It is worth noticing here, that the ancient Greek myths mention the multitude of other amphibian personalities with human bodies and fishtails. Those are Nereus, the eldest son of Pontus and Gaia; Poseidon, the Master of the Ocean, and even Cecrops I, the first king of Attica, who established Athens. Cecrops’s sons, too, were half-human, half-serpents.
Deserving special attention is the information about the «amphibian» nature of Isis and Osiris, and that was one of the listed secrets of the ancient Egyptian priests. In the ancient Phrygia, not far from the famous Byzantine Empire, archeologists found strange statuettes, which depict the goddess Isis and her husband Osiris-Serapis, as humans with fishtails.
Also, Chinese believed their ancient civilization was established by an amphibian species with a human head and a tail of a fish or a serpent, which was named FuXi and lived 3000 years B.C.His sister was Nu Wa (Nügua), she had a serpent tail, too.
It is Fu Xi, who is believed to be the author of trigrams and hexagrams from the Book of Changes. Sima Qian, a Chinese historian of the Han dynasty, wrote in the year 720 A.D., that Fu Xi had the body of a snake, the head of a human, and moral virtues of a wise man. He gave the basics of writing, sciences and arts to people.
Chinese myths describe Gungun, a dragon, a monster with horns and the body of a snake. The description reminds the same of Egyptian Seth, as well as Dogonian Ogo. The ancient Chinese Celestial Dragon Chen symbolizes stars of the Orion Belt, which is near Sirius.
In Sumerian texts, God Anu calls Sirius a Bow Star. In ancient China, a bow was constantly associated with Sirius, and the ancient capital of China was named Anyang, or Celestial Yang.
Slavic legends also describe similar humanlike species, Amphibians, living halftime in water. Those humanlike mammal species living in rivers and lakes may be tentatively divided into several categories:
– Vodyanoys with humanlike faces, but having fins instead arms and legs. These species in some way reminds seal-like mammals.
– Berehynias, water half-maids with humanlike appearance, arms, breasts and finlike tail. They are sometime called river maids, svitezhankas, pluskonas, bogunkas, and mermaids.
– There are male Vodianoys also called Vodniks.
– There are male Bereginias, also called Yeserniks, Ozerniks or Ozorniks. As a reminder about those ancient creatures stealing women, the word «ozornik» exists in modern Russian, and it means a prankster or a mischief-maker.
– Vodan, or Vodon, or Poseidon the sea god. According to ancient legends, it was the arch-father of human species of Atlantis. It had a head, a torso and arms like those of a man, while the lower part of his body ended with dolphin-like tail with fins. Slavic tales often describe him as the Sea Serpent, or the Sea King.
There was yet another difference between Celestials and humans, the difference, which was at least the same essential. Their lifespan was very long, the legends tell about tens of thousands years
Yet, like any mortal creatures, they were getting older, and dying in battles, too. Maybe, they were familiar with life prolongation biotechnologies.
Known since the times of Beros is the Sumerian King List listing all their dynasties. Apollodorus of Athens, who lived in II century B.C., mentioned ten Anunnaki gods reigned over Sumerian state in those ancient times, and their reign was for 432 thousand years!
The Book of Dzyan also reported about immortal Celestial aliens:
«Dzyni came and saw Dzyani from the pale Father-Mother; From the white areas They came From Immortal mortals places»
The phrase «from Immortal mortals places» also focuses on the places inhabited by species, who somehow managed to understand how to make their mortal lives virtual endless!
There is a story in the Old Testament about the God’s concerns regarding the possibility for Adam and Eve to understand the secret of long living, and, therefore living forever:
«Then the Lord God said, «Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand rand take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever»
Book of Genesis, 3:22.
(Does not «one of us» literally means there were several gods, not one?)
«Therefore the Lord God sent him [i.e. Adam] out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the tcherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life».
Book of Genesis, 2:23–24
Sumerian texts tell about King Marduk, the son of Enki, who killed one of high-ranked Anunnaki Celestials in a battle, and was sentenced to die in pain for that. He was bricked inside a pyramid to die of hunger. However, Anunnaki took him out of the stone cage inside the pyramid after sometime, almost dying, just to expel him to wander for 1000 years.
Also worth mentioning is the Secret Teaching of Hermes, where he in some discloses the mystery of Elohims the Celestials, proclaiming the Great Truth, that
«Humans are mortal Gods Gods are immortal humans»
Fortunate is the one who understands those words, for by understanding them, he obtains the key for everything.
The abovementioned facts deserve very thorough consideration, because Sumerian scientists were good mathematicians, they were able to calculate upcoming eclipses of the Sun and the Moon, with tenth part of a second accuracy! It is hard to believe they might miscalculate years.
It is further worth mentioning that immortal cells in a human body are already found. The bad news is up to now those are cancer cells only. Many cytological laboratories in the World now make experiments with cancer cells of a woman, who died in the beginning of the previous century. Regardless the decades passed, the cells are still as young as those in a newly born baby, time is nothing for them because they count no age! Known for now are several thousand immortal cell strains, obtained from malign tumors of humans and animals. Although nature made only malign cells immortal, there is still a theoretical possibility to turn bad into good. That means using genetic engineering methods to try to influence natural aging mechanism. By the way, such research in no way compromises Biblical statements, which say, that future people may have the immortality, which they wish so much. It would be nice, if it were the matter of not too remote future.
Having obtained a longer life, the human civilization may face the problem of free living space, which may be solved by colonizing other places in our Universe.
The fourth difference between Celestials and humans is that Celestials were far more advanced intellectually and technologically
For example, Elohims were able to move via flying and underwater vehicles, and they possessed mass destruction weapon, which by description reminds nuclear and laser weapon. Here we see, which technical devices and which jet vehicles they used.
Images that came to us from very ancient times show what Celestials were looking like. The Book of Genesis (6:1–4) describes them as the Nephilim: «Which were on the Earth in those days». On their images, one may recognize helmets with zippers, the pressure suits.
Mesopotamian and Old Testament texts mention that gods first communicated with people on Earth, but then went to Heaven. A number of ancient texts in Hebrew tell about angst for epic past:
«How long, O Lord, turnest thou away unto the end?
Shall thy anger burn like fire?
Remember what my substance is:
for hast thou made all the children of men in vain?»