- Farewell comrades! We sink, hurrah!
Then lightning flashed, and Ellipha was back on her royal, winged ship. The warrior was literally on a white horse with delight.
The boy-prince asked her:
- Do you like?
Elliph asked:
- What exactly? You are still a child, and you do not understand the meaning of many words!
Edward laughed and answered, baring his teeth:
- I mean, what impression did the tank make on you? Machine, agree, beast?!
The queen girl answered honestly:
- I've never seen one like this. It really is a miracle! Although, to be honest, it's cold in it. I used to think that snow only happens in fairy tales.
Edward laughed and replied:
- I, a girl, had to see not only snow, but even ride on solid frozen hydrogen. It's way cooler than ice!
Ellipha nodded and asked in a whisper:
- What is hydrogen?
The boy prince laughed and asked in surprise:
- Don't you know? Here is the queen!
The girl remarked offendedly, angrily poking her bare heel at the sandalwood board, which even rang:
- You forgot what level of technological development we are at. And you yourself, from what world? You look like a child, but I feel that you ...
Edward nodded in agreement.
- Yes, great! You're right. Appearances are deceptive. But I will try to explain to you. What is water, do you know?
Elliph growled:
- Are you kidding me!
And she tried to grab the impudent boy with her bare toes by the nose. But, of course, the experienced prince easily dodged. And chirped:
- Oh, how rude you are!
Queen Girl said:
- Yes, I do not need your explanation of what hydrogen is! When the time comes, I'll find out for myself!
The boy prince wanted to tell her something, but at that very moment the vampire appeared. It doesn't look like it's scary. Like an elf, a beardless teenage boy, only with pale skin. But his matte pallor made his face more beautiful than sinister. And the red suit was expensive, decent. And the boots shone with lacquer. In his hands he held a magic wand.
Ellipha chirped, baring her teeth:
- Hello, my friend!
The vampire opened his mouth and showed sharp, like a wolf cub, fangs. The voice, however, was quite pleasant and sonorous:
- Greetings queen!
Ellipa smiled. Edward noted:
- Be careful with him! Vampires can talk to death.
The fangs of the young bloodsucker lengthened and he chirped:
- Ah, this is Prince Edya! Great little one, only the tongue is too long. And nothing shortens life so much as a long tongue!
The boy prince nodded. Then he jumped up, hooked his bare toes on the sail and hovered like a monkey, after which he whistled:
- And evil tongues are worse than pistols,
And it's time to bring the talker to account for a long time!
Ellipha asked the vampire:
- Are you kind to us, or what?
Bloodsucker quite logically remarked:
- It's stupid to fight with an entire army on winged ships. You have a great army, and you beat the orcs effortlessly!
The boy prince said:
- And also goblins and trolls. What is more serious!
The young vampire nodded.
- Yes! That's what I think, it's useless to fight with you. Just shedding blood for free. Even if the orcs are not sorry. By the way, they are such creatures that they can be made from sawdust.
Edward chuckled.
There aren't enough trees for that. And in general, killing orcs is an interesting entertainment!
Ellipa giggled and confirmed:
- Yes! I liked it too. It"s not at all a pity for such ugly bears, like crushing cockroaches.
The young vampire asked with a smile:
- And what about the fact that instead of brute force, to measure the mind? After all, what is the truth?
Edward nodded.
- At the expense of the mind, then ... I do not mind! Although I look like a child, but I have such life experience. Probably only Koschey the Immortal can compete with me!
The young vampire nodded his cocked head.