F leuues, dards Renes, terre & mer tremblement.
1-21 Prof onde argille blanche nourrir rochier…
With the next quatrain, it turned out like this: in principle, then, at the very beginning of my research, I was on the right path, but I did not go far. Now there was some free time, so I will supplement this topic based on my current knowledge.
2-51 Le sang du iuste a` Londres fera faulte,
Brusles par fouldres de vinttrois les six:.
La dame antique cherra de place haute,
De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.
The blood of the righteous in London will not take place,
Burned by lightning out of twenty-three six:
The ancient lady will fall from a high place,
Several from the same sect will be killed.
Well, first, my past entries…
The fact that "blood", especially the "righteous one", is completely absent in the quatrains with "Londons" is a fact. The numeral 23, mentioned in the quatrain, is present in one more single quatrain – 3-56. In it it is in the form of " XXIII ". The number of "lightning bolts" – " foudre , fouldre " before this quatrain, in the Centuries – six.
That's all. Of course, it is already good that the direction chosen is correct. It didn’t go further for only one reason that I didn’t catch then: it was impossible to tie the quatrain to only one section of the Centuries, sometimes Nostradamus cut through the waves of his “Prophecies” as he pleases.
Now my today's vision: regarding the first line, there is no need to go anywhere:
2-52 Dans plusieurs nuits la terre tremblera:
S ur le prins temps deux effors suite:
Corinthe, E phese aux deux mers nagera,
Guerre s'esmeut par deux vaillans de luite.
2-53 L a grande peste de cite' maritime,
N e cessera que mort ne soit vengee:
Du iuste sang par pris damne sans crime,
D e la grand dame par feincte n'outraigee.
2-54 Par gent estrange, & de R mains loingtaine…
The blood of the righteous did not take place in London literally in the neighborhood with quatrain 2-51. London – " LoNDRE " – did not gather fully. The word " plusieurs " is also highlighted, because it participates in the quatrain – the task.
The second line has already found its original source. There is no obvious lightning in quatrain 3-57, but it rumbles excellently there: “ tonnerre & gresle a` fin de Mars” – “thunder and hail at the end of March”. As you know, there is no heavenly thunder without lightning, besides, there were already six “lightnings” accumulated at that time, and this number is present in quatrain 3-57 itself. Those who are especially thirsty for the full truth – I inform you: the word “ Br + us + les ”, is not very compact, but is completed, thanks to quatrains 3-54, 3-57 and 3-59.
"Ancient Lady" is found in a completely different place. Here she :
5-65 … Et dame en braise plus ne sera en veue,
De peu a peu seront les grans faschez.
5-66 Soubz les antique s edifices vestaulx…
Further – about her "falling from a high place":
5-68 … Le grand C hameau ne s'en repentira:
Trembler du Rosne & plus fort ceulx de loire
E t pres des A lpes coq le ruinera.
5-69 P lus ne sera le grand en faulx sommeil,
L 'inquietude viendra prendre repoz:
Dresser p ha lange d'or, azur, & vermeil,
Subiuguer Affrique la ronger iusques aux oz
5-70 Des regions subiectes a` la Balance,
Feront troubler les monts par grande guerre
Captifz to ut sexe deu & tout bisance…
" PLACE " and " ha + ut ". And finally, about the last line of quatrain 2-51. It is necessary to return to the site of the third Centuria near "thunder and hail" in order to see there "the same sect" – " mesme section ":
3-60 … Mesme s en Mysie, Lysie, & Pamphylie:
Sang versera par absolution,
D'vn ieune noir remply de felonnie.
3-61 La grande bande & secte crucigere…
Nearby is the killing procedure: " Occ + is "
3-63 …Son grand vo is in imiter ses vestiges:
Occ ultes haines ciuiles, & debats…
This is how everything depicted in quatrain 2-51 is found in the ocean of the Centuries. Today this is not particularly difficult for me, but once upon a time it was only timid attempts to smell the breath of the Author.
A lot of casus mysteries are fraught with editions of the Prophecies. Here, for example, quatrain 2-89, in it, in two versions of the editions of 1555 at once, in trifles differing from each other, contains the same “mistake”: at the end of the supposed word “iour” – “day” there is no “ r »:
2-89 Duiou seront demis les deux grandz maistres…
In the editions of 1557 and subsequent, this "mistake" is eliminated, and there are two options: " Du iour …” and “ Vn iour …”. Such a substitution itself indicates the “pulling out” of the first line. Something tells me that the Author did it on purpose, and here's why:
2-41 La grand' estoile par sept iours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleilz apparoir: Le gros mastin toute nuict hurlera, Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.
The big star will light up in seven days,
A cloud will cause two suns to appear:
The big mastin will howl all night,
When the great pontiff changes his place.
I will allow myself in this book to bring out a new dog breed – mastin, let it remain unchanged.
The statement that in seven days you can see a star will be miraculously fulfilled only on the condition that the “day” from quatrain 2-89 does not take place. Here are the quatrains with seven consecutive days: 2-71, 2-84, 3-22, 3-34, 3-65, 5-18, 5-59. In the last quatrain, a “star” is found – “ estoille ” … “Well, welcome to that site” – these are the words of me “today”: