У России нет национальной идеи. Идея России наднациональная. Если сказать об этой идее одним словом, то это – Добро. И это Добро глобально.
Проект по созданию сегодня в мире общества развития человека очевидно будет выступать «форточкой» из глухого тупика текущего сценария развития событий, поезд которого мчится в пропасть с бешеной скоростью. Это, безусловно, проект, который поможет реализовать позитивный выход из сложившейся глобальной ситуации.
В рамках реализации в России проекта построения общества развития человека, необходимо создать соответствующие институты, которые будут заниматься созиданием вектора позитивных изменений и разворотом движения общества в сторону данного вектора, переключением с текущей модели на новую. Здесь нужно пересматривать и переустраивать буквально все, все сферы жизни должны быть построены по-новому. Это и безопасность, и экономика, наука, культура, образование, технологии и т. д.
Каждой сфере нужен свой институт развития. Целесообразно создать также единый институт развития с функциями постановки целей, выработки единых подходов, методик, обобщения практики и обратной связи, координации и контроля. Условно такой институт можно назвать «РосРазвитие».
Для того чтобы что-то делать в этом смысле уже сейчас, создана Фабрика позитивных изменений. Это агентство по инициации, созданию и развитию различных проектов, предприятий-носителей моделей позитивного будущего, а также выработке самих таких моделей.
Фабрика приглашает к широкому сотрудничеству различные проекты, предприятия, корпорации, людей – лидеров общественного мнения, ведущих экспертов, общественных и государственных деятелей, органы государственной власти для совместного созидания позитивных изменений в обществе.
Для решения задачи построения общества позитивных изменений, общества позитивного будущего у России есть все необходимое: это и коллективистский дух, который присущ русскому народу, и практический опыт совместного строительства «всем миром» больших проектов – общественных формаций. И «русский» здесь – это не признак национальности, а прилагательное, обозначающее принадлежность к определенному типу нравственного выбора, о котором шла речь выше, – выбора, когда самоотдача в пользу блага других людей в приоритете над собственной выгодой. Это позиция, которая присуща всем людям – «человекам» и на основе которой мы и будем вместе строить «Общество Человечности»: общество глобальной ответственности, понимания, нравственности и личностного развития каждого.
Вместе мы сначала построим страну позитивных изменений, а затем и весь мир. Тем более, что другого позитивного выбора сегодня у нас нет. Россия, полный вперед!
Russia – the Country of Positive Changes. Opinion piece by Alexey Ryzhkov, a social investor and the founder of the Seven Suns Development Group and the Positive Changes Factory
DOI 10.55140/2782-5817-2022-2-2-5-12
As President Putin says, the world is now undergoing a tectonic shift of global transformation. But what is it, exactly? What is the transformation in question? What exactly is the crisis about? What has caused it and what are the solutions? What will be the exit point that needs to be implemented? The answers to these questions are vital to our entire society. Without them, we will not be able to deal successfully with current and future challenges and threats and will be forced to suffer the damages. Until we find the right answers.
In any case, this is definitely a unique period in history. It marks the end of an era and brings into focus the need to change the entire model of human living and the society as a whole, as well as all individual areas of life. Everything must be revised and readjusted, starting with the humans themselves. The old model was created around building financial gains, and the general consensus was that we needed to achieve that point as a goal, as a point of stability, a point of satisfaction the moment it is reached and thereafter. Throughout human history, we thought that generating financial gains would solve all other problems automatically, or that at least these problems would not be too hard to tackle. But now that we, as a society in general, have reached the goal enough to feel its effects, it is becoming increasingly evident that the problems actually multiply and, most importantly, that the old model fails to solve them. We can see the failure of the old model in every area of life in that it fails to address the problems faced by the society.
Together we will build positive changes, first in one country and then in the whole world.
The reason is we have hit the limits of the current phase in human and social development, while the time does not stop here; it goes on, urging us to move to the next level. The problem, however, is that the current level of our development is deeply, fundamentally different from the next phase, and those differences must be analyzed, accepted, and then brought into life. In the old model, a person could exist as a standalone object, with limited local responsibility, not building his or her own life but passively reacting to what life throws into his or her local area, adapting to the environment and the relevant circumstances. The idea was that one could build one’s own separate happiness by successfully adapting. In the new model, however, the person is a subject, a master of life, actively shaping life and taking responsibility not only for his or her local area, but also for the life of the entire society. You cannot have a healthy liver when your entire body is sick. In order for the liver to stay healthy, one needs to deal with the health of the entire body.
To turn from an object into a subject, the person should understand who he or she is and whether they are capable of effecting the change, and if so, then follow the program for change. It is necessary to develop the person rather than the things around him or her. It is a fundamentally different approach that changes life entirely. It means building everything around the development of the person, his or her qualities and competencies, building life according to a formula: "Everything that contributes to human development is good; everything that does not contribute to development or contributes to degradation is bad." It means realizing that a person’s financial gains are secondary to their personal development. There can be no devastation in a society of developed people. It also means that all the problems we have in life are the result of our underdevelopment, and it is our responsibility to fix it.
There are two fundamental positions to live by:
1. I am ok already, life is not.
2. Life is ok, I am not ok yet.
The first case is the model of developing and improving the environment around a person; the second is the model of developing oneself, and the environment changes as a result of this. We have already tried the first model and came to where we are now; we have not started acting upon the second model yet.
You can take this approach to look at the current state of different countries and parts of the world. From this point of view, the West is a civilization where the main idea is that of financial gains; the East is mainly a civilization of the spirit prevailing over physical life; the South is a civilization attempting to combine the spiritual and financial aspects of life, which, while prioritizing the former, is too focused on its own exclusivity, and is therefore unable to propose an agenda uniting the world; and finally, Russia is also a civilization that combines the spiritual and financial with a focus on the spiritual, but one that has an idea of inclusivity, not exclusivity embedded in its genes.