Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

The ship's commander, Professor Arthur Stolz, was from Germany and his role was more in bringing together all the crew members and leading the project. He was also a full-time psychologist, he was trained in one of the monasteries in Switzerland.

The expedition doctor Svetlana Moiseevna was from Israel, her forte is the brain, blood composition, biowaves of both the brain and the person.

The intellectual system "Vagrius" was originally from the USA – the minimization of chips in this country came out on top back in the 90s of the twentieth century. Artificial Intelligence self-learned both in the program mode and in the field of erudition – in the game of chess it had no equal on Earth. For example, in the event of an accident, he could independently land the ship without human intervention.

Of course, there were other members of the expedition, robots and much more about which will be written below.

So, everything was ready for the experiment both in the field of energy transfer over a distance, and in reading mental images at a distance from the orbit. On the ground there was a group of volunteers also of a different internalist nature. Everything was ready. But this accident with the solar panel became a small hitch – a cargo repair ship was already flying from Earth, but for now everyone was resting and using a home-made solar battery from germanium transistors sawn off at the top of the seventies of the twentieth century.


After an operation on his hand, and a new forearm was sewn on Biomax 21 to replace the old one lost in a fight with a bear, a council of doctors decides to send him to a monastery, which is 30 kilometers from the scientific town. There, the tissues will heal, and the weight will return to normal, and thoughts about life will calm down. Boris Borisovich Aleikin, that was the name of Biomax on the 21st in his human life, agreed. He, a former military man, was already living the second life of a biorobot and wanted to see church life from the inside.

The Vorobiev Monastery, near the village of Sparrows, was small. 20 cows with calves, 2 tractors and 30-35 brothers. There were only 3 monks – the abbot himself, Father Philip, his assistant monk Andrei and monk Sergius, who was still a boy at the church and grew to the rank of monk. The brethren, the so-called workers, were mostly former alcoholics who lost their homes and jobs by the will of fate. There was also a group of drug addicts, people who had served time and were weaving their nets of evil here in the monastery.

Arrived at the place on a regular bus, having walked 2 kilometers to the monastery, Boris Borisych saw the church. Everything, as on the map of the aerial photograph – in the distance is the three-story house where the brothers lived, next to the barn … The garden and the bathhouse could be seen in the distance. Going into the icon shop, he saw monk Andrei there, who had previously been a researcher at the Research Institute of Electronics. “And why did he leave our research institute two years ago? What prompted him to do this – the monastic quiet?

It was quiet in the Temple, Andrey was shifting some papers and Boris (he is also a biorobot Biomax 21st) quietly asked: “I would like this here … to treat my arm after the operation and fix my nerves, where can I leave things and in general where do I Now?" "Oh, yes, you called yesterday," said monk Andrei. "Leave your passport and cell phone to me, as well as cash – you will not need them here and follow me." Boris left his passport, cell phone, although a second cell phone was built into his body, as well as a radio transmitter with a satellite phone. The Center could be contacted at any time, while doing any work and even talking to other people.

"Can I keep a flashlight with me?" asked Boris, the flashlight was a disguised battery, it was inserted into the network and charged, then the charge was transferred to the intelligent system of the biorobot. Since the brain and heart of the biorobot were human, and everything else, including muscles, internal organs and the skeleton, was artificial, all this required a charge of energy once every two or three days. From food, Boris could eat everything, but he could also remain without food for a long time. Much longer than the average person. He could eat only one wheat for a long time – it decomposed into nutrients in an artificial stomach.

“We have a very strict monastery, but since you will be a stoker and at the same time a night watchman, you can have a flashlight with you,” monk Andrey said this, closed the icon shop and took Boris to the fraternal house.

Boris was shown a large room for six people, the beds were in two tiers around the walls. They also showed a stoker in the basement, it was not necessary to heat it, it was necessary to bring some firewood and pieces of coal in reserve, tidy up, fix the sagging electrical wiring, stretch the cable for the internal monastery telephone and install an old-style telephone there. What Boris Borisovich did.

During the meal, Boris looked around and wrote down all the brothers in the memory of his artificial intelligence – yesterday's alcoholics and drug addicts were neatly dressed and there was a blush on their faces. Everyone was awake and alert. Only one of them – Dmitry, as Boris later found out his name and surname from the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having compared the photograph of his face taken, was gloomy. Dmitry was out of his mind; he, the leader of the organized crime group, made a nest here. He was supposed to bring a batch of heroin to the monastery tonight, for subsequent shipment to Europe. And then this new one. Appointed as a stoker and watchman. "No matter how he was a biorobot from the cops," Dmitry thought. His gut for years of imprisonment and long "walkers" to the zone did not let him down. “Tonight, Rector Father Philip will leave on his own business in the city, in the Diocese. Monk Andrei will sleep, and Monk Sergius will pray for the whole world at night in the Temple. But this one with his sore hand was not included in my plans. there will be a day, there will be food," thought Dmitry and began to drink tea.

Boris, meanwhile, went to the library, got some books. There were Theophan the Recluse with his "Invisible Scolding", and John of the Ladder and much more. In the basement there was a trestle bed, assembled from boards, where Boris folded a stack of books. The operated arm hurt, the sutures had not yet been removed from the biotissue. According to the body sensors, everything was normal, recharging for 48 hours. Although he would have slept for a couple of hours, so as not to sleep at night, but to read and make rounds around the monastery.

It was getting dark … Boris managed to sleep for a couple of hours in his cell – no one bothered him, everyone was on obedience. It was time to go to the Temple for the obligatory common evening prayer and the fraternal rule. Which he did.

Boris stood a little ahead of everyone, crossed himself evenly, as befits a Christian, but keeping his eyes on himself from the outside. he seemed to see himself through the eyes of his brothers. He did not give out a biorobot in himself – he ate, and slept, and prayed like a man. He knew that the Higher Mind certainly exists, but dogmatically, as a human being, he still had little faith, did not feel His every second existence on Earth. His concern for him.

The evening rule came to an end, the brothers stood in a circle and, passing along it, asked for forgiveness from each other. Having left the Temple, Boris felt the ease of thinking. It was the first time in a long time. The intellectual system of the biorobot recorded the intense work of the brain at the moment of common fraternal prayer, and now the brain had a little rest, which served as some kind of joyful euphoria. It was not grace, that unknown feeling, for the sake of which Biomax 21st came to the monastery.
