Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

4. We were at the bust stop in the morning

5. You were not with us yesterday

6. Was it easy?

7. I was happy to see you

8. He was not in the bar that evening

9. Was she very smart?

10. We were at my friend's place

11. You were not honest

12. Was the movie interesting?

13. I was in the village

14. He was not in the office

15. Was she alone?

Past Simple и смысловой глагол: упражнения

Past Simple Active и смысловой глагол: упражнение #1

Пожалуйста, раскройте скобки, соблюдая правила построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных глагольных предложений в Past Simple Active.

1. He (to go) to work yesterday

2. She (not to like) him a year ago

3. You (to play) the guitar in the morning?

4. I (to watch) a movie on Monday

5. We (not to talk) yesterday

6. It (to happen)?

7. They (to buy) flowers that day

8. He (not to sell) his old chair

9. She (to come) early in the morning?

10. You (to quit) your job yesterday

11. I (not to pay) taxes

12. We (to leave) late?

13. Everything (to go) pretty well

14. They (not to see) each other yesterday

15. He (to throw) away the trash?

Ответы и перевод

1. He went to work yesterday – Он ходил на работу вчера

2. She did not like him a year ago – Он не нравился ей год назад

3. Did you play the guitar in the morning? – Ты играл на гитаре утром?

4. I watched a movie on Monday – Я посмотрел фильм в понедельник

5. We did not talk yesterday – Мы не разговаривали вчера

6. Did it happen? – Это случилось?

7. They bought flowers that day – Они купили цветы в тот день

8. He did not sell his old chair – Он не продал свой старый стул

9. Did she come early in the morning? – Она пришла рано утром?

10. You quit your job yesterday – Ты уволился с работы вчера

11. I did not pay taxes – Я не заплатил налоги

12. Did we leave late? – Мы ушли поздно?

13. Everything went pretty well – Все прошло довольно хорошо

14. They did not see each other yesterday – Они не виделись вчера

15. Did he throw away the trash? – Он выбросил мусор?

Past Simple Active и смысловой глагол: упражнение #2

Пожалуйста, переведите предложения, соблюдая правила построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных глагольных предложений в Past Simple Active.

1. Он украл ее деньги

2. Она не позвонила ему вчера

3. Они покрасили стены неделю назад?

4. Принтер начал работать

5. Я не поздравил ее с днем рождения

6. Мы отправили письмо в пятницу?

7. Ты все сделал правильно

8. Он не скачал новую игру месяц назад

9. Она загрузила новые треки?

10. Они починили машину

11. Компьютер не включился минуту назад

12. Я выбрал правильный адрес?

13. Мы подарили ему собаку

14. Ты не ушел домой в 17:00

15. Он сказал тебе все, что знал?


1. He stole her money

2. She did not call him yesterday

3. Did they paint the walls a week ago?

4. The printer started to work / working

5. I did not congratulate her on her birthday

6. Did we send the letter on Friday?

7. You did everything right

8. He did not download a new game a month ago

9. Did she upload the new tracks?

10. They fixed the car

11. The computer did not turn on a minute ago

12. Did I choose the correct address?

13. We gifted him a dog

14. You did not leave home at 5 p.m.

15. Did he tell you everything he knew?

Past Simple, passive voice: упражнения

Упражнение на Past Simple Passive #1

Пожалуйста, раскройте скобки, соблюдая правила построения утверждений, отрицаний и вопросов в Past Simple Passive (страдательный залог).

1. The TV (to turn off) a minute ago

2. I (not to invite) to the party

3. The procedure (to finish) in time?

4. I (to introduce) to them yesterday

5. She (not to prepare) to answer

6. He (to help) by the teacher?

7. We (to stop) by the policeman a week ago

8. You (not to praise) by her

9. They (to offer) much money?

10. The car (to repair) two days ago

11. The windows (not to close) when she came

12. The movie (to download)?

13. Breakfast (to cook) in the morning

14. The walls (not to paint) by him

15. The computer (to sell) last month?

Ответы и перевод

1. The TV was turned off a minute ago – Телевизор выключили минуту назад

2. I was not invited to the party – Я не был приглашен на вечеринку

3. Was the procedure finished in time? – Процедура была завершена вовремя?

4. I was introduced to them yesterday – Я был представлен им вчера

5. She was not prepared to answer – Она не была готова отвечать

6. Was he helped by the teacher? – Была ли ему предложена помощь учителем?

7. We were stopped by the policeman a week ago – Неделю назад мы были остановлены полицейским

8. You were not praised by her – Ты не был похвален ею

9. Were they offered much money? – Им предложили много денег?

10. The car was repaired two days ago – Машина была отремонтирована два дня назад

11. The windows were not closed when she came – Окна не были закрыты, когда она пришла

12. Was the movie downloaded? – Было ли скачан фильм?

13. Breakfast was cooked in the morning – Завтрак был приготовлен утром

14. The walls were not painted by him – Стены не были покрашены им

15. Was the computer sold last month? – Был ли компьютер продан в прошлом месяце?

Упражнение на Past Simple Passive #2

Пожалуйста, переведите предложения, соблюдая правила построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Past Simple Passive (страдательный залог).

1. Его видели во дворе вчера

2. Ее не наняли неделю назад

3. Они были наказаны их мамой

4. Проект был завершен

5. Машина не была подарена ему месяц назад

6. Мышка была продана?

7. Он был пойман полицией

8. Она не была отвергнута им

9. Они были приняты в клуб вечером?

10. Телефон был украден

11. Телефон не был заряжен

12. С ним разговаривали неделю назад?

13. Я был уволен

14. Он не был отправлен во Францию

15. Нам было поручено дописать код


1. He was seen in the yard yesterday

2. She was not hired a week ago

3. They were punished by their mother

4. The project was completed

5. A car was not gifted to him a month ago

6. Was the mouse sold?

7. He was caught by the police

8. She was not rejected by him

9. Were they accepted into the club in the evening?

10. The phone was stolen

11. The phone was not charged

12. Was he talked to a week ago?

13. I was fired

14. He was not sent to France

15. We were tasked to finish the code

Future Simple и to be: упражнения
