process it so that it would speak ( parler ).

And again, everything is correct, but the topic was disclosed little. Where is the said old man? Where are the mentioned friends Chalon with Macon? They were there, but had previously gone unnoticed. Here, for example, the old man – " vie + lla + rt ", " Cha + lon " and friends – " am + is ", yes, hands – " mains " – also worth noting:

1-64 … Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra:

Bruict, cha nt, bataille, au ciel battre aperceu:

Et bestes brutes a parler lon orra.

1-65 Enfant sans mains i am a is veu si grand foudre,

L'enfant royal au ieu d'oesteuf blesse':

Au puy brises fulgures a lla nt mouldre,

Trois soubz les chaines par le millieu trousses.
