Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Misha called me by name for the first time, but for some reason «Frederik», with an «e», but without the previously obligatory clarification «Haraldson». And what did she say about the difference in age and intellectual level? Magical. But not so much: she was very young and untrained for life – it was obvious from her stupid behavior. Misha was deeply mistaken: an intelligent person could not long endure the stupidity of another, no matter how strong their feelings were. Unfortunately, the stupidity of one always suppresses the wisdom of the other.

Misha and Mary were talking about such nonsense as only naive young girls who know nothing about real life or the world around them talk about.

The distance between me and the two chatterboxes was too great for Misha, with her childish eyesight, to see my hiding place from where I was watching them: people's hearing and eyesight deteriorate with age, but ours, on the contrary, only become more acute, and I was still a very young vampire. I pretended to read, but I was actually listening to the conversation between the two girlfriends, and when Misha let her beautiful hair down, I slammed the book shut and admired her. Admiring her, and she was nineteen. She would be in a month. I shouldn't have thought of her at all, except as a silly girl who needed my help. Strangely, when I didn't know how old she was, I couldn't even believe she was that young. And now that I knew she wasn't even fifty… No, not even thirty, I was confused, but felt nothing but annoyance at her behavior and, inexplicably, a friendly disposition.

«She's all alone here. And how did the Mroczeks think to let her out of the house? To let her go alone, in human society, at that age! Where were they looking? Who's going to teach her about life? Where is she going with this mortal? Why wasn't it explained to her that it was forbidden to be friends with mortals? This damsel is behaving in a fundamentally wrong way!» – I thought unhappily as I watched the two girls.

Now I definitely didn't want to have any relationship with her. Consciously. So I stopped listening to the conversation of the girls and wanted to leave. But something was holding me back.

«Why is she doing all this? Living with a mortal, walking in the park, sunbathing in the sun, talking about nonsense! – I continued to ponder. – He behaves like a human being, even though Maria’s letter says in black and white: 'Don't socialize with people'! But Misha ignores all the rules, except one: «Do not communicate with Fredrik Haraldson»

I was overcome with contradictory feelings: on the one hand, I had a low opinion of Misha, but at the same time, I felt sorry for her. For some reason, I was very worried about her future: she was too human, and that quality is unnatural for a vampire and goes against all vampire laws.

«All this is the influence of her mortal girlfriend: living with Misha, she surrounded her with a human aura, a human world, habits, everyday life. It is urgent to explain to the Polish fool that her actions and such a life are unnatural, and that her friendship with a mortal will turn into rivers of tears for her, although it has already resulted in her completely non-vampiric behavior» I decided firmly. – The fact that she's a vampire and drinks human blood seems to have slipped her mind.

I watched the girls until they rolled up the blanket and went away, but I continued to sit under the huge tree: I had bad luck with the weather. And why was I sitting there listening to the silly girls like an ordered spy? I had nothing of the sort in my plans: I was walking from college, taking advantage of the fact that the sun was hidden behind a white cloud for a minute, but I saw Misha and, not knowing why or why not, sat under the tree.

Since the two girlfriends had left the park, I had sat under the tree for another three hours, unable to leave my prison of fresh air. I cracked open a book and tried to read, but my attention span was non-existent. I wanted to smoke, but smoking in public places was strictly forbidden. Everyone was against me.

«Shit. I'm so screwed!» – I thought with annoyance.

My car was far away in the parking lot, and I couldn't get to it because of the goddamn bright sun, so I sat under a tree until sunset (fortunately, it was early in November) and only then was able to drive home.

And this Mary, without knowing it, got it right – I am Swede with a typical Swedish dream: a lakeside house in Scandinavia, and the Swedish national anthem as a ringtone on my phone. A typical Swede, different from other Swedes only in the fact that I have fangs and a need to drink liters of human blood.


The next afternoon, after the lectures were over, walking over to my bike, I suddenly discovered a small note printed on a printer in my coat pocket. The contents of this secret notice surprised and made me laugh: it was an invitation to take part in some sort of «Fox Hunt» and for this purpose I was to arrive at the back gate of St. Hugo's College at half-past ten in the evening, wearing a short skirt, heels, and «fox ears» on my head. There was also a pub route – mandatory stops where I would have to drink a bunch of alcoholic drinks and then run to the finish line – the last pub. Bullshit. Underneath the text was a plea not to show this note to anyone and to destroy it.

«What idiot planted this on me? Does anyone seriously expect me to show up? Nonsense, that's all!» – I thought mockingly.

Contrary to the call for absolute secrecy, I decided to show the note to Mary to laugh with her.

– Don't be a fool and don't go! It's fun for the rich idiots, but dangerous for the girls. This «hunt» is idiotic. Haven't you ever heard of it? – Mary frowned, crumpled up the note and handed it to me.

«How ridiculous! Vampires hunting humans, and humans hunting girls dressed as foxes!» – I smiled to myself, but out loud I said: – No, never. And what is this «hunt»?

– It's when squealing freshman girls in short skirts and high heels run away from «hunters» – guys in red jackets. Do you know who the «hunters» are?

– I have no idea.

– It's a group of Playboys who are members of a secret society, and this «hunt» is their main annual fun. I don't think I need to tell you what happens to the foxhunters at the end of the night. So just keep your nose out of it, okay?

– I wasn't going to: in my opinion, all this action is ridiculous! – I replied grudgingly and threw the paper into the trash can under the sink.

– By the way, the role of «foxy» invite only the most attractive girls. So you're one of them» said Mary.

– But I'm not happy to be considered pretty! It's a very unpleasant word. Do any girls voluntarily accept it? – I was genuinely surprised. – After all, it is such a nonsense!

– If no one would not agree, «hunting» would not be organized. And every year. And there are always a lot of girls there, – said my neighbor. – Okay, I'm going to the bathroom!

She left, and I went to the Internet and found a detailed article about the «Fox Hunt». It turns out that she organized a secret men's society «Black Swan», and in some year all its members were expelled from the university. But with a new set of students the society was revived and again organized this stupid entertainment. How vulgar!

Mary came to see me later.

– By the way, your Playboy asked me today if we were lesbians» she said cheerfully.

– What?» I was surprised beyond belief.

– Yeah, I had the same reaction.

– And what did you say?

– That he was ill-mannered.

– Good for you. – I praised him. – And he's a tactless pig!

– He is! I'm good with lesbians, but I wanted to knock him on the head.

– Now it's my turn to lie in the bathtub! – I said hastily to avoid further conversation on the subject. – Is the shower gel in there?
