Above us is a golden-winged cherub!
Yes, God will love in battle with the heart of the brave,
Girls and boys, who is the hero ...
Under a radiant sky of diamonds,
You are an orc with a vile bald head!
Yes, there will be peace, believe me, in the whole world,
I believe we will win...
And my Elf will prosper,
After all, every warrior with the genie Aladdin!
Here the wars will die down, happiness will come,
And everything will be beautiful, as in a dream ...
Clouds will disperse gloomy bad weather,
And evil will disappear, dissolving in the earth!
And then peace and joy will come,
Spaces will open above the stars ...
And when there will be no old age for people,
Because man has grown in mind!
After that, fountains of fireworks began to fly out of the ships! And it turned out to be a very colorful background and spectacle. Which simply captivates the eye and enchants.
Ellipha bowed and smiled, her teeth, for the umpteenth time, flashing like a mirror, reflecting the sunbeams.
After that, the twelve-headed female dragon flapped her wings and suddenly disappeared, as if she had not been there.
The Queen Girl exhaled in surprise.
- This is class! How does she do it?
Prince Edward answered confidently:
-How? That's the queen of queens! But, alas, she will not help us in battle!
Elliph asked in surprise:
- And why? Maybe this would reduce the number of losses among beautiful girls and boys!
The young warrior answered logically:
"Then there will be no place or time left for us to do heroic deeds!" We need to win ourselves.
The queen girl agreed and even sang:
You know very well yourself, the world is filled with miracles,
Only these miracles, people can do themselves!
The boys in shorts began to jump up and down, too, getting stronger, twisting their embossed figures. It looked extremely great.
But there is an army of orcs ahead again. This time it's huge, and the trolls are with them. Yes, this is a whole stream of animals waving clubs, axes, swords, sabers. But there are also archers, and even with crossbows. They are commanded by trolls, creatures more advanced than orcs.
Well, who else is here?
As long as the vampires are not visible, and this is for the best. Since bloodsuckers, in addition to everything, still know how to fly. And this is dangerous for cruise ships.
Ellipha chirped:
- We are ready to fight the enemy, and we will send the enemy to be scrapped!
After that, the warrior laughed. And her laughs are so sonorous and piercing.
Edward noted:
- It's interesting to fight! Although sometimes it hurts a lot.
The boy laughed.
The queen girl asked with a smile:
- Did it really hurt you?
Prince Edward nodded.
- Yes, I was somehow captured and my bare heels were fried with fire.
Ellifa looked at the legs of a very handsome boy, they are so chiseled and cute, and was it really a hot fire that burned the sole with a graceful curve? The girl felt relieved.
But her thoughts were interrupted by the ork crossbows. The bolts thrown by the crossbows were more long-range, and hit the bottoms of the ships, bouncing off the bronze keel. And one bolt even hit the boy in the sole, and it seems that he seriously injured the young soldier. He fell, and scarlet blood poured out. The boy screamed. His friends shouted:
The warrior of light does not groan in pain,
His bullet and sword are not afraid ...
He won't drown in a black hole,
In the plasma of stars, his spirit will not burn!
Prince Edward tweeted:
"They are waiting for your order, O queen!"
Elliph commanded:
- Fire, saving supplies, everyone to choose individual targets!