Now over to the testing itself.
I had to open up chakras first. For the moment, it was difficult to me. Opening up the third chakra was easy, not the first and the second ones, no idea why. The first chakra is the energy of life, and also the second one; and the latter also is responsible for sexual energy…
To summarize, the result was poor, but still there was some result.
Next, I had to see the digit.
I did not see anything at the beginning, actually there was something, but I could not concentrate.
Only at the third attempt, the picture became clear, and I saw the digit, which was transmitted to me, highlighted, on the black background.
The second digit was seen and named at once.
Next were the cards…
Doing it was complicated for me, and it took time before I succeeded.
I understand the reason for that. You know what going on?
In some moment, the brain starts resisting (I feel it well), or it tries its best to defocus my attention. As soon as it happens, the picture disappears. Therefore, I need another effort, a big effort, to restore it again.
Then I had to tell what was on the card.
Because my chakras were opened up slightly, I saw the card unclear. I should have seen a white transparent bridal veil, and a white dress, but the color that I saw was not white, maybe, it was greyish in some way. I saw the veil, but I decided it was just a piece of transparent fabric; actually, I gave the correct answer.
It was much easier with the second card. I did not see the suit at once, but I saw the image.
Next, I had to see the geometric figure.
Only at second attempt was I able to give the correct answer. I did not name the correct color at once, too.
But I felt the odor at once, I waited a little with the answer, I wanted to be sure that I was right… and I was!
I felt the taste quickly, too. It might be simpler for me, as I already dealt with identifying taste and odor.
The painting was the most complicated. I saw it clearly only by the end, whereas during the process some details were only developing. What I saw at once was water, trees were next, but the rest was a problem. Funny, I saw Valery Ivanovich looking on the painting, maybe my attention switched on him…
The testing gave much to me.
Above all, I saw my problems, they do exist, and they may be eliminated fast.
Also, I understood developing telepathy is a must, for one improves the one’s intuition with this. The one’s inner state changes for better absolutely!
I again saw one might develop such abilities in oneself.
The most essential is to trust oneself, the one’s inner voice and the intuition.
So many times in my life I repeated, “trust yourself!” to see how true those words are!
If you only knew, how many mistakes in life might be avoided, if the intuition were trusted… Indeed you do know!
Thank you very much, Valery Ivanovich!
I hope I can talk to you many more times about the matter.
Olga Lobzova, 2009—06—04
My first steps to the world of the unknown, yet so attractive!!!
Who on Earth could even think that abilities in telepathy are virtually in everyone of us? And yet, it is we, who are busy all the time, who are unable to listen to our intuition, who do not improve them, and many are not even aware of it, thinking they do not have such abilities at all.
I passed testing for telepathy by Valery Ivanovich. Strange feelings were only at the first minutes, as excitement was preventing from concentrating and relaxing, but then… step by step, you start seeing certain pictures, digits, card suits, etc. Each time a surprise how it might be possible.
Energy channels, chakras, were opened up in an interesting way…
My chest felt warmth, sometime a little too much warmth; there was tingling feeling near the bottom of the stomach…
I could not get used to it for some time, but then it became normal for me.
The next part of the test was devoted to identifying taste and odor…
Valery Ivanovich asked me, what is the taste that I feel – sweet, bitter, acidic or salted? – I was tuning and felt the taste of a lemon in my mouth…
The same was with the odors…
I still cannot believe it, but that is a fact!!!
I can sometime feel emotions of others to me. Still, it is not easy for me to tune my intuition right, if I am not assisted by someone else.
I hope Valery Ivanovich might kindly help me to further develop my tiny abilities!!!
** – – **, 2009—06—02
My communication with V.I. Zhiglov
I describe my first lesson in telepathy without too much stringency.
Furthermore, I am going to write with some self-irony, for I can write about it with a smile on my face today. Several days have gone after testing, no more concerns, no more worries, and the smile helps me draw the picture of my feelings.
The test itself does not look too complicated; you only should listen to the Teacher, respond positively, and fly in the airstream of his advices and tips…
This was the rule I learnt after almost total failure…
You should trust the Teacher and rely on your first impression, also known as intuition!
You cannot enter the Path of Knowledge in the area that you totally are unaware of, open-eyed, and with your own principles in life…
Now I tell in more details.
The recommendation was to concentrate.
Here came what we call the fifth wheel in a carriage…
Executing the command appeared to be complicated; I was in an impenetrable shell, which is known as the “protection”.
It was only the Teacher’s skill, that ignited my third chakra with some dim light, yet two more chakras had to be opened up for a dialog to start, whereas I still had doubts: for what may I need it?
Theoretically, I knew everything told at that moment that needed to be executed…
It was me, who asked for the experiment, and who wanted the action, why then was I so too proud that I hesitated just to take it?!!
This was what I understood at the first stage: being too proud is not good!!!
Step by step, the dialog finally became testing, but I often exceeded the time given to finish the task.
The Teacher’s delicacy and discreetness, as he found proper words for a student, is an important factor, very important!!!
The result, as I see it, was just bad, only digits and playing cards were more or less.
I smile as I think about the task with the painting, what I saw was a mill with a roof being covered with white, not every painter might even think of it.
He does not go deep into details, and that is something I like!!!
I look for an excuse for my failures, here it is, my pride, and it is good that I saw it!!!
I am so grateful to You, Valery Ivanovich, for the discovery You did, because it reveals my mistakes to me!!!
I thoroughly follow Your recommendations, as I make my homework, and I keep all the records. I need to learn identifying the suit and the face of a card intuitively.
I look forward to meeting Valery Ivanovich again!
To all our participants I wish to trust our intuition more, where logic must be abandoned, for it brings us to the wrong place!!!
Valena Vysotskaya, 2009—06—02
Telepathic communication is reality!!!
I want to share the results of testing for telepathic abilities that I passed today morning.
Frankly saying, I would hardly believe before today that I could see anything outside the area that I see with my eyes.
The result: much (not all, indeed!) of what Valery Ivanovich offered me for description was seen and described by me. Those were images, fragments of paintings, various items, tastes, and aromas…