Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  - What orcs are not stupid, but we have not defeated them yet!

  The blue-haired girl remarked while laughing:

  - There are too many of them - they howl not by skill, but by number!

  And the girls sang in chorus:

  - The king of the elves taught in dashing battles,

  Keep the glamorous flag in glory!

  Father and brother was the king of the elves,

  The cracker shared the last with the fighters!

  And now the girls are crawling along the arc again. On the way they see three orcs. They drink something like diluted alcohol, only with a much more pungent and nasty smell. And they also smoke - they smoke like steam locomotives!

  The girl with yellow hair remarked:

  - I don"t understand, who needs this tobacco?

  The red-haired girl sang:

  - The elf king discovered America,

  A brave sailor...

  But at the same time he taught

  The whole world smoking tobacco!

  From the peace pipe

  That smoked with a jubilant leader,

  The bad habit has gone

  On a global scale!

  And the girls approached the orcs. And how they hit them in the back of the head with their bare, round, pink heels. And cut off. And then, without thinking twice, they cut their throats.

  The red-haired elf remarked:

  - One cigarette smoked shortens life by more than fifteen minutes!

  The yellow-haired elf giggled and said:

  - Considering that elves, without aging, can live for more than a thousand years, then ... The decline is not so big!

  The white-haired elf snarled.

  - Cigarettes are poison! It's true, people say - there is no worse than nicotine, a pack of cigarettes in the furnace!

  The blue-haired elf remarked:

  - And alcohol is also a very foul phenomenon!

  The girl with red hair nodded and sang:

  - If you're already drinking, then don't get drunk,

  If you're drunk, don't get caught!

  The girl with yellow hair chirped:

  - Well, if the dude died in the war,

  I drowned my conscience in heavy wine!

  Well, if the kid really resurrected,

  Got a love girl ideal!

  The girls laughed and began to stomp their bare feet much more vigorously.

  Here, a couple of orcs went behind the bushes, they wanted to do something. And the girls took it and threw blades with their bare toes. They cut the throats of orcs.

  Then they sang:

  - Love and death, good and evil,

  What is holy, what is sinful, is not destined to be understood!

  Love and death, good and evil,

  And to choose, we are given only one!

  Here the warriors of another orc took and broke his jaw first, and then his neck. Then they took the flare gun from the beast. If so, it can be used.

  The blue-haired elf chirped:

  - We have rockets, planes,

  the strongest spirit in the world of elves ...

  At the helm of the best pilots -

  The enemy will be crushed to dust and down!

  The red-haired elf added:

  Only treason and help from hell

  Might give the lousy orcs a chance...

  All traitors in the noose will find a reward,

  The gods of light love us elves!

  . CHAPTER #2

  The elf girls went around the positions of the orcs. There was a lot of barbed wire here. And barefoot beauties gnawed it with scissors. Sheared well. Then an elf with blue hair plunged the point into the groin of one of the orcs. He literally froze in pain. The warriors burst out laughing and showed tongues.

  The blood of the orcs is brown and nasty, the girls jumped back so as not to get dirty on it. Yes, it is not easy to fight with such creatures - it is even disgusting to kill them.

  The red-haired elf grunted out of place:

  - Half a year of bad weather,
