I silently complied, and we walked through the stream of people, holding hands and gripping the reins of our horses with our free hands, and soon reached the main gate of the city and left.
Fortunately, our way back to the valley seemed to me much easier than the way to the city: the sun was still high, but it was not so hot, so it was much freer to breathe. When we reached the ravine, I had to wrap myself more warmly in my cloak.
Evans was silent the whole way, and I was curious, but I didn't want to disturb him, because I could see that he was thinking hard, his forehead creased, his lips tightly pressed together, his eyes staring off into the distance. But when we stopped to give the horses a rest and let them chew grass and drink water from the stream that ran along the road, I walked over to my friend and looked into his brown eyes.
– Evans… You're so thoughtful… You can share with me, and I promise that everything we say will remain private," I said softly.
– Nothing can be kept from you, my queen," Evans smiled, but his smile was fake. – You're right: thoughts are tearing at my head, and they're dark thoughts, I'm afraid.
Tell me, do you really hate your spouse and all people so much that you would kill them if you had the chance?
– Of course not… Though I can hardly deceive Dead Man's Axe, for he has clung to me with such strength and joy… – I hesitated, for I did not know what else to say.
– You say you love Derek, but your soul can't forgive what he did to Flammehav?
– It's… It's complicated, Evans! Yes, I love him! But I saw with my own eyes the horror and destruction he brought to my kingdom! Thousands of blood-covered refugees who took refuge in our capital told me that Derek's warriors did not spare even children! – I exclaimed with feeling, amazed by the healer's skepticism. – How could I forget? I remember that Derek wasn't the instigator of this war, that he didn't attack Flammehav but my father attacked Kaldwind, that Derek was just protecting his people from us demons, but… I can't forgive. I want to, but I can't. I guess I just choose not to bring it up, yet these thoughts won't leave me, I have no power over them!
– I understand how you feel," Evans said calmly, taking my hand in his. – You have a right to be angry, but remember what Axe did to you. Try to tame your hatred, banish it from your soul, because if that sword accidentally falls into your hands, you'll turn into a monster. Remember that you love your husband and that you volunteered to save his life. Derek Merkswerd awaits your return. Remember that.
– You promised to tell me, does this sword have any effect on you? What do you see in your mind? – I persisted.
– Alas, I too am imperfect, but the Axe seems to have nothing to eat in my soul: I have forgiven all my enemies and wish them nothing but good and happiness.
– You are honorable, Evans Vallas," I smiled involuntarily. – Stay that way always.
Soon we were on our way again, and after some time spent in silence we saw the still sunlit valley and the lonely house hidden in it. When we reached the house, we dismounted and led our horses to the stables.
– There are so many artifacts stored in your house… Do you know the exact number? – I asked, feeling the rush of magic and aura of enchantment again, only this time I felt them several times stronger.
– Hmm… I honestly don't know, I've never counted. But I've decided that we definitely need to create a special scabbard for our sword. I'll see what I can do. – Evans shut our horses in the wide stalls, gave them water and oats, and then hid the Dead Man's Axe in a corner of the stable under a generous layer of straw. – Let it lie here for now. I don't want that weapon in my house.
We left the stable and walked to the front door of the house. I was looking forward to lying in the hot tub, resting after my horrible experience with Axe, and hoping that Evans would use his magic to make a nice, hearty dinner.
– Please," the healer said, opening the door in front of me, and I went in first.
He followed me in and immediately went to the room where he kept his artifacts.
– Would you like some tea? – I asked loudly, taking off my warm cloak and hanging it on the hook sticking out of the wall. – I can make some! I think I can handle this task, it's not…" I added as I entered the living room, but I was silenced by eight orange pairs of eyes, like Andrada's, staring back at me.
– Evans! – I hesitantly called out, and wanted to go to the artifact vault, to escape from the living room, not knowing if I was friends or enemies, but a second later the owner of the house appeared there with his hands bound with a magical chain and two big kids holding him under his arms.
– What a tidbit! – A handsome, velvety man's voice sounded behind me. – Such a beauty does not need the company of such a young man as this bastard. You, my beauty, are incredibly lucky: you will warm me with the warmth of your body, and in return you will receive favor and jewelry.
Such impudence in my address caused me a wave of indignation, and I turned sharply to the uninvited guests. My intuition told me that the scoundrel who dared to insult my honor was a handsome man with long purple hair dressed in a beautiful blue silk cloak. The fingers of his hands were adorned with numerous rings with sparkling stones, and a fancy gold necklace hung around his neck.
– You seem to have forgotten to ask, sir, whether the beauty wants to go to your bed! – I cast a disdainful glance at the impudent handsome man.
– Oh, my dear, I'm afraid you have no choice! – He laughed a deep, beautiful laugh, but then his face darkened. – Take her!
I was immediately grabbed under his arms and my wrists were bound with a magical chain. Although I frantically tried to break free from the steel vise, I was unable to get free. But, noticing that Evans had accepted his captivity completely coolly and calmly, I exclaimed unhappily:
– Evans! What's going on?
– Calm down, Sylvie, there's no need to make a scene," he answered me quietly.
"Sylvie? He's deliberately not saying my name in full, as if he's trying to hide my origins and identity from this overdressed blowhard!" – I realized, and obeyed my friend's advice.
– Release the girl: she has nothing to do with our feud," Evans said coldly to the purple-haired guest.
– So you know him! – A nervous chuckle escaped me.
– I told you, bastard, what would happen if you set foot on my kingdom's soil again," the insolent man said lazily, stretching out his words. – And your maiden will come with us. – He smiled predatorily. – Take them away!
Chapter 5
POV Derek
– We hadn't heard from them in a long time. Just one letter, and in it three words, "Everything is fine"… Don't they have any time at all to write more than those three words? For example, how is their health? What difficulties have they encountered? – I said tiredly to my mother when she came into my chambers to read the Bible to me.
Leaving my bed, in defiance of my mother's wailing, I paced from corner to corner of my huge royal bedchamber. I was terribly tired of hiding from everyone and not even going out into the corridor, the dining room or the garden. Yes, I'm poisoned, and my strength is failing me, but damn it, I'm still alive and I'm sure I'll last until my consort returns from her journey. Of course, if she comes back at all: her journey is dangerous, the herbs she needs are guarded by terrible monsters, and she's taken a court healer to help her fight them! Would he be able to save her from death?
"Where are they now? What are they doing? Why don't they report themselves and their journey? What if Sylvia simply ran away with that handsome young healer?" – That last question got me thinking, and I stopped in the middle of the room, shifting my gaze to the woman who had given me life, searching for an answer.