The space of dead souls I call the Transition stage. At this level they tell me how long they are going to stay there. The Transition stage begins right after the physical death, but first 40 days they are closer to the edge separating the living world from the afterlife, therefore it is strongly recommended not to disturb this soul – it could just be stuck between the worlds. Based on my practice, 40 days are very approximate period, the “departure” may take 2 days less or 5 days more after that period.
Sometimes dead souls tell me why they are here on the Transition stage and give information how long they are going to stay there before they move to another level of transformation. Usually the transition period takes 7 years or more – within that period the person frees himself from his personality, ego, his memories, etc. The Transition stage is for everybody but not like the room for party where all dead souls meet and greet each other – this is special space same for everyone and everyone sees it differently. Everybody has to go through this but alone. It’s like apartment building where everyone has his own apartment but there are thousands of apartments and the building is one.
The moment of transition itself from the physical being to non-physical, when the person exhales for the last time, is quite painless, sometimes people have a dream the night before death or have some mystical experience where they understand by heart that death is not painful, not scary, that the Other side is bright and good. Dying is not scary at all.
The suicides are in other space and while on the Transition stage the dead one can join to his family and ancestors, suicides have no such opportunity, they are isolated. The ghosts and negative spirits are located between the transition stage and our world. They are connected to both worlds.
Transformation stage
After Transition stage the soul goes to the Transformation stage to connect with higher levels of being, to meet Spiritual guides or to become the ancestral Guardian spirit or to go to the Bank of Soul for the next incarnation. At this stage the person is absolutely free from his own ego, he becomes a pure soul, best Self, Deeper self, Spirit. The Soul can become the Guardian spirit for the descendants and only after that go to the Bank of Souls or may go to the God directly. This is what called nirvana, free from samsara wheel, and this is individual process. At the Transformation stage it's quite hard to catch the soul and there is no need to do that since the soul rests in peace – and you can feel it and you know it and you talk peacefully about that person, no pain felt.
Reincarnation stage
After Transformation stage the soul goes to the Bank of Souls to decide whether it will be reincarnated or not. The soul itself chooses the path to go but it still needs final approval on this stage. Here the further destiny of the soul will be decided – where to go, which body to be incarnated in – or to go to the higher levels of being. Moreover, if you ever tried regression therapy, you can find out whether the soul was “good” or “bad” and what to do with it – and there are Spiritual Councils who make that decision in a manner of spiritual report. Sure, it is not all that bureaucratic as it sounds but it is the space-between-worlds, rest place before the next spiritual journey. The place full of unconditional love, mindfulness and deep understanding of all divine processes. The place of decisions. I have to say that the human perception sees the energy as Councils, Guides etc in anthropomorphic expression of Global spirit which may be understood by every human, where in fact there is no form at all. Maybe there is Higher self who speaks to the soul, maybe, the God – maybe not.
Here the soul may be reincarnated to somebody else or to ready to be gone to the God. By God I mean not religious idea of God, but Cosmic, galactic energy, ocean of consciousness, incomprehensible, limitless and eternal energy.
Stage of liberation
When all tasks of the soul are done and solved, the person is free of endless chain of reincarnations and disappears in huge and incomprehensible Ocean of Nothing, endless eternity, embraces serenity and happiness and becomes a god himself.
Whether a person aware of his own death?
If death occurs as a result of disease or as a result of natural causes, then the person is aware that he is dead. The family will grieve but the soul free from ego and body in most cases feels a great joy and anticipates journey back home. Some people feel that syndrome – they want to go back home without knowing where this home exactly is – in spiritual terms. It’s a sadness in heart when you don’t feel connected to your real home, your family, to Earth at all. One can feel it sometimes when staring the stars, one embraces the Universe and feels lonely missing the home, the origin Home where we are all from. We miss the divine selves, miss the stardust which is still in cells of our bodies. Soul misses its home. This feeling testifies that by being busy in everyday life person misses something very important and even lives someone else’s life and goes the wrong way. Therefore, when a person dies, his soul finally comes back home and dives into Divine ocean of being.
Call before death
It’s not uncommon – maybe you’ve heard it or experienced in your own family – that right before death the person has a dream with his late ones calling to go after them. In this case the person realizes that the dream is about dead relative calling into afterworld directly. No misunderstandings. Usually the call comes two-three days before physical death, probably, providing time to be prepared to this serious spiritual journey, pay all debts both physical and psychological, to free oneself from decisions and unfinished business, to change thoughts and beliefs, to forgive someone or to be forgiven. The dreams like that are very good sign, since the person has time for preparation which means that the person lives mindfully and now has a chance to complete incarnation peacefully and be finally free.
In some traditions the third party comes to take the dead one, the Reaper. This Reaper may be the dead soul having such mission – to take the other souls away.
The dreams about death are quite clear and you cannot confuse them with regular dreams when your late grandmother asks to follow her and you don’t want to do it. When in dream you realize you cannot follow after her, these dreams are still bad and may lead to illness, financial problems etc, but not death. The Calling is very different and you just know that time has come, time to go.
~ Case from my practice ~
My client Tatiana had a dream where her dead father just stood and stared to his daughter with accusation. No words, just discomfort, almost physical. Next day Tatian’s son killed himself.
The death is predestined. You should put a huge amount of energy or strong will to change the course of events. In case of success, we say someone defeated the death.
What happens after death?
As we know, all life systems, including brain, fails. Biologically and legally the death of brain is the moment of death. Interesting that yogis of higher levels of practice can stop their breath and even modify the brain activity so no supersensitive technology may fix it – and go back to normal state of mind. It’s not that simple and the death of brain is very questionable. But sure not every yogi can do that so science considers the death of brain cells as the irreversible death of body and end of the physical presence.